Purdue University Mark

Purdue University

RoSeHUB Companies

NSF Center on RObots and SEnsors for the HUman well-Being - Purdue Site

The NSF RoSe-HUB center is a multi-university Industry/University Cooperative Research Center, or I/UCRC. The academic partners include Purdue, University of Pennsylvania, University of Denver, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and the lead site, University of Minnesota.

Industry and Government Partners

Oregon Tool Dept. of Energy

Benefits of Joining RoSeHUB

The Purdue Site of RoSe-HUB gives companies and government agencies direct access to Purdue Faculty and Purdue Students. RoSe-HUB acts as a low-cost entry point to projects at the Purdue Robotics Accelerator.

Top Reasons for Joining RoSeHUB

  • Pooling money improves ROI in new technology, lowers barriers to entry
  • Industry controls the generation and choice of research topics
  • Access to leading researchers at Purdue, UMn, Penn, UNCC, DU
  • Royalty-free licenses to technology generated throughout the Center
  • Research is vetted by members of the public safety sector for likelihood of adoption and commercialization
  • Resume book and access to graduates who are already exposed to needs of industry
  • Strategic networking and cooperation with other industries and complementary companies
  • Center promotes industry standards; members have direct role
  • Yearly tutorials from research leaders
  • Center, PSAC, demos & activities enhance the reputation and visibility of members

To Join:

Contact Site Director, Mo Rastgaar, at rastgaar [at] purdue [dot] edu
Or call (765) 494-3733

Contact Managing Director, Shoumen Datta, at shoumendatta [at] gmail [dot] com

Copyright: © 2016,2017,2019 by Richard M. Voyles

rvoyles [at] purdue [dot] edu

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600