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Elevating the Visibility of Research: Seed Funding for High-Impact Review Papers (2024)

High profile journal review papers represent an opportunity to raise the visibility of your discipline and reputation of Purdue. It can impact a generation of students and influence future research opportunities. The Office of Research wants to support your submission of review articles to high-quality and high-impact journals that make an impact in your field.

Seed Funding:

Funding support for review papers of up to $10,000 is possible ($5,000 from your college and $5,000 from the Office of Research). If awarded, funds will be put in a discretionary account to support your efforts.

To apply for this seed funding opportunity, please follow the directions below. In no more than two pages, describe the concept and include:

  • preliminary title
  • target journal (1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice) and the impact factor
  • expected authors and affiliations. Submissions that include more than one discipline are encouraged.
  • goal(s) or objective(s)
  • a brief “gap analysis” demonstrating how the paper differs from other recent reviews/publications in the field or how your review would define a new area in the field.
  • proposed outcome of the work – what contribution does this journal article make to your field?
  • expected date for submission and rationale for that date. Target submission date must be no later than the end of calendar year 2025.

Please also attach a two-page CV that includes previously published papers.

As you develop your review paper, please reach out to Purdue Libraries for help with:

  • identifying relevant databases
  • constructing search strategies
  • reference management tools
  • more in-depth collaboration

Please acknowledge the role of the library in your submission.

It is expected that review papers will be published in an Open Access journal whenever appropriate (Open Access at Purdue | Purdue Libraries).

A description of how the funds will be used to enhance your success is required in your submission for seed funding.

Applications should be submitted by the lead author to your college contact (see below) by September 30, 2024:

College of Agriculture: Ron Turco (
School of Business: Mohit Tawarmalani ( with submissions going to Luann Riehle (
College of Engineering: Ali Shakouri (
Honors College: Megha Anwer (
College of Liberal Arts: Mike Hicks (
Libraries and School of Information Studies: Nicole Kong (
College of Pharmacy: Jamie Moffat (
College of Polytechnic: Baijian Yang (
College of Science: Guang Lin (
College of Veterinary Medicine: Sanjeev Narayanan (

If your college is not listed above, it is not taking applications at this time.

Decisions will be made and communicated by November 1, 2024.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4600

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