University Senate Quick Reference Guide


Welcome to the Purdue University Senate! This quick reference guide is intended to help orient new Senators for their shared governance work. We hope you will find it helpful, and we welcome additional queries and suggestions.

Established in 1964, the University Senate is the governing body of the faculty, and it exercises the legislative and policy-making powers assigned to the faculty. Subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees, and in consultation with the President, it has the power and responsibility to propose or to adopt policies, regulations, and procedures intended to achieve the educational objectives of Purdue University and the general welfare of those involved in these educational processes.

What are the most important aspects of being a Senator?

  1. Senators are a crucial nexus of information for faculty. They should report regularly to their units on Senate activities and informational reports, and solicit the opinions of their colleagues on proposals that are before the Senate, or that might come before the Senate.
  2. Be prepared for meetings. Be familiar with parliamentary procedure, and spend time carefully reading any documents circulated with the Senate agenda. If you have feedback on a Senate Document, it is ideal if the Committee Chair presenting it hears from you in time to make revisions.
  3. Know the Bylaws. In fact, Bylaw 2.07 requires that all Senators make themselves familiar with our Bylaws. Specifically, “At the start of each academic year, all newly elected Senators must complete a training course on the Purdue University Senate Bylaws, administered by the Secretary of Faculties. Senators may not participate in regular Senate meeting or Committee meeting votes until the training is completed.”

Who is on the Senate?

There are 104 Senators, and around 16 Advisors to the Senate. Most Senators are sent by their academic units according to an annual apportionment, but there are a few ex officio members as well: Purdue’s President, Provost, and Chief Fiscal Officer. In addition to the Senate Chair and Vice Chair (who are considered senators at large), we also have one representative each from Purdue Northwest and Purdue Fort Wayne, as well as from the West Lafayette Purdue Student Government and West Lafayette Purdue Graduate Student Government. In 2025, two Senators from the faculty who are tenured to Purdue from its Indianapolis division will join the Senate.

Who can be a Senator?

Tenured, tenure-track, and clinical faculty can be chosen by their academic units to serve as Senators.

Who can vote on Senate matters?

When the full body of the Senate convenes, all Senators, including the Chair, Vice Chair, and regular ex officio Senators, are entitled to the vote.

Advisors to the Senate may not vote in full Senate meetings, but they do have full floor privileges. This means that they may speak, make motions, and raise points of order. When they serve on Standing Committees, Senate Advisors may vote on committee business.

NB: The immediate past chair of the Senate is a non-voting ex officio member of the Senate with full floor privileges, unless they are fulfilling the end of their Senate term or have just been elected to a second term. In that case, they maintain the right to vote as well.

Do I have to attend Senate meetings?

You do. Per Bylaw 2.061, “If a Senator is absent for more than 50% of Senate and/or Committee meetings in a single academic year, the attendance record is inconsistent with the responsibilities of a Senator.” Such absentees will be recalled. If you can only attend part of a meeting due to other university service, that’s generally okay.

Per our Bylaws Section 2.04, “All Senators have equal rights, privileges, and responsibilities. These include those put forth in Article II, Section 2.041 and 2.042 of these Bylaws. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate assume the responsibility for creating an environment in which Senators can exercise their rights, privileges, and responsibilities freely and without fear of retribution.”

Rights include:

Responsibilities include:

Attend Senate meetings

Protect the parliamentary rights of all members


Respect and be respected


Act in fairness and good faith


Speak openly

Act when rules are used to deny the rights of other members, or to thwart the will of the assembly, including overemphasis on minor technicalities or dilatory tactics


Ask questions, and rise to a parliamentary or factual inquiry

Attend at least 50% of Senate meetings and committee meetings in a single academic year


Be heard

Represent constituents by soliciting their input on Senate items for discussion, and by providing to them information on Senate actions


Present proposals

Possess a detailed knowledge of the Purdue University Senate Bylaws


Oppose proposals

Have an informed opinion

Propose motions (in keeping with proper parliamentary procedure)

Be aware of the fundamentals of the Bylaws and our parliamentary guide

Nominate candidates for office

Nominate candidates for office

Be a candidate for office

Serve on committees

Vote on motions

Vote on motions

Express an opinion freely and without interruption or interference, provided that the rules for debate, which are applicable to all members, are observed


Observe the rules of debate at all times

Know the meaning of the question before the assembly and what its effect will be


Know the meaning of the question before the assembly and what its effect will be


Request information from or through the presiding officer on any motion they do not understand so that they may vote intelligently

Request information from or through the presiding officer on any motion they do not understand so that they may vote intelligently


Because the Chair is the most visible person in a meeting and has the most potentially dramatic role, we often focus too much on that person and not enough on the individual members. But without the members, of course, there would be no meeting; nor will the meeting be effective if the members are not. —Canon’s Concise Guide to Rules of Order

Secretary of Faculties:

The Secretary of Faculties acts as the Secretary to the Senate and Parliamentarian to the Senate. To the extent possible, they will also act as a floor parliamentarian during meetings, although their primary function is to assist the presider. Outside of meetings, they are happy to assist any Senators with questions about how to bring motions, navigate parliamentary norms, time their actions, etc. (

Executive Assistant to the Senate:

The Executive Assistant serves as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. They are the first point of contact for any questions you have about attendance, scheduling, or committee assignments.

Chair of the Senate:

The Chair of the Senate has a dedicated email account ( and can also be reached via web form from the Senate website. Queries for Question Time and Advisory Committee will be solicited monthly.

Chair of the Steering Committee:

The Chair of the Steering Committee is the primary point of contact for anyone who wishes to have a motion added to the Senate agenda or wants to have an issue assigned to a proper Standing Committee.

Every regular Senate meeting includes at least ten minutes made available for Question Time. Each month, a call will go out for pre-submission of questions, which will either receive written answers posted to the Senate’s website, will be addressed live during Question Time, or both. It is possible to ask questions that were not pre-submitted, time permitting, but this is not preferred.

The Senate uses a web form to receive its Committee Documents; the Committee fills out the relevant portions and then the Document is generated and sent to the Steering Committee for agenda assignment. The Secretary of Faculties numbers each Document once it has been assigned to an agenda. Committee votes must be listed in full.

It is often unclear to anyone who has not been through the process just how much time it takes to usher policy through the University Senate. When planning, please keep in mind the following:

  1. Standing Committee Documents must be routed to the Steering Committee for placement on the Senate’s agenda
  2. Most Documents are presented twice: once for discussion, and once for action. To suspend the rules and take immediate action requires a 2/3 affirmative majority
  3. It is expected that revision to a Document may occur between meetings in response to Senate feedback. Amendments may be submitted in writing to the Steering Committee between meetings
  4. Agendas in March and April tend to be crowded—please plan accordingly
  5. If you want any legislation passed via usual procedures by the end of the academic year, it needs to be routed to Steering by 7 March 2025—please plan accordingly

How does this look from the ground? Let’s say your constituent group has an idea for a proposal about cancelling class on 1 March 2025 because Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse has finally been given a release date. The last meeting of the Senate before 1 March 2025 is on 17 February 2025. The appropriate Standing Committee (probably the EPC here) would need to be willing to present the item for discussion at the meeting prior to this—on 27 January 2025. But wait! This means the Document would need to be ready to go to the Steering Committee for agenda assignment on 10 January 2025. And so it would need to go to the Standing Committee several weeks (preferably at least a month) before then, to allow the committee time to debate, revise, and vote on the measure. Since we have the break to factor in as well, you’d better get started working in October or November.

Date of Senate Action

To Steering for final Agenda placement

Date of Senate Discussion

To Steering for first Agenda placement

For action to be taken on 09 September 2024

Noon on 23 August

Previous spring

Previous spring

For action to be taken on 21 October 2024

Noon on 27 September

09 September 2024

Noon on 23 August

For action to be taken on 18 November 2024

Noon on 01 November

21 October 2024

Noon on 27 September

For action to be taken on 27 January 2025

Noon on 10 January

18 November 2024

Noon on 01 November

For action to be taken on 17 February 2025

Noon on 31 January

27 January 2025

Noon on 10 January

For action to be taken on 24 March 2025

Noon on 7 March

17 February 2025

Noon on 31 January

For action to be taken on 21 April 2025

Noon on 4 April

24 March    2025

Noon on 7 March

Purdue University Senate follows the current edition of the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (AIPSC, or sometimes called “Standard Code”) unless our Bylaws contradict it, in which case we follow our Bylaws [].

Be not afraid. AIPSC is not very different from Robert’s Rules for most common actions; in several cases it is simpler and more straightforward to use and learn.

Here are a few common actions you may wish to use:

What you want to do

What you say

Bring a new course of action to the floor

I move that …

Change the wording of something being debated

I move to amend…

Call attention to a rule of procedure that is being broken

I rise to a point of order. (Point must be raised immediately after the mistake is made.)

Request information about a procedural matter (e.g., whether a motion to amend would be in order)

I rise to a parliamentary inquiry. (Can interrupt only if the speaker requires an immediate answer.)

Request substantive information about a pending motion or its meaning

I rise to a factual inquiry. (Can interrupt only if the speaker requires an immediate answer.)

Have a proposal sent to a committee for further study / their recommendation

I move to refer […] to the […] Committee.

Request to postpone action on something

I move to postpone the motion until… (This is not the same as tabling a motion: under AIPSC, tabling is essentially a killing move.)

Suspend the rules so that immediate action may be taken on something

I move to suspend the rules so that… (2/3 vote needed)

End all debate and vote immediately on the pending matter (aka call the question)

I move to end debate and vote immediately on… (2/3 vote needed)

Appeal a decision you believe was mistaken

I appeal the ruling of the Chair (Appeal must be made immediately after the ruling.)

If you know you will be making a presentation to the Senate—e.g., suggesting an amendment; advocating for or against a particular Document; etc.—there are some steps you can take to ensure things will go smoothly.

  1. If you want to distribute material to your colleagues for feedback ahead of time or to help them prepare for the meeting, the Secretary of Faculties can usually help to facilitate this.
  2. For amendments, if you know you will be proposing one, please be sure to send a clean copy of the amendment to the Secretary of Faculties by noon on the Friday before the Senate meeting. (Ideally, amendments would be routed through Steering, but they can be accommodated later in the process as necessary.)
  3. If you would like to invite a guest expert to speak or take questions, please work with the Senate Chair and Secretary of Faculties to be sure they can be invited and recognized.
  4. If you plan to use slides, the Secretary of Faculties must receive your files by noon on the Friday before the Senate meeting.
  5. Please employ universal design principles in constructing your presentation. This means:
  • use large, simple fonts
  • use background and text colors that are high in contrast
  • do not try to convey information using color alone
  • when possible, use clear, simple language and keywords and phrases rather than full sentences
  • spell out abbreviations and acronyms when first used
  • videos used in your presentation must be captioned
  • images used in slides must have alt text included
  • make sure links are meaningful for colleagues using a screen reader; never use “click here” for a link

(Note: The Secretary of Faculties is available to advise on these issues in more detail): 


Chart shows legislation path for Senate committees, individual Senators, and student organizations.

An essential part of a Senator’s charge is to keep their constituents informed of Senate business, and to solicit the opinions of those constituents on Senate goals and proposed actions.

To facilitate communication, the Office of the Secretary of Faculties:

  • Maintains the Senate website, where general resources as well as recent Documents, Senate presentations, minutes, Question Time answers, etc. can be found.
  • Circulates the Senate Newsletter within a day or two of each Senate meeting, and encourages its wide circulation
  • Is available for consultation with any Senator who needs additional information about ongoing business or parliamentary procedure.
  • Arranges for Senate meetings to be livestreamed, so that interested faculty members may watch.
In addition, an archive of Senate materials dating back to 1964 is available via the library’s E-Archives; please contact the Secretary of Faculties if you’re having difficulty with a particular research question.

Memorial resolutions previously prepared by colleagues and read at a College/School faculty meeting should be sent to the Secretary of Faculties for inclusion in the agenda for an upcoming Senate meeting. During the Senate meeting, names of colleagues for whom memorial resolutions have been submitted are announced, and a moment of silence is observed. After the Senate meeting, the Secretary of Faculties sends a letter to the family with condolences and indicates that the resolution is now included in the Senate record.

Senate meetings 2024-2025
(2:30-5pm; plan to arrive 5 min. early to ensure we begin on time)

  • Monday, September 09, 2024
  • Monday, October 21, 2024
  • Monday, November 18, 2024
  • Monday, January 27, 2025
  • Monday, February 17, 2025
  • Monday, March 24, 2025
  • Monday, April 21, 2025

Steering Committee meetings 2024-2025
(NB: Materials are always due by noon the Friday BEFORE the Steering Committee meeting. See p. 8 for a more detailed timeline)

  • Monday, August 26, 2024
  • Monday, September 30, 2024
  • Monday, November 04, 2024
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
  • Monday, February 03, 2025
  • Monday, March 10, 2025
  • Monday, April 07, 2025