
Refereed Journal Articles


  • Evaluation of Impulse Attenuation by Football Helmets in the Frequency Domain N. Leiva-Molano, R.J. Rolley, T. Lee, K.G. McIver, G. Sankaran, J.J. Meyer, D.E. Adams, E.Breedlove, T.M. Talavage and E.A. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (Accepted 18 Jan 2020).
  • Distribution of Head Acceleration Events Varies by Position and Play Type in North American Football T.A. Lee, R.J. Lycke, P.J. Lee, C.M. Cudal, K.J. Torolski, S.E. Bucherl, N. Leiva Molano, P.S. Auerbach, T.M. Talavage and E.A. Nauman, Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine (Accepted 19 Jun 2019), 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000778.
  • Accumulation of High Magnitude Acceleration Events Predicts Cerebrovascular Reactivity Changes in Female High School Soccer Athletes D.O. Svaldi, C. Joshi, E.C. McCuen, J. Music, R. Hannemann, L. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman and T.M. Talavage, Brain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 164-174, 10.1007/s11682-018-9983-0.


  • Determination of Acrolein-Associated T1 and T2 Relaxation Times and Noninvasive Detection Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy N. Vike, J. Tang, T. Talavage, R. Shi and J. Rispoli, Applied Magnetic Resonance, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 1291-1303, Nov 2019, 10.1007/s00723-019-01148-2.
  • Every Hit Matters: White Matter Diffusivity Changes in High School Football Athletes Are Correlated with Repetitive Head Acceleration Event Exposure I. Jang, I.Y. Chun, J.R. Brosch, S. Bari, Y. Zou, B.R. Cummiskey, T.A. Lee, R.J. Lycke, V.N. Poole, T.E. Shenk, D.O. Svaldi, G.G. Tamer, Jr., U. Dydak, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman and T.M. Talavage, Neuroimage: Clinical, vol. 24, Article 101930, Oct 2019, 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101930.
  • Impact Attenuation of Male and Female Lacrosse Helmets Using a Modal Impulse Hammer K. McIver, G. Sankaran, P. Lee, S. Bucherl, N. Leiva, T.M. Talavage, L. Leverenz and E. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 95, Article 109313, Oct 2019, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.08.007.
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Athletes Sustaining Repetitive Head Impacts: A systematic review of prospective studies D.K. Schneider, R. Galloway, J.J. Bazarian, J.A. Diekfuss, J. Dudley, J.L. Leach, R. Mannix, T.M. Talavage, W. Yuan and G.D. Myer, Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 36, no. 20, pp. 2831-2849, Oct 2019, 10.1089/neu.2019.6398.
  • Quantitative Evaluation of Impact Attenuation by Football Helmets Using a Modal Impulse Hammer B.R. Cummiskey, G.N. Sankaran, K.G. McIver, D. Shyu, J. Markel, T.M. Talavage, L. Leverenz, J.J. Meyer, D. Adams and E.A. Nauman, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, vol. 233, no. 2, pp. 301-311, Jun 2019, 10.1177/1754337118823603.
  • Dependence on Subconcussive Impacts of Brain Metabolism in Collision Sports Athletes: An MR Spectroscopy Study S. Bari, D.O. Svaldi, I. Jang, T.E. Shenk, V.N. Poole, T. Lee, U. Dydak, J.V. Rispoli, E.A. Nauman and T.M. Talavage, Brain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 735-749, Jun 2019, 10.1007/s11682-018-9861-9.
  • Elevations in MicroRNA Biomarkers in Serum Are Associated with Measures of Concussion and Neurocognitive Function Over a Single NCAA Division I Season in Collegiate Football Players L. Papa, S.M. Slobounov, H.C. Breiter, A. Walter, T. Bream, P. Seidenberg, J.E. Bailes, S. Bravo, B. Johnson, D. Kaufman, D.L. Molfese, T.M. Talavage, D.C. Zhu, B. Knollmann-Ritschel and M. Bhomia, Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 36, no. 8, ppp. 1343-1351, Apr 2019, 10.1089/neu.2018.6072.
  • KIAA0319 Genotype Predicts the Number of Past Concussions in a Division I Football Team: A Pilot Study A. Walter, A.A. Herrold, V.T. Gallagher, R. Lee, M. Scaramuzzo, T. Bream, P.H. Seidenberg, D. Vandenbergh, K. O'Connor, T.M. Talavage, E.A. Nauman, S.M. Slobounov and H.C. Breiter, Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1115-1124, Mar 2019, 10.1089/neu.2017.5622.
  • Impact of Low-level Blast Exposure on Brain Function After a One-day Tactile Training and the Ameliorating Effect of a Jugular Vein Compression Neck Collar W. Yuan, K. Barber-Foss, J. Dudley, S. Thomas, R. Galloway, C. DiCesare, J. Leach, P. Scheifel, M. Fariana, G. Valencia, D. Smith, M. Altaye, C. Rhra, T. Talavage and G. Myer, Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 721-734, Feb 2019, 10.1089/neu.2018.5737.


  • The Effect of Football Helmet Facemasks on Impact Behavior During Linear Drop Tests K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, T.G. Bowman, E.M. Arruda and E.A. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 227-231, Oct 2018, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.08.007.
  • Effect of Impact Mechanism on Head Accelerations in Men's Lacrosse Athletes L.R. Vollavanh, K.M. O'Day, E.M. Koehling, J.M. May, K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, E.A. Nauman, D.A. Bradney, J.E. Goff and T.G. Bowman, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, vol. 34, no. 5, Oct 2018, 10.1123/jab.2017-0231.


  • The Ability of an Aftermarket Helmet Add-on Device to Reduce Impact-force Accelerations During Drop Tests K.M. Breedlove, E. Breedlove, E. Nauman, T.G. Bowman and M.R. Lininger, Journal of Athletic Training, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 802-808, Sep 2017, 10.4085/1062-6050-52.6.01.
  • Reliability and Accuracy of Helmet-Mounted and Head-Mounted Devices Used to Measure Head Accelerations B. Cummiskey, D. Schiffmiller, T.M. Talavage, L. Leverenz, J.J. Meyer, D. Adams and E.A. Nauman, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, vol. 231, no. 2, pp. 144-153, Jun 2017, 10.1177/17543337116658395.
  • The Effects of Repetitive Subconcussive Collisions on Brain Integrity in Collegiate Football Players Over a Single Football Season: A Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Study S. Slobounov, A. Walter, H. Breiter, D. Zhu, X. Bai, T. Bream, P. Seidenberg, X. Mao, B. Johnson and T. Talavage, Neuroimage Clinical, vol. 14, pp. 708-718, Mar 2017, 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.03.006.
  • Comparison of Head Impact Location During Games and Practices in Division III Men's Lacrosse Players K.M. O'Day, E.M. Koehling, L.R. Vollavanh, D. Bradney, J.M. May, K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, P.Blair, E.A. Nauman and T.G. Bowman, Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 23-27, Mar 2017, 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.01.013.
  • Cerebrovascular Reactivity Changes in Asymptomatic Female Athletes Attributable to High School Soccer Participation D.O. Svaldi, E.C. McCuen, C. Joshi, M.E. Robinson, Y. Nho, R. Hannemann, E.A. Nauman, L.J. Leverenz and T.M. Talavage, Brain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 98-112, Feb 2017, 10.1007/s11682-016-9509-6.


  • Impact Attenuation Capabilities of Football and Lacrosse Helmets K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, T.G. Bowman and E.A. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 49, no. 13, pp. 2838-2844, Sep 2016, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.06.030.
  • The Role of Medical Imaging in the Re-Characterization of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury T.M. Talavage, E.A. Nauman and L.J. Leverenz,  Frontiers in Neurology vol. 6, Jan 2016, 20.3389/fneur.2015.00273.


  • Impact Attenuation Properties of New and Used Lacrosse Helmets T.G. Bowman, K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, T.M. Dodge and E.A. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 48, no. 14, pp. 3782-3787, Nov 2015, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.08.026.
  • Collegiate Women's Soccer Players Suffer Greater Cumulative Head Impacts than their High School Counterparts E. McCuen, D. Svaldi, K. Breedlove, N. Kraz, B. Cummiskey, E. L. Breedlove, J. Traver, K. F. Desmond, R. E. Hannemann, E. Zanath, A. Guerra, L. Leverenz, T. M. Talavage, and E. A. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 48, no. 13, pp. 3729-32, Oct 2015, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.08.003.
  • DTI Detection of Longitudinal White Matter Abnormalities Due to Accumulated Head Impacts I.Y. Chun, X. Mao, E.L. Breedlove, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman and T.M. Talavage, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 92-97, May 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2015.1020945.
  • Post-Season Neuropsychological Deficits Assessed by ImPACT and fMRI in Athletes Competing in American Football E.A. Nauman, K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, T.M. Talavage, M.E. Robinson and L.J. Leverenz, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 85-91, May 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2015.1016161.
  • Cerebrovascular Reactivity Alterations in Asymptomatic High-School Football Players D.O. Svaldi, C. Joshi, M.E. Robinson, E.A. Nauman, L.J. Leverenz and T.M. Talavage, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 80-84, May 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2014.973959.
  • Evidence for Chronic Effects of Subconcussive Trauma in High School Athletes M.E. Robinson, T.E. Shenk, E.L. Breedlove, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman and T.M. Talavage, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 74-79, May 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2015.2012204.
  • FMRI of Visual Working Memory in High School Football Players T.E. Shenk, M.E. Robinson, D.O. Svaldi, K. Abbas, K.M. Breedlove, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman and T.M. Talavage, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 63-68, May 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2015.1014088.
  • A Call to Arms: The Need to Create an Inter-Institutional Concussion Neuroimaging Consortium to Discovery Clincially Relevant Diagnostic Biomarkers and Develop Evidence-Based Interventions to Facilitate Recovery  J. Bailes, S. Bravo, H. Breiter, D. Kaufman, Z. Lu, D. Molfese, T. Parrish, S. Slobounov, T. Talavage and D. Zhu, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 59-62, May 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2015.1018090. [Editorial]
  • Alteration of Default Mode Network in High School Football Athletes due to Repetitive Sub-concussive mTBI – A resting state fMRI study K. Abbas, T.E. Shenk, V.N. Poole, E.L. Breedlove, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman, T.M. Talavage and M.E. Robinson, Brain Connectivity, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 91-101, April 2015, 10.1089/brain.2014.0279.
  • Sub-concussive Hit Characteristics Predict Deviant Brain Metabolism in Football Athletes V.N. Poole, E.L. Breedlove, T.E. Shenk, K. Abbas, M.E. Robinson, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman, U. Dydak and T.M. Talavage, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol 40, no. 1, pp. 12-17, January 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2014.984810.
  • Effects of Repetitive Sub-concussive Brain Injury on the Functional Connectivity of Default Mode Network in High School Football Athletes K. Abbas, T.E. Shenk, E.L. Breedlove, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman, T.M. Talavage and M.E. Robinson, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 51-56, January 2015, 10.1080/87565641.2014.990455.


  • MR Spectroscopic Evidence of Brain Injury in the Non-diagnosed Collision Sport Athlete V.N. Poole, K. Abbas, T.E. Shenk, E.L. Breedlove, K. Breedlove, M.E. Robinson, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman, T.M. Talavage and U. Dydak, Developmental Neuropsychology, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 459-473, Dec 2014, 10.1080/87565641.2014.940619.
  • Detecting Neurocognitive & Neurophysiological Changes as a Result of Subconcussive Blows in High School Football Athletes K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, M. Robinson, V.N. Poole, J.R. King III, P. Rosenberger, M. Rasmussen, T.M. Talavage, L.J. Leverenz and E.A. Nauman, Athletic Training & Sports Health Care, volume 6, no. 3, pages 119-127, May/June 2014, 10.3928/19425864-20140507-02.


  • Role of subconcussion in repetitive mild traumatic brain injury Julian E. Bailes, Anthony L. Petraglia, Bennet I. Omalu, Eric Nauman, and Thomas Talavage, Journal of Neurosurgery, vol. 119, no. 5, pp. 1235-1245, Nov 2013, 10.3171/2013.7.JNS121822.


  • Biomechanical Correlates of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Neurophysiological Impairment in High School Football Evan L. Breedlove, Meghan Robinson, Thomas M. Talavage, Katherine E. Morigaki, Umit Yoruk, Kyle O'Keefe, Jeff King, Larry J. Leverenz, Jeffrey W. Gilger, Eric A. Nauman, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 1265-1272, Apr 2012, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.01.034.


  • Functionally-Detected Cognitive Impairment in High School Football Players Without Clinically-Diagnosed Concussion Thomas M. Talavage, Eric Nauman, Evan L. Breedlove, Umit Yoruk, Anne E Dye, Katie Morigaki, Henry Feuer, Larry J. Leverenz, Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 327-338, Feb 2014 (epub 2010), 10.1089/neu.2010.1512.

Conference Presentations

Concussions and Other Effects of Repetitive Head Blows in High School Athletes T. Talavage, Annual Retreat of the North Central Indiana School Study Council, Nashville, IN, June 27, 2014.

Sub-concussive Impacts in High School Athletes L. Leverenz, E. Nauman and T. Talavage, Science with a Twist, Indianapolis, IN, February 20, 2014.

Pre-Clinical Neuroimaging of Effects of Repetitive Blows to the Head in High School Athletes T. Talavage, 3rd Indiana Neuroimaging Symposium, Bloomington, IN, October 25, 2013.

Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury in High Impact Sports T. Talavage, President's Colloquia at Westwood, West Lafayette, IN, October 2, 2013.

Pre-Clinical Neuroimaging of Repetitive Head Collisions in High School and Collegiate Athletes T. Talavage and L. Leverenz, General Electric Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, September 16, 2013.

Purdue Neurotrauma Group: Study of Collegiate Athletes 2013-2014 T. Talavage, Big Ten/CIC/Ivy League Summit on Traumatic Brain Injury, Chicago, IL, July 18, 2013.

MRI of mTBI in High School Collision Sports T. Talavage, TBI Summer School, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, June 14, 2013.

Sub-concussive Impacts on High School Athletes L. Leverenz and T. Talavage, Purdue Alumni Association, Columbus, OH, May 29, 2013.

Sub-concussive and Concussive mTBI in Contact Sport Athletes T. Talavage, Purdue West Coast Partnership "Discovery with Delivery" Symposium, San Jose, CA, November 7, 2012.

How Many Hits is Too Many? Neurophysiological Consequences of Head Collisions in Football T. Talavage, Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research Brain Buzz, a Public Talk, Dover, DE, October 10, 2012.

Sub-Concussive and Concussive mTBI in High School Contact Sport Athletes T. Talavage, 2012 Orthopedic Symposium for Physicians and Medical Professionals, Methodist Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, October 5, 2012.

Sport Related Concussion Management: From Field to the Laboratory Leverenz, L.J., International Convention of Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS), Glasgow, Scotland, July 2012.

Subconcussive Impacts in High School Athletes Leverenz, L.J., Great Lakes Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium, Wheaton, IL, Mar. 2012.

Sub-concussions: What Are We Learning Leverenz, L.J., 4th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Barrington, IL, Mar. 2012.

Neuroimaging of Concussive and Subconcussive Injury: Potential Clinical Application T. Talavage, Keystone Symposium on Clinical and Molecular Biology of Acute and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathies, Keystone, CO, Feb. 2012.

Biomechanical Linkage of History of Head Collisions to Neurophysiological Impairments in High School AthletesE. Breedlove, M. Robinson, K. Morigaki, M. Rasmussen, A. Zakrajsek, L. Leverenz, T. Talavage, E. Nauman, 2012 Big Sky Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Conference, Big Sky, MT, Feb. 2012.

Sub-concussive Impacts in High School Athletes Leverenz, L.J., Concussion Summit, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, Jan. 2012.

Identifying the Problem: Sub-concussive Blows in High School Football Leverenz, L.J., National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium, New Orleans, LA, June 2011.

Use of Computer-Based Neurocognitive Testing to Identify Impairments in Patients Without Symptoms L. Leverenz, T. Talavage, E. Nauman, K. Morigaki, E. Breedlove, 2011 Big Sky Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Conference, Big Sky, MT, Feb. 2011.

Predictive Modeling of Cognitive Impairment from Head Trauma. K. Morigaki, E. Breedlove, E. Nauman, The 63rd Annual Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 2011.

Detecting Traumatic Brain Injury in Athletes and Soldiers Eric A. Nauman, Tom Talavage, Evan Breedlove, Anne Dye, Meghan Robinson, Umit Yoruk, Katie Morigaki, Larry Leverenz, Systems Integrity for Defense Technology Summit, West Lafayette, IN, April 2010.

Neuroimaging Correlates of Neurocognitive Evaluation of High School Football Players T. Talavage, Purdue University-University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Summit on Concussion in Sports, West Lafayette, IN, Feb. 2010.

Conference Posters

  • Functional Connectivity in Asymptomatic High School Football Players and Non-Contact Athletes K. Abbas, T. Shenk, E. Breedlove, K. Breedlove, V. Poole, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, T. Talavage and M. Robinson, 2014 Big Sky Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Conference, Big Sky, MT, February 2-6, 2014.

  • Neurometabolic Influences on ImPACT Cognitive Testing in Collision Athletes V. Poole, K. Breedlove, T. Shenk, K. Abbas, M. Robinson, E. Breedlove, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, U. Dydak and T. Talavage, 2014 Big Sky Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Conference, Big Sky, MT, February 2-6, 2014.

  • Spectroscopic Analysis of Neuro-metabolic Changes in Female Soccer Players. V. Poole, U. Dydak, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman and T. Talavage, 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, June 2013, #3296.

  • Functional Connectivity in Asymptomatic High School Football Players and Non-Contact Athletes. K. Abbas, T. Shenk, E. Breedlove, K. Breedlove, V. Poole, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, T. Talavage and M. Robinson, 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, June 2013, #3280.

  • DTI Detection of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Injury Due to Repetitive Head Blows. I.Y. Chun, A. Diaz, X. Li, Y.J. Jin, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman and T. Talavage, 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, June 2013, #3277.

  • Proximal and Distal Effects of Subconcussive Head Impacts on fMRI Activity in Asymptomatic High School Football Players. M. Robinson, E. Breedlove, V. Poole, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman and T. Talavage, 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Imaging, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2013.

  • Robust Detection of Progressive White Matter Abnormalities in mTBI using DW-MRI I.Y. Chun, A. Diaz, Y.-J. Jin, X. Li, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman and T. Talavage, 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2013.

  • Functional Connectivity Alterations in Asymptomatic High School Football Players. T. Shenk, K. Abbas, E. Breedlove, V. Poole, K. Breedlove, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, T. Talavage and M. Robinson, 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2013.

  • 1H MRS Suggests Chronic and Acute Injury in High School Football Players V.N. Poole, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, T. Talavage and U. Dydak, 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2013.

  • Neurophysiological Deficits in Football Assessed Using ImPACT, fMRI and Head Impact Telemetry. K.M. Breedlove, E.L. Breedlove, M. Robinson, V. Poole, T.M. Talavage, L.J. Leverenz, E.A. Nauman, 2013 Big Sky Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Conference, Big Sky, MT, February 4, 2013.

  • The Effect of Number, Location, and Magnitude of Hits to the Head on Changes in Neurophysiology for a Population of High School Football Players. E.L. Breedlove, J. Gilger, M. Robinson, K. Morigaki Breedlove, V. Poole. L.J. Leverenz, T.M. Talavage and E.A. Nauman, 2013 Big Sky Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Conference, Big Sky, MT, February 4, 2013.

  • Influence of In-Season Hit History and Post-Season Recovery Time on Brain Health in High School Football Players. N. Zhang, M. Robinson, V. Poole, E. Breedlove, K. Morigaki Breedlove, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman and T. Talavage, The 65th Annual Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association Convention, Buffalo, NY, January 2013.

  • Asymptomatic high school contact sport athletes exhibit metabolic changes that correlate with head collision history V.N. Poole, E. Breedlove, M. Robinson, K. Morigaki, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, U. Dydak and T. Talavage, Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, LA, October 13-17, 2012, #552.07/L13.

  • How many hits is too many? Toward a dose-response of head collisions as revealed in football by fMRI M Robinson, T Talavage, E Breedlove, K Morigaki, R Benson, E Nauman, L Leverenz, 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, June 2011.

  • fMRI Assessment of Effects of Technique on Neurological Impairment in High School Football Players TM Talavage, EL Breedlove, KE Morigaki, ME Robinson, RD Ranaweera, EA Nauman, LJ Leverenz, 19th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2011.

  • Cognitive Deficits in Football Players When No Classic Signs of Impairment are Exhibited E. Breedlove, E. Nauman, T. Talavage, U. Yoruk, A. Dye, K. Morigaki, and L. Leverenz, 2nd Annual Research Symposium for Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association, West Lafayette, IN, July 2010.

  • Functionally-Observed Concussion in High School Athletes: Hidden Brain Injury with Lasting Effect? T. Talavage, L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, E. Breedlove, U. Yoruk, K. Morigaki, M. Robinson, D. Miller, C. Bouman, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, June 2010.

  • Helmet Monitoring Can Screen for Cognitive Deficits in the Absence of Clinical Signs of Concussion E. Breedlove, E. Nauman, T. Talavage, U. Yoruk, A. Dye, K. Morigaki, L. Leverenz, Systems Integrity for Defence Technology Summit, West Lafayette, IN, April 2010.

Invited Talks

  • Medical Imaging to Re-Characterize 'Concussion' for Improved Diagnosis and Prevention, T. Talavage, at Concussion: A National Challenge, National Academy of Engineering-Institute of Medicine Regional Meeting, Cleveland, OH, June 24, 2015.

  • Seeing Through The Fog: The Truth About Concussions. Katie Breedlove, TEDxPurdueU, West Lafayette, IN, April 2013.

  • Neuroimaging of Concussive and Subconcussive Injury: Probing Neurological Health in High School Athletes T. Talavage, Speech and Hearing Biosciences Technology Program Seminar, MIT-Harvard Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 2011.

  • Neurology and Neurotrauma Research at Purdue E. Nauman, L. Leverenz, T. Talavage, Big Ten/CIC Head Injury Summit, Chicago, IL, April 2011.

  • Can We Play Football Safely? Lessons learned from studying high school football players L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, T. Talavage, Science on Tap, Lafayette, IN, April 2011.

  • Can We Play Football Safely? Lessons learned from studying high school football players T. Talavage, E. Breedlove,Carmel Chamber of Commerce, Carmel, IN, March 2011.

  • Use of Computer-Based Neurocognitive Testing to Identify Impairments in Patients Without Symptoms L. Leverenz, E. Nauman, T. Talavage, West Lafayette Kiwanis Club, West Lafayette, IN, Feb. 2011.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury: Comparing Military to Civilian Trauma. E. Nauman, Institute of Medicine, Committee on Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury Public Workshop, , Feb. 2011.

  • Neurological Impairment in Football Players. Detecting Injury and Miminimizing Future Risk E. Nauman, T. Talavage, Purdue University Science Journalism Laureates, West Lafayette, IN, Nov. 2010.

  • Functional Impairments in High School Football Players: How do we detect occult injury and minimize future risk? T. Talavage, Section on Functional Imaging Methods, NIMH, NIH, , Nov. 2010.

  • Functional Impairments in High School Football Players: How do we detect occult injury and minimize future risk? T. Talavage, Center for the Study of Learning, Georgetown University, Nov. 2010.

  • Concussion in Football: More Than a Ding on the Head Evan L. Breedlove, Invited talk to the Purdue chapter of BMES, , March 2010.

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