Full List of Campus-wide Institutes and Centers
Currently, there are 134 University approved institutes and centers at Purdue. Each center is developed to fill a particular need.
- The Institutes and Centers at Discovery Park District extend campus infrastructure to the entire University allowing multidisciplinary groups to come together on campus and respond to grand challenges and opportunities.
- University-Recognized Centers are large project centers or institutes, generally funded by an outside agency, are organized around a specific objective and have a natural lifespan.
- Grassroots centers or institutes vary in size and are formed from faculty initiatives; they are frequently funded by the departments.
Institutes and centers are valued and encouraged at Purdue. They create a venue for faculty to come together to solve a common goal. Additional opportunities for joint projects and funding are created as investigators interact.
Director: Lane Yahiro
The fitness center has aerobic and resistance machines that can be programmed to research protocols and capture exercise data. Also available are dumbbells, cable station, and balance equipment for researchers to train and test subjects. Fitness assessment labs house a metabolic cart, ECG, treadmill, and and other equipment to assess body composition, muscular endurance and strength, and flexibility. Trained and certified Ismail Center staff can assist researchers.
Director: Michael Heinz
Leveraging Purdue's leadership in artificial intelligence, as well as the speech, language and hearing sciences, the goal of APARC is to develop better testing methods and improve hearing health and overall well-being for people living in central Indiana and beyond.
Director: John Mott
Mission of the institute focuses on issues of critical global importance through proven leadership and expertise in aviation. The institute will promote research in multidisciplinary areas of aviation/aerospace, domestic and international policy, management and leadership, and applied engineering-technology integration with significant focus on methodological and analytical techniques.
Director: Alina Alexeenko / Elizabeth Topp
LyoHub's goal is to advance the science and technology of freeze-drying/lyophilization; the objectives are to identify and disseminate Best Practice for lyophilization equipment performance, testing and validation and to conduct applied research to advanced lyophilization processes and products.
Director: David Stanley
The mission is to help researchers quickly develop and assist industry in quickly bringing to market effective, alternative aviation/aerospace fuels and components.
Director: Ramaswamy Subramanian
Additional Contact: Natasha Nikolaidis, Center Operations Manager
Bindley Bioscience Center in Discovery Park blends life sciences and engineering research to cultivate and support innovative, multi-investigator, interdisciplinary research teams at Purdue University, and whose research and development efforts, in parallel, foster external engagement activities that promote economic development initiatives in the life sciences.
Director: Kari Clase
The mission of the center is to develop global programs to ensure sustainable access to medicines for Africa and developing nations, and to advance discovery in manufacturing technology, quality of medicines, and rare disease research.
Director: Zhihong Chen, Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director, Birck Nanotechnology Center and Professor of Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Additional Contact: Ron Reger, Engineering Manager
A Discovery Park District center that provides scientific equipment, specialized laboratories, a nanofabrication cleanroom, offices, technical staff, and administrative support for nanotechnology research.
Director: Lynn Bryan
The center's mission is to research, develop, and implement exemplary programs in mathematics and science, develop effective instructional materials and strategies, and disseminate information related to the improvement of education in mathematics and science.
Director: Katie Brownell
CAPT promotes the study of American political history and its intersections with modern communications technology with a goal of utilizing the best insights of the humanities and social sciences to advance a better understanding of the past, present, and future of media, public discourse, and American democracy in the information age.
Director: R. Graham Cooks
The intent of the Center is to bring together scientists and engineers interested in large scale projects involving innovation and development of analytical instrumentation, as well as its commercialization.
Director: Candace Croney
The mission of the center is to facilitate the well-being of animals through interdisciplinary discovery. learning and engagement. The center will identify welfare challenges, approaches to alleviate them, and education to advance socially responsible decision-making on animal care, management and policy.
Director: Kaushik Roy
Additional Contact: Anand Raghunathan, Associate Director
C-BRIC's mission is to deliver key advances in cognitive computing, with the goal of enabling a new generation of autonomous intelligent systems such as self-flying drones and interactive personal robots. C-BRIC will co-develop the next generation neuro-inspired algorithms and theory, neuromorphic computing fabrics and distributed intelligence.
Director: Robert X Browning
Additional Contact: Andrea Langrish, Managing Director
The mission of CCSE is to develop and enhance research and engagement activities using the C-SPAN Video Library and to demonstrate to scholars from a wide range of fields at Purdue and around the country how to use the C-SPAN Video Library in course instruction, and research. The C-SPAN Video Library is a multimethodological research resource with searchable, downloadable data available in video, audio, and text formats.
Director: Sean Rotar
CCED is the community outreach arm of our Landscape Architecture Program whose mission is to facilitate improvement in the quality of the physical environment through research, design and education related to community and environmental design and development.
Director: Jerome Adams
Our mission is to leverage Purdue University's rich tapestry of public health expertise and resources through collaborative efforts which will support local health departments, enhance local public health capacity, and elevate community health outcomes.
Our vision is to enable Purdue to become a collaborative, transformational, and interdisciplinary leader in Health Equity by leveraging its unique assets to address health disparities and improve health outcomes across Indiana and beyond.
Director: Gert J. Breur
The center mission is to facilitate, coordinate and stimulate comparative translational discovery, learning, and engagement efforts within the College od Veterinary Medicine and Purdue University.
Director: Maureen McCann
The center will maximize the energy and carbon efficiencies of biofuel production by the rational and synergistic design of physical and chemical conversion processes and the biomass itself.
Director: David J. Purpura
Additional Contact: Terry Bean
The Center for Early Learning focuses on research, practice, and policy pertaining to early childhood education.
Director: Dongyan Xu
Additional Contact: Joel Rasmus, Managing Director
To advance the knowledge and practice of information assurance and security through world-class research, the highest quality education, and by serving as an unbiased source of information.
Director: Eileen Luke
CERIS operates and maintains four projects - NPIRS, NAPIS, NPDN, and EXCERPT. These projects are collection of databases, applications, and web sites on pesticide registrations, pest surveys, plant diagnostics, and export regulations and serve as useful tools in aiding agricultural extension services, agricultural regulatory activities, plant bio-security, and agricultural exports.
Director: Melissa Franks
The Center for Families harnesses the power of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends to improve our quality of life. They increase and enhance collaboration among academic disciplines, professionals, policymakers, corporations, and community organizations to build a better world for all families.
Director: Lisa J. Mauer
The Center for Food Safety Engineering is a 5 School multidisciplinary effort that focuses on developing detection technology and control measures for foodborne pathogens.
Director: Bryan Pijanowski
Mission of the center is to promote research, education and engagement activities related to soundscapes, especially their preservation.
Director: Sandra S. Liu
The mission of the center is managing urbanism to match its science. The CGUS-ESHAUS emphasizes translation of scientific discoveries by empirical applications for sustainable green living as a lifestyle.
Director: Jim Braun, Herrick Professor of Engineering
The CHPB is dedicated to partnering with industry in the development, demonstration, evaluation, and deployment of new technologies and analysis tools for high performance buildings. CHPB is a multi-disciplinary effort involving researchers from Mechanical, Civil (Architectural), Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Psychological Sciences. The team has the expertise and unique facilities to consider a wide range of applications related to engineered environments that address numerous important issues in indoor environmental quality, human comfort and productivity, comfort delivery systems, building envelopes, lighting, equipment efficiency and reliability, environmental impact, controls, automation, etc.
Director: Pedro Irazoqui
Mission of the center is to maximize the clinical impact of the centers work by closely working with clinicians and industrial partners to guide research activities.
Director: Fabio Ribeiro
CISTAR's vision is to create a transformative engineering system to convert light hydrocarbons from shale resources to chemicals and transportation fuels in smaller modular, local, and highly networked processing plants.
Director: Daniel DeLaurentis
The Center seeks to address challenges encountered in managing, integrating, and developing complex systems (vehicles, platforms, humans)and information management for collaboration in systems-of-systems (e.g., missile defense, transportation, network-enabled architectures).
The center objective is to accomplish the rigorous characterization and associated models of transient thermal/power behavior of critical components. The mission is to deliver validated models of varying levels of fidelity for component and system engineering specific to military power systems
Director: Michael A. Brzezinski
Intentional development of interpersonal and professional intercultural competence in Purdue students in partnership with the faculty, staff and community members who support student curricular and co-curricular learning.
Director: Christy Wessel-Powell
The newly relaunched Center for Literacy and Language Education and Research (CL2EAR) commits to enhancing the overall quality of literacy and language instruction for PK-12 students through its research, policy transformation, and high-quality teacher development. As part of the Purdue University College of Education, the Center “advances sustainable and inclusive learning communities through high-impact scholarship, inspirational teaching, vision-driven service, and collaborative community engagement†specific to literacy and language education (from the College of Education strategic plan Mission, 2021).
Director: Srinivasan (Chandy) Chandrasekar
The Center conducts research and development activities in Advanced Manufacturing, Nanostructured Materials for Structural and Mechanical Applications, Micro-Systems and Friction and Wear Phenomena.
Director: Ahmed Hassanein
The Center for Materials Under Extreme Environments (CMUXE) is created to study the interactions of high-intensity, modulated energy beams: electromagnetic radiation, plasma, electrons, ions and other particle sources i.e. HEIGHTS simulation package and state of the art experimental devices that include intense particle and laser beams with different characteristics.
Director: Rodrigo Salgado and Monica Prezzi
Mission of the center is to partner with the energy industry and government to solve the industry's most challenging engineering problems through interdisciplinary research with the highest level of rigor and help educate engineers involved in energy infrastructure development, operation and maintenance.
Director: Richard Borgens
The Center for Paralysis Research was founded to both develop and test promising methods of treatment for spinal cord injuries, stroke and head trauma. The center is dedicated to research new treatments and to intervene in acute injuries.
Director: Carl Wassgren
The center will be a world leading research center for the manufacture of particulate products including foods, consumer goods, specialty chemicals, agricultural chemicals, pharmacuetical and energetic materials.
Director: Clint Chapple
To enhance graduate training in the basic plant sciences and to support the research of participating members through collaboration, mentoring, and discussion.
Director: Gerhard Klimeck
Additional Contact: Lynn Zentner, Managing Director
The mission of the center is to develop unique software and computational modeling capabilities that will revolutionize the design of products, devices and systems.
Director: Mitchell Springer
The mission of ProSTAR is to fulfill the Purdue University, Polytechnic Institute's role as a statewide institution and entity of a land grant university to provide education and engagement in applied research for business and industry. ProSTAR, in collaboration with academic entities, provides fully accredited degrees, certificates, courses, and workshops to professionals in industry at the local, state, regional, national and international levels. ProSTAR actively pursues the scholarship of Professional STEM-based Education, it pursues industry-based engagement in applied research, delivers programs through 100% distance, distance-hybrid, on-site, or a combination utilizing applicable industry-specific education mediums. ProSTAR administers academic programs premised on use-inspired basic and pure applied research.
Director: Jason T. Harris
Additional Contact: Robert Bean, Associate Director
CRANS will engender opportunities to establish deeper and more effective partnerships between academia, government, and industry to address formidable challenges in the field of nuclear security.
Director: Lionel J. "Bo" Beaulieu
To support regional and multi-jurisdictional approaches to problem solving throughout Indiana via applied research and education and by convening and nurturing dialogue and action.
Director: Jennifer Elaine Smith / Jasmine Begeske
The mission of CREATE is to promote accessibility and inclusion in education through innovative and effective interventions and research. CREATE is an Assistive Technology (AT) library and makerspace for individualizing and creating the next generation of AT interventions.
Director: Jessica Huber / Sebastien Heile
CEREBBRAL will leverage strong collaborations between basic and applied scientists to answer big questions about how to improve quality of life, not just extend it, and how to predict disease- and aging-related declines in people with neurological diseases, particularly those that occur in older adults.
Director: Valeria Chapman
The Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion aims to support and highlight the excellent scholarly work on diversity and inclusion happening in the College of Liberal Arts and across the University. CRDI also fosters and facilitates more such innovative research, pushing into new areas looking at old questions in new ways.
CREEDD is devoted to: the preparation and execution of quantitative post-disaster field reconnaissance and data collection; the curation, preservation and dissemination of disaster data; and experimental and theoretical research in the areas of geotechnical and structural engineering related to earthquake engineering.
Director: Saurabh Bagchi
CRISP provides scientific methods to analyze the failure modes of a variety of critical infrastructures and provides engineering tools to systematically incorporate resilience. The Center will develop techniques that apply broadly across multiple domains to complement existing domain-specific techniques. Initial focus areas will be resilient and adaptive cyberinfrastructure, resilient cyber-physical systems, and the scientific foundations of resilient socio-technical systems.
Director: Andrew P. Tarko
CRS conducts research studies of motor vehicle safety including problem identification, intervention analysis, program outcome assessment, and evaluation of emerging technologies for data collection and management. CRS has been awarded grants from the Federal Highway Administration, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, the Indiana Department of Transportation, and other public and private organizations.
Director: Haiyan Henry Zhang
The Center for Technology Development aims to use advance technology development through innovation in applied research and engineering and provide a close linkage between discovery and cost-effective product driven industry needs.
Director: Alan M. Beck
The center was established to study the human-animal relationship and to communicate its findings to scientists and public. It fosters interdisciplinary activities in Purdue University.
Director: Howard Adler
The Center For The Study Of Lodging Operations provides information relating to lodging operations in all venues, including hotels, timeshares, resorts, casinos, cruise ships, assisted living properties, and bed and breakfast operations.
Our Focus:
Provide quality research information related to the lodging field hotels, resorts, time-shares, casinos, cruise ships, assisted living properties, and bed and breakfast properties.
Director: Gary W. Bennett
Develops research, teaching and extension programs that focus on the protection of health, property and food supplies.
Director: Sandra Amass San Miguel and Kauline Cipriani Davi
The mission of the center is to provide educational and assessment resources that advance diversity and inclusion in the veterinary profession.
Director: Yung C. Shin
The mission of the Center is to become a focal point for developing critical or novel technologies in laser-based manufacturing and materials processing, and help private companies in the state of Indiana and surrounding regions to implement new laser applications by transferring developed technologies and pursuing commercialization.
Director: Kenneth F. Ferraro
CALC supports research and graduate education on aging and the life course, with emphasis on longitudinal methods and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Director: Fenggang Yang
Additional Contact: Chris White
The Center on Religion and the Global East (CRGE) at Purdue University is dedicated to advancing the social scientific study of religion in East Asian societies, East Asian diasporas, and religions originated in East Asia that are spread around the world. CRGE evolved from the former Center for Religion and Chinese Society.
Director: Ayman Habib
CE-CAUSE will provide ground-breaking, integrated hardware and software systems to solve a wide range of problems associated with the three-dimensional documentation, monitoring, and evaluation of Civil Engineering Physical and Environmental Infrastructure.
Director: R. Byron Pipes
The cdmHUB will advance composite material certification by analysis and increase the number and use of simulation tools by an order of magnitude.
Director: R. Byron Pipes, John L. Bray Distinguished Profess
CMSC conducts research and technology development in the fields of composites manufacturing and simulation with the goal of using advanced simulations to replace experimentation for the design and manufacture of composite products. The CMSC will host the Design, Modeling and Simulation Technology Area of the Department of Energy-supported Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), a public-private partnership that engages industry, research institutions and state partners to accelerate the development and adoption of cutting-edge and cost-effective manufacturing technologies for polymer composites.
Director: Justin A. Weibel
A National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center investigating compact, high-performance cooling technologies
Director: Corey K Gerber
The Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center is designed to provide a real world environment where agriculturists can sharpen their crop problem troubleshooting skills and evaluate new and alternative crop and pest management strategies.
Director: Rodolfo Pinal
Industry-University research collaboration focused on making an interdisciplinary, basic science approach, the foundation of graduate pharmaceutical education for the formulation and manufacture of pharmaceutical products
Director: Stephan Biller
The center's mission is to promote and enhance manufacturing management and global supply chain management (GSCMI) via learning/education, discovery/research, and industry/firm engagement.
Director: Nate Hartman
The Center promotes PLM and digital enterprise as a methodology and practice, and promotes the evolution and use of model-based digital product data.
Director: Michael Witt
To investigate and resolve curation issues of facilitating access to, preservation of, and archiving for data and data sets in complex and distributed environments.
Director: Laurent Couetil
The goals of the ESMC are to pioneer leading-edge research in the area of equine sports medicine, to provide training to future equine veterinarians, to offer continuing education to Indiana veterinarians and horsemen, and to diagnose and treat causes of decreased performance in horses.
Director: Wilella Burgess
ELRC will conduct original research and evaluation pushing the boundaries of our understanding of education and educational best practice while supporting research, education, and engagement projects through expertise in educational theory, research methodology, evaluation, and project management, and partnering with both internal and external stakeholders to enhance accountability, visibility, and reputation.
The mission of the Gifted Education Resource Institute (http://www.purdue.edu/geri) at Purdue University is to promote the holistic development of talented P-16 students. To accomplish this mission, Institute associates *Conduct talent development research *Train professionals from all nations of the world to promote the development of individuals who have gifts and talents *Provide services to talented children and the families
Director: Channing Arndt
The Global Trade Analysis Project is coordinated by the Center for Global Trade Analysis, which was founded in 1992 by Professor Thomas W. Hertel and is housed in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. GTAP is a publicly funded, global network of researchers and policy makers conducting quantitative analysis of international policy issues with the goal of improving the quality of quantitative analysis of global economic issues within an economy-wide framework through the development of analytical data bases, economics models, innovative methodologies, and education.
Director: Timothy D. Ropp
The mission of HOF is research, development and deployment of Aerospace and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) technology innovations in air transportation operations. Working collaboratively with Schools and Departments around the university, the Center will produce human-friendly technology solutions to the Aerospace and MRO industry's most urgent needs, focused around: Operational process/production real time status and visualization; Tracking and authentication of high value parts; Real time operational safety/hazard alerting and control; and Layered, adaptive, amplified technical task data on-demand at the point of operation.
Director: Douglass Jacobs
The center develops genetic, molecular, and tissue culture technologies and forest and nursery management guidelines for improvement of central hardwood forest productivity.
Director: Jeffrey Rhoads
Additional Contact: Maralee Hayworth, Managing Director
The Laboratories, established in 1958, is an institution dedicated to graduate education and engineering research with emphasis on technology transfer to industry. The three main research areas are: Thermal Systems, Noise and Vibration Control, and Electromechanical Systems.
Director: Christopher W. Clifton
ICDS takes an interdisciplinary approach to solving practical problems in a wide variety of database systems and their applications. Several large-scale, multi-year efforts bring research from ICDS and elsewhere to bear on real-world problems giving students training in database development techniques in a much greater depth than is possible in the classroom.
Director: Linda S. Prokopy
Additional Contact: Laura A. Esman
The IWRRC mission is to coordinate the resources of Indiana's universities, state agencies, and industries to resolve problems associated with water resources management, use, and preservation of quality.
Director: Rick Mattes
The Ingestive Behavior Research Center promotes the integrative, cross-disciplinary study of ingestion, emphasizing thorough analyses of feeding behavior in human and laboratory animal models. These analyses rely on rigorous assessments of the genetic, physiological, nutritional, neural, developmental and environmental determinants of feeding and feeding-related disorders.
Director: Monica Cardella
INSPIRE is a synergistic P-12 Engineering research and learning institute established to help educators investigate how students learn and to instill a desire in students to study engineering from elementary through high school. The goal is to increase the numbers and diversity of students majoring in engineering disciplines at the university level.
Director: Matthew Huber
Purdue University's Institute for a Sustainable Future fosters and promotes research, partnerships, and engagement in areas including the environment, climate, food-energy-water security, and sustainability. The complex, multi-factor, and pressing nature of the challenges and opportunities in these areas requires a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach. This Institute supports the research and development needed to provide viable solutions by connecting faculty and researchers and by forging linkages between disciplines and communities within Purdue and beyond. In this way, the Institute aligns with Purdue's Land Grant Mission of building human capital, advancing research focused on our world's most important problems and engaging deeply with our partners.
Director: Shaoshuai Mou and Shreyas Sundaram
The Institute for Control, Optimization and Networks (ICON) at Purdue University aims to integrate diverse expertise in classical theories in control, optimization and networks with recent advance in AI, machine learning and data science to pursue innovative solutions to grand challenges in autonomous and connected systems including robotics, autonomous vehicles, precision agriculture, space autonomy, manufacturing plants, transportation networks, supply chains, healthcare systems, power and communication systems, and social networks. In particular, ICON brings together researchers from across Purdue to: Establish foundational knowledge and develop advanced techniques for controlling and optimizing complex dynamical systems; Offer customizable curricula and leverage diverse delivery approaches to meet emerging educational needs; Collaborate with industry, governmental agencies, and national labs to tackle national and global priorities.
Director: Dennis Buckmaster
Additional Contact: Bill Bogan, Managing Director
The Institute for Digital and Advanced Agricultural Systems serves as a hub and catalyst to connect efforts and share resources that build community while effectively communicating Purdue's leadership in integrated data-driven systems. The IDAAS drives research, technological advancement, workforce development, and adoption throughout the entire agriculture value chain. It provides a central hub for interdisciplinary collaboration in research, teaching, and extension related to fields such as digital agriculture and agricultural applications of AI.
Director: Dan DeLaurentis
Additional Contact: Mary Ann Bobillo, Operations Manager
The I-GSDI will help Purdue become the preeminent university in security and defense innovation by converging and catalyzing Purdue's interdisciplinary resources to bring responsive and transformative solutions to the most pressing security and defense challenges facing the nation and the world.
Director: Mitch Tuinstra
IPS brings together multidisciplinary research and education to move discoveries from the bench to application and commercialization; its mission is to be a global leader in delivering innovation, technology, and the human capacity necessary to help farming operations of all sizes produce food, fuel, and fiber more efficiently.
Director: Stephen Elliott
The mission for the center is to provide new and innovative solutions for improving biometric sensor and algorithm performance. This will be accomplished by continuing development of the Human Biometric Sensor Interaction model in mobile frameworks, testing and evaluating biometric products for industry and government agencies, developing standards for the use of these technologies throughout the world, and developing innovative performance metrics.
Director: Suzanne Nielsen and Bruce Hamaker
Additional Contact: Betty Bugusu, Managing Director
The mission of the Center is to become a global leader by increasing food availability and expand markets for local food crops by reducing raw commodity losses and developing high-value, market competitive processed products.
Director: Phillip J. VanFossen
The Center focus is on providing programs, institutes, activities and resources for educators to implement more powerful citizenship programs and opportunities that result in active student involvement in schools and communities.
Director: Monica Allain
The Indo-US Joint Networked Centre focuses on the discovery and development of nanomaterials with application to energy technologies. The overarching objective is to provide new synergy between efforts in India and the US whereby partners with complementary expertise and interests will be addressing global energy challenges particularly to renewable and sustainable approaches.
Director: Sabine Brunswicker
The goal for the center is to build a sustainable, special relationship between Purdue University and Tsinghua University on education, research and engagement in the general field of open innovation
Director: Darcy M. Bullock
Additional Contact: Deborah Horton, Managing Director
The Joint Transportation Research Program facilitates collaboration between the Indiana Department of Transportation, higher education institutions and industry to implement innovations that result in continuous improvement in the planning, design, construction, operation, management and economic efficiency of the Indiana transportation infrastructure.
Director: Mohit Tawarmalani
The mission of the Krenicki Center for Business Analytics and Machine Learning is to enhance research and dissemination of state-of-the-art information technologies and analytical techniques to utilize the vast amounts of data available today in order to deliver actionable insights into business decision making.
Director: Melba Crawford
A multidisciplinary research laboratory established in 1966 and internationally known for research efforts relating to remote sensing and geographic information systems. Brief history at: http://www.lars.purdue.edu/home/LARSHistory.html
Director: Michael R. Ladisch
The Laboratory of Renewable Resource Engineering carries out multi-disciplinary research and fundamental discovery in bioenergy, bioprocessing, bionanotechnology, bioproducts, and biorecovery.
Director: Ed Berger / Jennifer DeBoer
Our vision is to be the world's most student-centric, mechanical engineering education research and transition organization, leveraging our deep expertise in both mechanical engineering and engineering education to cultivate the best mechanical engineers who graduate and live engaged, productive lives, adding value to both their employers and their communities.
Director: Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth
MFRI seeks to support military members, veterans and their families through a combination of evidence-informed research and community outreach across the nation.
Director: Srinivas Peeta
Additional Contact: Carl Huetteman, Interim Managing Director
NEXTRANS is an interdisciplinary transportation center that seeks to foster a new generation of paradigms and a highly qualified workforce that can develop innovative and integrated solutions for mobility, safety, and infrastructure renewal with a special emphasis on intermodal freight transportation and logistics to address regional needs and economic opportunities. It is the U.S. Department of Transportation's Region V Regional University Transportation Center (UTC). In this capacity, it will enable the coordination of transportation research, education, and technology transfer programs with regional needs and initiatives.
Director: Gerhard Klimeck
Additional Contact: Lynn Zentner, Managing Director
The Network for Computational Nanotechnology supports the National Nanotechnology Initiative by designing, constructing, deploying, and operating a national cyber-resource for nanotechnology theory, modeling, and simulation. Its mission is embodied in nanoHUB.org.
Director: James Krogmeier
Additional Contact: Dennis Buckmaster
OATS will capitalize on the catalyzing effect of open source technologies to enhance agricultural innovation and education in areas such as sensing, control, logistics, and data management.
Director: William Crossley
The mission of PEGASAS is to enhance general aviation safety, accessibility, and sustainability by partnering the FAA with a national network of world-class researchers, educators and industry leaders.
Director: Shimon Y. Nof
The PRISM Center's general purpose is the investigation, development, and experimentation of how to apply computer intelligence and decision technologies to most effectively improve the performance and quality of industrial systems. Current focus: Collaborative e-Work, e-Service, Collaborative Control Theory.
PGRN (Purdue Global Research Network) integrates affiliated labs worldwide.
Director: Ed Morrison
The mission of PASL will be to operate as a virtual lab to design and deliver new approaches to understanding and practicing strategy in open, loosely connected networks. The intention is to transform curricula, accelerate multidisciplinary collaborations of researchers, and strengthen the university's engagement activities with companies, government agencies, and civic organizations.
Additional Contact: Kate Kester, Administrative Asst.
Conduct interdisciplinary basic, behavioral, and clinical research; train the next generation of autism researchers and clinicians; share findings and services to enhance the lives of individuals with ASD and their families.
Director: Gebisa Ejeta
Additional Contact: Gary Burniske, Managing Director
The mission of PCGFS is to advance the food security agenda through educational, research, and policy advocacy programming, by engaging faculty and students across the university towards the eventual goal of feeding humanity sustainably in the 21st century and beyond.
Director: Kevin Trumble
PCMC conducts interdisciplinary research and education programs to advance commercial metal casting practice and develop new commercial solidification processes. The Center couples a broad spectrum of experimental capabilities with advanced computational modeling of microstructure development during solidification. Strong emphasis is placed on the education of students and industry partners.
Director: Anita Dale
Provide high quality instruction in the area of selling and sales management and to promote selling and sales management as a professional career through leadership, scholarship and involvement
Director: Milind Kulkarni, Co-Director
Additional Contact: Tiark Rompf, Co-Director
The goal is to partner with researchers to deploy programming language techniques to deliver unique, transformative capabilities to address global challenges, and to establish Purdue as an intellectual leader in this important. space.
Director: Wojciech Szpankowski
Additional Contact: Bob Brown, Managing Director
The Purdue Institute for the Science of Information advances a comprehensive science of information, offering a wealth of societal benefits in diverse engineering, scientific, and social applications. We integrate research and teaching activities that investigate information from all angles: from the fundamental theoretical underpinnings of information to the science and engineering of novel substrates, biological networks, chemistry, communication networks, economics, physics, and complex social systems.
Director: William Watson
To provide support for implementing, designing and developing serious games and virtual environments for learning; to encourage collaboration across Purdue and with K-12 schools, and to establish a foundation for securing funding and conducting research at Purdue on the use of serious games and virtual learning environments in education.
Director: Michael Manfra
The center will focus on emergent phenomena brought about by unusual topology in condensed matter systems. The mission is to foster internal collaboration focused on elucidating the role of topology in condensed matter systems, to provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of the latest developments in condensed matter physics and provide a crucial link to the larger research community outside of Purdue, and to leverage existing strengths at Purdue to compete nationally for large-scale funding opportunities
Director: Stephen Beaudoin
PERC's mission is to enhance the effort of Purdue's world-leading energetic materials faculty, staff and students, working in Purdue's unique facilities at Zucrow and Herrick labs, to meet the urgent societal need to fabricate, test, detect, deploy, and defeat next-generation energetic materials.
Director: Eric Dietz
Aggressively grow interdisciplinary research to develop future leaders and inform policy that will enhance Homeland Defense and Security.
Director: Zhong-Yin Zhang
Additional Contact: Karson Putt, Managing Director
The Center for Drug Discovery focuses on improving the quality of life for people around the world by engaging in the discovery of new drugs across disciplines and institutions, translating basic research into clinical applications, educating the next generation of researchers in drug discovery and commercializing innovations for the marketplace.
Director: Chris Rochet
The center spans 25 departments across six colleges at Purdue engaging in neuroscience-related research in four target research ares: Development, Genetics & Neuropharmacology; Neurotrauma and Neuropathology; Aging and Neurodegeneration; and Neuroengineering.
Director: Richard Kuhn
Additional Contact: Tommy Sors, Assistant Director
PI4D strives to invent and integrate basic immunologic advances and new diagnostics, probe basic biological and inflammatory processes, and to develop and commercialize novel intervention methods to control an array of chronic inflammatory conditions, cancer and infectious diseases.
Director: Stacey Connaughton
Additional Contact: Krista Kelley, Operations Manager
Through interdisciplinary research, data-driven policy analysis, education, and outreach, PPRI's mission is to bridge the gaps in understanding among the academic and policy-making communities and the public, and position PPRI to be a great resource for our state, nation, and the world.
Director: Yong Chen
Additional Contact: David Stewart
The Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute was established at Purdue University in order to foster the development of practical and impactful aspects of quantum science. The Institute focuses on discovering and studying new materials and basic physical quantum systems that will be best suited for integration into tomorrow's technology. It encourages interdisciplinary collaboration leading to the design and realization of industry-friendly quantum devices with enhanced functionality and performance close to the fundamental limits in order to produce systems based on these devices that will impact a vast community of users. Finally, we work to train the next generation of quantum scientists and engineers in order to meet the growing quantum workforce demands.
The mission of this center is to leverage the existing strengths of the many colleges within Purdue that foster robotics expertise to achieve greater international acclaim, greater scholarly success, greater student achievement, and greater commercial impact in the areas of co-robots (robots that work symbiotically with humans), for healthcare, manufacturing and agriculture.
Director: Liping A. Cai
The center serves communities, tourism organizations, and businesses with practical and up-to-date expertise and skills. It also assists in advancing the discipline of tourism and hospitality through basic and applied research dealing with issues at both local and global levels.
Director: Timothy L. Ratliff
The center is committed to helping cancer patients by identifying new molecular targets and designing new agents and drugs for effectively detecting and treating cancer. We are committed to the elimination of cancer as a cause of suffering and death.
Director: J. Paul Robinson
The Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories (PUCL) is a state-of-the-art laboratory focused on advanced Cytomics including biological imaging, bioengineering & biotechnology.
Director: David S. Ebert
PURVAC performs fundamental and applied research in visual representations of complex, time-varying, heterogeneous data to enable visual analysis, decision making, and rapid action, addressing key research needs for homeland security, emergency management and response, healthcare management and monitoring, mobile analytics, and scientific discovery.
Director: Kevin Mumford
The mission is to support and encourage basic empirical research in economics at Purdue directed toward policy problems
Director: Randy Hountz (Interim Director)
Additional Contact: Allison Bryan Jungels (Operations Manager)
The Center focuses on applying the principles of engineering, management and science to improve healthcare delivery.
Director: Sabine Brunswicker
Additional Contact: Maria Whipple, Assistant Manager
The center will investigate and answer fundamental questions related to the principles, practices, policies and infrastructures that determine the social and technical dimensions of this complex innovation system. The research will establish both empirical evidence and theoretical explanations that will both illuminate and shape Open Digital Innovation.
Director: Guillermo Paniagua, Nicole Key, Timothée L. Pourpoint
The Rolls-Royce Purdue University Technology Partnership (UTP) develops technologies to advance gas turbine propulsion systems. The UTP includes three University Technology Centers: the Small Core Turbine Research Center directed by Guillermo Paniagua, the Small Core Compressor Research Center directed by Nicole Key, and the Center for Advanced Thermal Management directed by Timothée L. Pourpoint.
Director: Laura Theademan
The Rosen Center for Advanced Computing is an interdisciplinary, high- performance scientific and information visualization facility to support research and teaching at Purdue University. This Center's resources and staff are available to faculty and staff who have a need for scientific and information visualization services and to collaborate on research proposals that have a perceptualization component. facility allows Purdue the opportunity to advance the scientific fields of visualization and perceptualization through research and development of computer graphics hardware and software.
Director: Douglas J. Gotham
SUFG forecasts electricity consumption, prices, and new resource needs for Indiana in addition to examining the impacts of various issues on the electricity industry. It also produces an annual study of renewable resources for the Indiana General Assembly and performs analyses involving Indiana's various energy industries, including electricity, natural gas, and coal.
Director: Robert J. Connor
The mission of S-BRITE is to become the leading education, training, research, and engineering center related to all aspects of affecting the existing aging steel bridge inventory.
Director: Mangala Subramaniam
The mission of the center is to develop leadership capacity, especially in women, through research, education and collaborations that help advance inclusion and broaden representation in academic administration
Director: Atsushi Fukada
The Center is committed to research in problems in language learning and development of technology-based solutions to the problems. It is also committed to disseminating and sharing research results and developed products through a variety of channels for the betterment of the field of foreign language education.
Director: Mark Daniel Ward
Summary: Data is the most valuable resource on Earth. At Purdue, we are exploring how we analyze it, how we find meaning in it—and how we use it responsibly. The Data Mine is an interdisciplinary living-learning community open to students from every college, program and major across Purdue's campus. Working alongside corporate industry leaders, faculty and mentors, The Data Mine prepares students to solve today's toughest challenges while planning for the jobs of tomorrow.
Director: Daniel Schiff and Kaylyn Jackson Schiff
The Governance and Responsible AI Lab (GRAIL) supports research on the social, ethical, and governance implications of artificial intelligence and other emerging or impactful technologies. GRAIL brings together faculty, students, and partners interested in collaborative research, sharing ideas across disciplines and sectors, and producing rigorous and impactful, policy-relevant work on the topic of AI.
Director: Trent Mize / Kristine Marceau / James McCann / Sharon Christ
MCAP is an interdisciplinary community increasing methodological rigor to advance health and social science knowledge. We serve as a translational entity between methodologists and applied health and social science researchers through collaboration, instruction, and research. We embrace the importance of inclusivity in methodology where all methods from all disciplines are valued.
Director: Michael Kreger
The mission of the center is to facilitate collaboration between researchers and educators on earthquake engineering in the form of joint research, faculty and student exchange and education activities.
Director: Bruce R. Hamaker
In partnership with industrial sponsors, the Center searches for understandings of structure-function relationships of starched hydrocolloids, and low-molecular-weight carbohydrates through application of leading-edge technology.
Director: Dorothy Teegarden
Additional Contact: Luanne Bermel, Managing Director
This institute will help improve the health of women globally through research and training.