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Workshops for Student Organizations

Our staff offer a wide variety of workshops for student organizations and advisors to help with different aspects of running your organization. Whether you’re in need of technical assistance with Boilerlink or looking for professional development, our team would love to come in to talk to your organization.  

In addition to our workshops by request, our team hosts several workshops on campus. You can see this semester’s standard workshop schedule on Boilerlink . The following workshops are offered multiple times throughout the year.  

  • President and Treasurer Check-ins
  • Starting a New Student Organization
  • Fundraising 101

  Request a workshop  

 Leadership and Professional Development  

  • B-Involved: This presentation will go over reasons why it is important to get involved and how to start the process.
  • Become a Reflective Leader: Identifying values is an important first step to living life with intention. Participants identify their top values and reflect on how they are (or want to be) living in alignment with those values.
  • Shared Leadership: This workshop covers the history of leadership approaches and theories including shared leadership. Participants deepen their understanding of shared leadership and develop their own definitions of leadership.
  • Balancing Your Plate: This session will help participants learn how to assess their current workload, reflect on their working styles, and build a more sustainable workflow to make their 40-hour work week work for them.
  • Implicit Bias Training Sequence: A 2-part certificate program aimed to help student organization members recognize biases they may hold, address those biases internally, and work as a group to address systems of bias in their student organization.
  • Microagressions: This workshop is designed to help your group understand what microaggressions are, how they affect our daily interactions, how they affect the people around us, and how we can work toward removing microaggressions from your organization's culture/community.
  • Comparing Yourself to Others: Become more aware of how you compare yourself to others and whether your comparison is helping you grow or keeping you down. Participants will practice enhancing their self-esteem by reflecting on their strengths, skills and motivations.

Organization Management  

  • Boilerlink Crash Course: An overview of Boiler Link. Learn how to manage your roster, submit APFs and everything in between.
  • Event Planning: Not sure where to start when planning an event or activity this semester? Or, what resources are available to you as a student organization for your event? This workshop will provide all the information you need to plan an event as well as a to-do and checklist.
  • Marketing and Turnout: Interested in learning the best practices on marketing to students and the Purdue community? This workshop will explore the variety of marketing tools and resources available to student organizations, free and paid. Marketing is only half the battle. Learn how to actually get people to turn out to your event!
  • Recruitment and Retention: Learn the best practices for recruiting new members virtually and in person. We will also learn about the retention of current organization members during the semester.
  • Preparing for Elections: Did you know you can run elections through Boilerlink? Learn how to manage this process and best practice regarding elections.
  • High Impact Teams: Learn how meaningful work is healthy and receive strategies that help your organization pursue high impact.
  • Advisor 101: Does your office have several staff members who advise student organizations or have they expressed interest in doing so? Schedule Advisor 101 to go over the expectations of advisors, promising practices for advising student organizations, and troubleshoot questions you have for SAO.
  • Dreams to Action: No matter the size of a dream, success starts with making a deliverable action plan. This workshop gives you strategies for turning an idea into concrete beginning steps.

Fundraising, Stewardship, and Financial Management  

  • Fundraising 101: Learn about various grants available to your organization here at Purdue as well as deadlines, application processes and best practices, as well as additional ways you can raise funds for your organization right here on campus.  
  • Alumni Engagement: Learn how to establish and maintain strong relationships with your organization's alumni base.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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