Trademark Usage
Trademark usage falls into four general categories: commercial promotions on internet sites, sponsored events, off-campus commercial advertising, and photographs or illustrations of Purdue University. A guide to usage is below.
Purdue University® and the Purdue University marks are trademarks and service marks of Purdue University in the United States and other countries. Use of any Purdue University logos, names and marks without prior written consent is prohibited. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names that are not the property of Purdue University are the property of their respective owners.
Commercial Promotions on Internet Sites
The use of Purdue trademarks in conjunction with a commercial promotion including a commercial internet site may be permissible if the following criteria are met:
- The promotion or use must be beneficial to Purdue. This benefit may be tangible or intangible.
- The use must be consistent with Purdue's institutional mission, values and standards of excellence.
- The use must be consistent with all other provisions of this policy.
Approval of such use must be granted by a management committee consisting of the Executive Vice President and Treasurer, the Vice President for Business Services and Assistant Treasurer, the Vice President for University Relations, and the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Requests for approval shall be communicated to Trademarks and Licensing in writing. The University may require that such promotions operate under a promotional license, which would be issued by Purdue's licensing agent.
Sponsored Events
When a Purdue team is an invited participant in an event where the event sponsor's trademarks are used to name the event, Purdue allows the use of its trademarks in conjunction with the sponsor/event trademarks to promote the event. Trademarks and Licensing must specifically approve each such use.
Off-Campus Commercial Advertising
The use of Purdue's trademarks within advertisements in various media — including, but not limited to, television, radio, print and the internet — may be permissible if the following four criteria are met:
- The advertisement promotes the sale of officially licensed Purdue merchandise.
- The official Purdue University Seal is not used.
- The advertisement does not state or imply any University endorsement of the company or its products.
- The advertisement artwork is approved in writing by an Trademarks and Licensing administrator prior to publication and complies with any other requirements imposed by the administrator.
Photographs or Illustrations of Purdue University
The use of photographs or illustrations depicting Purdue University depends on several factors, which are detailed below.
A license agreement is required and royalties are due if:
- The picture or illustration is used as a graphic decoration on a commercial product.
- The packaging or advertisement for the product that contains or carries a photograph or illustration is presented in a manner that implies affiliation or association with Purdue.
- Purdue's trademarks (including the name "Purdue") appear on any packaging or promotional materials and/or announcements that promote the merchandising of the product.
A license agreement is NOT required and NO royalties are due if:
- The photograph or illustration is being purchased for noncommercial (in-home) use.
- The photograph or illustration is to be used in a commercial establishment as decoration, but only in a manner that would not imply an affiliation with, endorsement by or association with Purdue.
- The photograph or illustration is being used by a recognized newsgathering service for publication or broadcast.
- The photograph or illustration is being used in a historical context by a recognized news agency, publisher or other service.
- The photograph or illustration is used in an entertainment or artistic context, such as commercial movies or TV shows. Trademarks and Licensing must receive written requests for this use and will forward them to the Vice President for University Relations for approval.