Research Cores
Click on one of the buttons below to show only the Cores in that area
A.H. Ismail Center
The fitness center has aerobic and resistance machines that can be programmed to research protocols and capture exercise data. Also available are dumbbells, cable station, and balance equipment for researchers to train and test subjects. Fitness assessment labs house a metabolic cart, ECG, treadmill, and other equipment to assess body composition, muscular endurance & strength, and flexibility. Trained and certified Ismail Center staff can assist researchers.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Lane M. Yahiro
Agronomy Center of Research and Education
field research on agronomic crops, soils, earth and plant imaging; solar agro-electric farming; agricultural robotics; field phenotyping or agronomic row crops
Recharge? Yes (Yes, depending on project)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Yes, if collaborating with Purdue University)
Jim Beaty
Amy Instrumentation Facility
The Jonathan Amy Facility for Chemical Instrumentation (JAFCI) is dedicated to the fusion of engineering expertise with the quest for scientific knowledge to further research and instructional efforts in the Department of Chemistry and School of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University. Our team of scientists and engineers provide assistance in the design / construction of specialized instrumentation not commercially available along with repair / modification of commercial systems.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Dr. Michael Everly
Animal Sciences Research and Education Center
The mission of the Animal Sciences Research and Education Center (ASREC) is to provide animals, facilities, technical assistance and labor to conduct research, provide instruction, and assist in extension educational activities. Research trials vary from basic to applied and involve many disciplines -- nutrition, physiology, behavior, genetics, reproduction, animal health, and product quality. Faculty utilize the Research and Education Center to facilitate teaching several Animal Sciences courses and to help provide hands-on experience for students. Some Extension education activities are held at the center.
Location: 5675 W. 600 N., West Lafayette, IN
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Craig Williams
Arthur Fungarium and Kriebel Herbarium
An Herbarium is a collection of carefully preserved plant and/or fungal specimens; a Fungarium is a collection of carefully preserved fungal specimens. The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University houses two herbaria of immense historical and scientific value. The Arthur Fungarium (herbarium acronym PUR) is the largest specialized Fungarium, containing the most important collection of plant rust fungi (order Pucciniales), in the world. The Kriebel Herbarium (acronym PUL) contains non-rust fungi, vascular plants, lichens, algae and bryophytes, and is the oldest herbarium in the state of Indiana. Together the collections contain close to 250,000 specimens dating as far back as 1769 and gathered from across the globe. The collections are an important global resource for scientists and researchers in the fields of botany, mycology, plant pathology, forestry and biology. PUR and PUL arrange for loans of material to other herbaria and researchers around the world, accept material for deposition to voucher scientific studies, and serve as a resource for identifying rust fungi and their host plants from around the world.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
M. Catherine Aime
Bioinformatics and Discovery Systems Lab
The lab is used to carry out common genomic biotechnology methods in collaboration w/ other groups on campus, as well as develop new methods for detecting DNA biomarkers and developing innovative information management systems in support of genomics research. The lab is equipped with a DNA microarray spotter, and DNA microarray scanner, most often used for gene expression studies.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Michael Kane
Bioinformatics Core
Facilitate, amplify, and accelerate biological research and discovery through application of bioinformatics. Deliver high quality analysis and consultation in a timely and economical manner. Support workshops and learning activities. Support computational resources.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jyothi Thimmapuram
Biomolecular Cleanroom
2,500 Sq. ft. Bio-Nanotechnology Integration Laboratory
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Guy Telesnicki
Birck Nanotechnology Center BioNanotechnology Laboratories (BNC-BNL)
BNC-BNL is located at the Birck Nanotechnology center. It provides researchers a place where they can take their drug delivery (e.g. BioMEMS/NEMS or Biosensor) device or nanoparticle-driven from idea stage to a viable prototype to invitro testing and basic sterility testing. A CTSI core facility.
Location: Birck Nano
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Steve Jurss
Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development
Develop the next generation of analytical instrumentation for chemistry, life science and point-of-need applications in medicine, industry, and public safety. Expand participation to other regional institutions. Prominent among these instrumental methods is the application of mass spectrometry to problems of national and world interest and the miniaturization of mass spectrometry to further those aims.
Recharge? Yes (Yes, for specialty prototype instruments)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Brandy McMasters
Center for Comparative Translational Research (CTR)
The CTR deploys a cluster of core laboratories in the College of Veterinary Medicine to support biomedical research. The laboratories are the Pre-Clinical Research Laboratory, the Histology Research Laboratory, and the Veterinary Clinical Trials Support Service. These laboratories support both human and animal translational research for investigators in various academic departments on campus, in Discovery Park, and in the private-sector. CTR also provides opportunities for graduate, undergraduate and professional students with an interest in comparative biomedical research. The CTR component laboratories are all core facilities for the Indiana Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI).
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Gert Breur
Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems
The Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS) is a recognized center at Purdue University providing agricultural information resource technologies and applications in the form of searchable databases with web interfaces, collaborative web sites with updating, and dynamic map resources of pest survey and plant diagnostic data. Its content focuses on pest survey data, plant diagnostic data and pesticides and has collaborated with key federal and state agencies along with industry, extension and Purdue faculty. CERIS has worked extensively with Entomology and Plant Pathology faculty in creating the Purdue Plant Doctor series for both iOS and Android devices and provided the software support for the Isee App under the direction of a faculty member in Agronomy. Most recently, the BoilerApps program has been created as an extension of earlier applications development involving website and database design and iOS and Android Apps for the College of Agriculture to now service Purdue University.
Recharge? Yes (Yes, for some activities)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Mike Hill
Center for Global Trade Analysis
Quantitative global economic analysis
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology - Metrology Laboratory
Surface and mechanical property characterization
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
James B. Mann
Center for Materials under eXtreme Environment (CMUXE)
Center for Materials under extreme environments (CMUXE) is a research unit at Purdue University aimed at promoting nuclear, material science, plasma research, and education. Members of CMUXE perform basic and applied research in wide variety of interdisciplinary fields. The major thrust area is the interactions of high-intensity, modulated energy beams: electromagnetic radiation, plasma, electrons, ions and other particle sources (i.e. clusters, molecules) with matter. The CMUXE combines both advanced integrated computational tools, i.e., HEIGHTS simulation package and state-of-the art experimental devices.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Ahmed Hassanein
Center for Nursing Education and Simulation
The simulation lab has seven high-fidelity patient simulators, including a 6 month old baby, 7 year old child, a birthing mother, and fouradult models. These computerized, interactive manikins can be programmed to provide realistic patient responses to care. They breathe, vocalize, have changing vital signs and pulses, and have realistic heart, lung, and bowel sounds.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Beth Milanowski
Christopher and Susan Burke Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory
Mechanics of Water Transport Processes in Environmental and Engineering Flows; field and laboratory investigations of water quantity and quality.
Recharge? No (Currently No)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Available On Contractual Basis)
Cary Troy
Clinical Research Center (CRC)
The Indiana CTSI Clinical Research Center (CRC) provides space, equipment, and support to conduct academic and industry sponsored clinical research studies for both inpatient and outpatient visits. The center maintains facilities at both Indiana and Purdue Universities and is available for use by researchers from both institutions. Medically trained staff provides services and support in phlebotomy, intravenous catheter placement, serial blood draws, infusions/injections, protocol development, and reference lab tests. The bionutrition staff supports CRC investigators' research by providing dietary expertise and nutrition research services including: budget consultation, diet development, meal preparation and service, nutritional counseling, dietary recalls and diaries, nutritional analysis, dietary homogenates, and facilities to support clinical research.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Available to Indiana University researchers)
Dennis Savaiano
Community Clusters
Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP) operates a significant shared cluster computing infrastructure. These community clusters are available for faculty to purchase access into and gain enormous benefits in computing capacity, professional system administration and user support.
Location: Young
Recharge? No (Some costs may apply)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Yes - only if partnering with a Purdue faculty member)
RCAC Cluster Purchase
Computational Life Sciences and Informatics
Development and application of computational tools to solve complex life science problems. The core has expertise in proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, structural biology—and other types of biological data.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Tiago Sobreira
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Inverted Zeiss LSM 710 confocal laser scanning microscope with and environmental chamber appropriate for live cell imaging. Advanced methods available include spectral unmixing, time lapse, multi-target imaging, FRET, FRAP, photoactivation, and ratiometric imaging of ion indicator dyes.
Location: Lilly
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Don Ready
Cyberforensics Lab
The cyberforensics Lab that was officially opened Summer '04 focuses on (1) education and training for students, faculty, and law enforcement, (2) leading edge research in cyberforensics, and (3) operational support for federal, state, and local law enforcement. A memorandum of understanding is in place with the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), the Indiana State Police, the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS/CS Department) and ITaP.
Location: Knoy 228
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Marcus Rogers
Electron Microscopy
Electron Microscopy facility at Birck has Thermo Fisher Themis Z Double Corrected and Monochromated S/TEM 60-300 kV, equipped with a SuperX EDS Detector and a Quantum 965 EELS Spectrometer; Thermo Fisher Helios 4G UX Dual Beam FE-SEM/FIB, with an ultra-high brightness electron source equipped UC+ monochromator, electron beam deceleration, as well as SE, BSE, and STEM detectors, multiChem Gas Delivery System to deliver precise repeatable doses of W, C and Pt as well as a mix of C and W, an integrated EasyLift Nanomanipulator for high precision site specific lift out sample preparation, and a Oxford EDS detector; Hitachi S4800 cold FE-SEM, equipped with and Oxford EDS detector and STEM capability; Thermo Fisher Apreo S HiVac Schottky FE-SEM, features beam deceleration and unique in-lens detection and equipped with SE and BSE detectors
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Rosa Diaz
Envision Center
The mission of Envision Center for Data Perceptualization is to serve, support, and collaborate with faculty, students, and industry to be a leader in scientific visualization, immersive environments and human computer interaction, through learning, discovery, and engagement.
Location: STEW B001
Recharge? Yes (Yes - for some services)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
The Epitaxy recharge center consists of three deposition tools for thin film research as well as a high resolution x-ray diffractometer for thin film characterization. Equipment in recharge center: Nitride Sputter System (PVD Products), Oxide Pulsed Laser Deposition (PVD Products), High resolution x-ray diffractometer HRXRD (PANalytical), chemical vapor deposition, Laser annealing (Lambda Physik), Laser lift-off (Lambda Physik).
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Ron Reger
Evaluation and Learning Research Center
The mission of the Evaluation and Learning Research Center (ELRC) is to enhance learning by conducting original research and evaluation that pushes the boundaries of our understanding of education . The Center supports research, education and engagement projects through our expertise in educational theory, research methodology, evaluation, and project management.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Yes, if collaborating with Purdue University)
Wilella Burgess
Flow cytometry and cell separation core facility
The Bindley Bioscience Flow Cytometry and Cell Separation Core Facility provides advanced cell and particle analysis and sorting using flow cytometry based technology. The facility provides training in flow cytometry analysis and sorting techniques. The facility also provides expert consultation for assay and protocol development for flow cytometry analysis and cell separation.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jill Hutchcroft
Food Science Pilot Laboratory
food product development, food processing, process optimization, food manufacturing systems
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Erik Kurdelak
Gamma Irradiator
Provide gamma irradiation/sterilization for cells, media, etc.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Yes, when collaborating with Purdue faculty/staff)
Matthew Tang
High Performance Computer Graphics Laboratory
The research in the HPCG-Lab is divided into diverse projects, all having in common the use of High Performance Computer Graphics algorithms and tools as the means of providing high performance computation, real-time rendering, and scientific visualization research.
Location: Knoy
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Bedrich Benes
High-Performance Computing and Cyberinfrastructure Research Lab
a focal point for education, research, and collaboration in the development, deployment, and use of supercomputing, grid computing, and cyberinfrastructure. The HPC-CRL is the first College of Technology Exploration Center, which is designed to support and enhance teaching, research, and collaboration among faculty, students, and industrial partners. The lab consists of three areas: research, collaboration, and education.
Location: Knoy 208
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Thomas Hacker
ICP-OES for Elemental Analysis of Liquids
ICP-OES for Elemental Analysis of liquids or liquid extracts/digests of solid samples
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Linda Lee
The IDEALab is housed in Knoy Hall in room 376. Research conducted there focuses on animation, interactive media, serious games, visualization, simulation and innovative technologies for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. At the core of its activities is a desire to understand how the development and use of computer graphics impacts communication, education and learning.
Location: Knoy 376
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Nicoletta Adamo-Villani
Impact Science Laboratory
We develop innovative dynamic experimental techniques to determine the mechanical response of challenging materials and structures under impact loading conditions. We have extensive experiences in characterizing materials from as soft as gel rubbers to as hard as armor ceramics, from as small as a single spider silk to as large as instrumented concrete targets. A recent book (Split Hopkinson (Kolsky) Bar by Springer) documents some of our previous work.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Weinong Chen
Interdepartmental NMR Facility
The Purdue Interdepartmental NMR Facility (PINMRF) is a university-wide resource dedicated to supporting NMR spectroscopy and to making this analytical technique available to researchers at Purdue and elsewhere in the scientific community. PINMRF currently has ten NMR spectrometers located in four buildings on the Purdue campus, with additional laboratory locations under consideration. PINMRF is set up to allow individual researchers direct access 24/7 to the spectrometers, after appropriate training and testing has been completed. However, we will gladly provide spectra of submitted samples, either on a service basis or as part of a collaborative research project.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dr. John Harwood
JEOL Ebeam
JEOL JBX-8100 FS Electron Beam Lithography Writing Tool
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Justin Wirth
Laboratory for Renewable Resources Engineering (LORRE)
Carries out research, training, and discovery in transforming renewable resources into biofuels and bioproducts. Couples fundamental research in renewable resources to the art and science of scale-up for purposes of design, prototyping, and operation of industrial systems that are economic, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. Provides research services in microbiology, fermentation, liquid chromatography and biomass analysis.
Recharge? Yes (Yes, for some activities)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Michael Ladisch
Laser Research and Manufacturing Facilities, Mechanical Engineering
High Power Femtosecond Laser System, Wavelength Coverage from 240 nm (UV) to 10,000 nm (Far IR)
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Robert Lucht
Life Sciences Electron Microscopy Facility
The LSMF is a full service electron microscopy core with both service and individual use options. Equipment includes two field-emission SEMs (Nova NanoSEM and Quanta3D FEG) equipped with cryo, EDX, low vacuum and ESEM capability, and tensile stage. The Quanta 3D FEG is a dual beam instrument with an ion beam for milling, slicing and deposition. The Quanta is equipped with an Omniprobe 200 lift-out system for TEM lamella preparation.? Also available are 2 TEMs (Tecnai T12 and a Tecnai G2 T20) each with great CCD cameras. The 200KV Tecnai has STEM with an HAADF detector. This instrument is also set up with software for automated electron tomography acquisition for 3D reconstruction. In addition the Tecnai T20 is equipped with a SDD x-ray detector for elemental analysis and mapping. The lab has ultramicrotomes (room temperature and cryo), a microwave processing system and a vibratome. For cryo preparation there is a high pressure freezing device and automated freeze substitution. The staff are knowledgeable and friendly and happy to discuss projects and work with you on your science questions.
Location: WLSR
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Christopher Gilpin
Lilly Animal Care Facility
Users are BME, SLHS, Vet School, Pharmacy, Endocyte, OnTarget, along with Biological Sciences.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Sylvia Schlegel
Macromolecular Crystallography
Macromolecular crystallography laboratory; crystallization and X-ray Diffraction. A core facility of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Tim Schmidt
Maha Fluid Power Laboratory
Fluid Power System Testing and Development Systems
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Andrea Vacca
Metabolite Profiling Facility (MPF)
The laboratory utilizes gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for the analyses of small, biological molecules. We collaborate with research investigators who are conducting metabolomic studies, by providing technical assistance with sample preparation, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of experimental information. The lab performs both quantitative analysis and non-targeted molecular screening.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Bruce Cooper
Mobile Application Development Lab
Information systems are constantly evolving to use new technologies.? The types of technologies used in these systems now also include low-priced mobile computing and devices.? These mobile devices include smart phones, tablets, and other specialized hand-held computers.? These devices are being incorporated into modern information systems to collect and present data to workers who are otherwise too mobile to use a traditional PC. The mobile software development curriculum was established in fall 2002.
Location: Knoy 242
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Kyle Lutes
National Test Facility for Fuels and Propulsion
The National Test Facility for Fuels and Propulsion (NaTeF) was funded through a $2.7 million cooperative agreement with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. ?The NaTeF facilities are located in the Niswonger Aviation Technology Building at the Purdue Airport, and include aircraft engine test cells and a Materials Testing Laboratory. The engine test cells are equipped to conduct exhaust emissions, collect engine operational data, and evaluate engine performance; the interaction and compatibility of new fuels with aircraft materials and components may be studied and evaluated in the Materials Testing Laboratory. The testing capabilities of these laboratories are currently focused on testing and development of new aviation fuels for both turbine (jet) engines and piston engine applications but may also be utilized in the future for testing of engine and aircraft hardware. NaTeF is the primary testing arm of the Air Transport Institute for Environmental Sustainability (AirTIES) Research Center at Purdue University, the overall mission of which is to support the development, testing, and implementation of new aviation fuels. AirTIES researchers are collaborating with faculty in other disciplines at Purdue and with industrial partners to advance the state of new, sustainable aviation fuels in projects that include identifying and optimizing candidate crops for bio-fuels, new processes to produce bio-fuels, economic and carbon footprint assessments of new fuels, and fit-for-performance testing of fuels in the NaTeF laboratories and test cells.
Location: Niswonger
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
David Stanley
Optics and Spectroscopy
Spectrophotometer Lambda 950; Micro-Sample Spectrometer; Raman Spectrometer T64000 with the excitation lasers: tunable Ar/Kr, CW 10 mW per wavlength, 10 wavelength accross the visible rangefemtosecond/picosecond regenerative amplifier-OPA system; Nanonics NSOM/ Luminescence Mapping with the excitations lasers: HeNe 633 nm, solid state 532 nm, Diode 785 nm.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Alexei Lagoutchev
Pankow Materials Laboratories
Physical Structure, Serviceability, Durability and Non Destructive Testing of Infrastructure Materials
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jason Weiss
Physiological Sensing Facility
Cellular and tissue metabolism, cell-signaling, neurophysiology, environmental toxicology, biosensing, bionanomaterials, lab-on-a-chip systems, bioMEMS, biophysical sensing
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jenna Rickus
Precision Machining
Precision Machining in the Department of Chemistry is your one-stop-shop for the design and fabrication of mechanical parts in support of your research and teaching efforts. We offer a wide range of services which include 3D modeling / drafting / printing in plastic and metal, conventional and CNC milling / turning, welding and soldering, surface grinding. Parts can be fabricated from a wide range of materials including steel, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, copper, ceramics, and plastics. Vacuum chambers and high vacuum components are a specialty.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dr. Michael Everly
Preparation and Characterization Recharge Center
Specialized X-Ray Analysis, Sample Preparation and Mechanical Testing
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jameson Root
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Center
The Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Center is housed in Knoy 373. It is the hub for the product lifecycle management (PLM) activities in the College of Technology. It is linked to other College of Technology labs through high-speed network connections and through industry-class PLM suites of tools. Typical research activities in that lab include the areas of product lifecycle management, model-based definition, model-based enterprise, 3D data interoperability and collaboration, product data management methodologies, and workflows for the extended use of CAD data throughout the enterprise.
Location: Knoy 373
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Nathan Hartman
Purdue Animal Behavior Core
The Purdue Animal Behavior Core (PABC), part of the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience (PIIN), is a core facility that provides behavioral and physiological assays to aid in preclinical research using in vivo models. Using cutting-edge automated technologies, the facility supports internal and external investigators by providing assistance designing and implementing rodent behavioral tests. The PABC assists in research design, training, data analysis and the writing of grant proposals. The PABC offers a wide range of behavior tests designed to model neurodevelopmental disorders, psychiatric illnesses, neurodegenerative diseases, pain and spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries. The PABC will train individuals to perform assays independently or PABC staff can perform the assays in their entirety. The core also offers a testing environment for developing novel devices and new cutting-edge imaging tools to examine brain functioning while the rodent is performing behavioral tasks.
Location: MJIS B079, LSA 06 and 08
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Wendy Koss, Facility Director
Purdue Cryo Electron Microscopy Facility
The PCEMF operates several high resolution transmission electron microscopes equipped for cryo-microscopy of biological assemblies.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Valorie Bowman
Purdue Genomics Core Facility
The Purdue Genomics Core facility has more than a decade of experience in DNA sequencing and provides Illumina DNA and RNA library construction and sequencing services via both Illumina Nova Seq and MiSeq instruments. Further, a "WideSeq" service offers low-cost sequencing of smaller (less than 300kb) double-strand DNA samples.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Phillip SanMiguel
Purdue Imaging Facility
We provide the instruments and expertise needed to visualize molecules in preparations ranging from single cells to entire animals. All facility users receive individualized instrument training as well as project specific advice for optimal data acquisition. Consultation on sample preparation, image rendering, and data analysis are also available as our knowledge base permits.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Andy Schaber
Purdue Malware Lab - FBI Cyber Crime Task Force
The Purdue Malware Lab, under the direction of Prof. Jim Goldman, conducts applied research in the identification, analysis, reverse engineering, and defensive strategies of malicious software, more commonly referred to as malware. In addition, operational support is provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation through Prof. Goldman?s appointment to the FBI Cyber Crime Task Force.
Location: ENAD 111
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jim Goldman
Purdue MRI Facility
The Purdue MRI Facility houses three research-dedicated MRI systems (two state-of-the-art 3T human MRI scanners and a 7T small animal MRI scanner) to facilitate the use of advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques for research at Purdue University. Support staff for users include two operations managers and an MRI Technologist, who are available to get researchers trained to use the equipment, or help with data acquisition. A large variety of coils are available, as well as advanced auxiliary equipment for fMRI and other research studies. Please visit the website for more information on location, contacts, and links to iLab scheduling.
Location: MRI1 (aka PMRI)
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Ulrike Dydak, Ph.D.
Purdue Polytechnic Precision Measurement Center
The Purdue Polytechnic Precision Measurement Center at the statewide location in Columbus, Indiana, is an environmentally-controlled (20 degrees C plus/minus 0.5 degrees C, Positive Pressure; Humidity < 35%) laboratory that is certified annually. Examples of calibrated equipment include a Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine, an Instron tensile test machine, a Zeiss surface finish tester, a Fluke dead-weight tester for calibrating pressure gauges, and sets of English and metric gauge blocks. Additionally, there are tools for measuring torque, force, hardness, and mass as well as numerous hand and optical tools for dimensional measurement.
Location: Room 137; Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence; Columbus, Indiana
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Joe Fuehne
Purdue Proteomics Facility
PPF provides state-of-the-art proteomics resources to the research community for identification, quantification, and characterization of proteins in diverse biological samples. The major goal of the facility is to provide innovate services and encourage collaborations that apply the tools of proteomics to cutting-edge biological and biomedical research. The facility enables both targeted and global proteomic analyses. It is equipped with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos, Q Exactive Orbitrap HF, LTQ Orbitrap XL, TSQ Endura Triple-Quad MS and AB-SCIEX Triple TOF 5600 system, and all are coupled to nano-flow HPLC systems. With over $2 million funding support from the EVPRP instruments grants in the last 3 years, the core has dramatically improved its capability in accurately identifying and quantifying proteins including their modification and complex formation in a high throughput manner.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Uma K. Aryal
Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory (PRIME)
The Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory (PRIME Lab) is a research facility that provides measurements for long-lived radionuclides: 10Be (half-life 1,390,000 years), 14C (5700 years), 26Al (705,000 years), 36Cl (301,000 years), 41Ca (105,000 years), and 129I (16.7 million years). The isotopic abundances measured range from one part in 10^15 (a thousand million million) to one part in 10^11. Applications include geoscience and extraterrestrial studies of cosmic-ray-produced radionuclides, environmental tracer studies of radionuclides (soils and hydrology), and biomedical radionuclides. PRIME Lab also offers physical and chemical sample preparation of geologic and biomedical samples for all radionuclides. PRIME Lab also operates an ICP-OES, which is available for the measurement of ~ ppm level chemical abundances.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Marc Caffee
Purdue Research Repository (PURR)
PURR utilizes HUBzero®, a software platform designed for scientific collaboration and sharing of research data on the web. Any Purdue student, faculty, or staff can create a project in PURR and receive a default allocation of storage. PURR provides capabilities currently required by the NSF and other funding agencies for digital data management such as workflows and tools for collaborating on data-driven research, publishing and archiving data, and ensuring data security, fidelity, backup, and mirroring. Purdue librarians consult with investigators to facilitate selection and ingestion of data with appropriate descriptive metadata and data standards and provide long-term digital preservation and stewardship. PURR comes with a set of default policies and functionality that addresses privacy and confidentiality, intellectual property, and access and use of research data. Datasets published using PURR are assigned Digital Objects Identifiers (DOIs) and exposed to the web using open standards to maximize their discoverability and scholarly reuse. Data producers receive reports of how often their published data are viewed, downloaded, and cited.
Recharge? No (No, but fees may apply depending on size of data requirements)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Yes, only if Purdue faculty/staff originate project)
Michael Witt
Purdue Stable Isotope Facility
The Purdue Stable Isotope Facility houses 4 isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS), each accompanied by peripheral devices for conversion of various compounds into analyzable gases. We also operate standalone instrumentation for both concentration and isotopic analysis.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Janine Sparks
Purdue Translational Pharmacology Facility
in vivo pharmacology with swine model and unique PigTurn monitoring and sampling system
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Robyn McCain
Purdue University Reactor Number 1 (PUR-1)
operational nuclear reactor for research and education
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Robert Bean
Research Instrumentation Center
The Research Instrumentation Center is a core facility in the Department of Chemistry that manages the shared departmental instrumentation. Most of our thirty instruments are made available to trained users on a walkup basis. We also specialize in quantification of trace elements by ICP-MS, with a variety of services performed by our expert staff. Please visit the website below for more information regarding our wide variety of instrumentation and services..
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dr. Pat Bishop
Research Machining Services
Precision machine shop, open to all departments, with both standard and CNC machining equipment, welding, and design services. Work with wide variety of materials, including steels, aluminums, stainless steels, and brass plus special-order metals and high-performance plastics. Able to satisfy needs for plating, anodizing, and water jetting services, along with many other services through vendors. Specialize in one-of-a-kind research equipment and/or modifications.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Kris Davis
Ross Biological Reserve
67 acres of forest managed mainly as a natural area for ecological research with modest indoor facilities.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Jeffrey Lucas
Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Ultrasmall Angle X-ray Scattering for characterization of nanoparticles, nanomaterials, polymers, and nanostructures
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
B. W. Boudouris
Scientific Glass Blowing Lab
The Scientific Glass Blowing Lab in Chemistry is fully equipped to provide the services expected from a glass shop and more. In addition to consulting / designing and fabricating scientific apparatus such as reaction vessels and Schinke lines, the shop has capacities to cast 3D forms, evacuate / back fill glass vessels, and apply protective coatings to glassware. The shop also offers student instruction and artistic pieces for awards / gifts for special occasions. Additional capabilities include: on-site repair, surface grinding / polishing, optical windows, lenses, sealing / evacuation / backfilling of vessels, surface treatments such as silvering and plastic coating.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dr. Michael Everly
Scientific Solutions
The Scientific Solutions group works with Purdue faculty and staff to develop proposals and research solutions through software development, integration, and application/project/web site hosting.
Recharge? Yes (Yes - for some services)
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Carol Song
Scifres Nanofabrication Cleanroom
25,000 sq. ft. Class 1-10-100 Nanofabrication Laboratory
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Ron Reger
Sensory Evaluation Laboratory
Sensory evaluation ( appearance, aroma, flavor, etc.) testing of food and beverages
Location: Food Science
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dr. Andrea Liceaga
Soft Materials Characterization Laboratory
This lab is dedicated to the characterization and analysis of polymeric and other soft materials. It currently contains TA Instruments Q2000 Dynamic Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) capable of -180C to 700C operation, a TA Instruments Q800 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) with humidity controller, and a TA instruments Q50 Thermogravimtric Analyzer (TGA).
Recharge? Yes ((Pending))
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Jeffrey Youngblood
Scanning Probe Microscopy, Nanotec Air STM, Omicron UHV STM
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dmitry Zemlyanov
Statistical Consulting Service
Provides free of charge statistical consulting services; addresses questions with statistical software, the design of experiments, and data analysis.
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? No
Bruce A. Craig
Superresolution Imaging Lab
This facility in the Purdue Veterinary Medicine provides a high end confocal imaging system for versatile cell, whole mounted- tissue and animal microscope imaging. It provides 1) regular 5 color confocal imaging; 2) 4 channel multi-photon imaging; 3) forward and backward second harmonic generation; 4) 70 nM STED superresolution imaging; 5) Regular and resonnant scanners; 6) environmental control for temperature and gas controls; 7) anesthetic machine; 8) Imaris 3D-4D image analysis software
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Chang H Kim
Surface Analysis
Kratos XPS; Omicron Surface Analysis Cluster
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Dmitry Zemlyanov
Transgenic and Genomic Editing Facility
The Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility (TGEF) offers a variety of services to the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research community, including (1) Generation of Transgenic, Knock-Out, Knock-In and gene-edited mice and rats by pronuclear injection of DNA and/or CRISPR/cas9, (2) Gene Targeting of ES Cells, (3) Blastocyst Injection of ES Cells for the Generation of Knock-Out Mice, (4) Strain Rederivation, (5) In Vitro Fertilization, (6) Embryo Cryopreservation, (7) Sperm Cryopreservation, (8) Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast (MEF) Cell Line Production, (9) Speed Expansion, (10) Chromosome Counting, (11) Genotyping, (12) Mouse Production Colony.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Judy Hallett
Adobe Connect is a rich Web communication system that lets instructors reach an audience anytime with engaging multimedia content
Location: Web
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes (Yes - only if partnering with a Purdue faculty member)
Customer Service Center
Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center
The Karnes Center collects, preserves, and provides access to scholarly research collections of unique primary source material such as rare books, archival documents and manuscripts, photographs, and artifacts. The Center staff provides assistance to researchers in accessing and using the collections, including digitization of collections and facilitating permissions to use collections in scholarly publications. Collections and services are available to Purdue faculty, staff, and students as well as researchers worldwide and the general public.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Sammie Morris
Water Quality Field Station
Studies of the impact of agriculture and agricultural inputs on water and air quality; 54 tiled and instruments drainage plots
Location: ACRE
Recharge? No
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Nicole DeArmond
X-ray Crystallography
The X-ray Crystallography Facility provides services and resources related to X-ray diffraction analysis of crystalline materials for researchers at Purdue as well as off-site users and commercial customers. The facility offers full data collection and structure analysis services, and trains users to independently use the resources on site. Types of analysis include single crystal structure analysis for organic, inorganic, metal organic and hybrid materials (indexing, unit cell and structure determinations, absolute structure), powder and multicrystalline XRD (phase ID, Rietveld analysis, high temperature measurements, thin film measurements, X-ray reflectivity). Starting Fall 2019, we will also offer X-ray fluorescence analysis. - Panalytical Empyrean Powder X-ray Diffractometer. Equipped with both parallel beam and focusing optics, high speed PIXcel 3D Medipix detector and high temperature stage for analysis of powders, multicrystalline materials and thin films. - Two Bruker D8 Quest Single Crystal Diffractometers equipped with large Photon detectors and variable temperature devices. The Mo-wavelength instrument is ideal for fast, high throughput data collection of well to weakly diffracting samples, and for heavily absorbing samples. The Cu-wavelength microsource instrument is ideal for very weakly diffracting and small crystals and absolute structure determination.
Recharge? Yes
Accessible to Non-Purdue
Users? Yes
Matthias Zeller
- Institutes and Centers at Discovery Park District
- Full List of Campus-wide Institutes and Centers
- Requirements to Become a University-Recognized Center
- List of Research Cores
- Discovery Park Distinguished Lecture Series
- Measures of Interdisciplinary Research Success
- Facilities
Please contact the core directly about potential collaborations, including more detailed information about capabilities and funding methods.
Representatives of university-level research cores, please provide any corrections, additions, suggestions to EVPRP Research Cores (