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NIH-targeted Funding Opportunities Initiative

Selected NIH Training Grant Program
Enhancing Purdue's NIH Research Portfolio

Office of Research
The Graduate School
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907


Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Overview and Purpose

The purpose of the Office of Research and The Graduate School Selected NIH Training Grant Program is to increase the submission and success rates of NIH Training Grant applications with the long-term goal of increasing Purdue's NIH funding portfolio. To compensate the effort of the PI and to show institutional support from Purdue, Ross-Lynn Scholar Funds and a one-year Graduate School Research Assistantship position are available to enable success.


Faculty (tenure-track/tenured and research) on the West Lafayette campus who plan to apply for NIH T32, T34, or T37 Training Awards are eligible to apply to this program. For information regarding eligibility of additional NIH training programs, faculty should contact Perry Kirkham.

Funding Opportunity

A one-year Ross-Lynn Scholar graduate student assistantship will be available to the PI from the Office of Research upon submission of a NIH Training Grant application, or at the time of their choosing following submission.

Additionally, the Office of Research will provide a grant writer to support the application process, if requested, during the proposal planning stage.

An additional graduate student assistantship may be committed to the training program through a partnership with the Graduate School, if the application is successful in being funded. Please contact Josie Hitchings in the Graduate School Fellowship Office prior to proposal submission to request this one-year assistantship position.

Application and Submission Process

After submission of a Training Grant proposal to NIH, notify Perry Kirkham, and Josie Hitchings of the submission and identify the pre-award specialist who submitted the proposal.

Award Notification

Upon award notification from NIH, please contact Josie Hitchings in the Graduate School Fellowship Office to activate the one-year assistantship position and for help setting up the Graduate Student recipients of the training award.

If the Office of Research assistantship has not been awarded yet, please also contact Kristyn Jewell in the Office of Research to initiate this process.

Post-Award and Reporting Requirements

The Principal Investigator must submit to the Office of Research ( a copy of the review summary of the application when it is received from the NIH.

Additional Information

Questions may be directed to Perry Kirkham, Kristyn Jewell, or Josie Hitchings.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4600

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