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Ashley Archer (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians)

Masters Student

Field of Study

Forestry and Natural Resources


Howell, Michigan


2018- B.S., Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Research Focus

Northern flying squirrel responses to red spruce management in the Monongahela National Forest.

Major Advisors

Dr. Elizabeth A. Flaherty, Forestry and Natural Resources

Professional Organization Membership:

The Wildlife Society, National Member

Chair of Native Peoples' Wildlife Management Working Group

American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Member

Honors, Grants, Awards and Activities:

2018- Present, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Scholarship

2nd place for best oral poster presentation, Purdue University Summer Research Opportunity Bridge Program (SROP)

2017, Udall Honorable Mention

2016, Udall Scholar