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Narrative directions to the Grant Street (Visitor) Parking Garage near the Purdue Memorial Union are included below.
Campus Map and Construction Information
You may also find Purdue's campus map helpful for navigating campus. Check the City of Lafayette website for updates about construction.
Visitor Parking — Grant Street Parking Garage Directions
Driving directions to the Grant Street Parking Garage, the designated parking garage for campus visitors, are provided below. You also can use the following address for online mapping services: 120 N. Grant St., West Lafayette, Indiana.
From Chicago, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis and South Bend:
Exit I-65 at Exit 172 and proceed west (toward Lafayette) on South Street. Proceed four miles to West Lafayette. (Be sure to follow the state Route 26 signs carefully. At the intersection with Main Street, state Route 26 will jog one block north and become Columbia Street.) When you cross the Wabash River you are in West Lafayette and are now on State Street. Proceed to the fourth traffic light and turn right on Grant Street. The Grant Street Parking Garage (PGG on campus map) will be 1/2 block on your right.
From Champaign, Crawfordsville, St. Louis and Terre Haute:
Exit I-70 (Exit 41) or I-74 (Exit 34) on U.S. 231 North. When you cross the Wabash River, you are in West Lafayette. At the third light, turn left on State Street. At the second traffic light, turn right on Grant Street. The Grant Street Parking Garage (PGG on campus map) will be 1/2 block on your right.
To Chicago, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis and South Bend:
Exit the Grant Street Parking Garage and turn right. Proceed three blocks to Salisbury Street and turn left. At the first stoplight, make a hard right onto the ramp down to River Road. Turn right and proceed to the second light (State Street). Turn left onto state Route 26 (State Street) and proceed four miles through Lafayette to I-65.
To Champaign, Crawfordsville, St. Louis and Terre Haute:
Exit the Grant Street Parking Garage and turn right. Proceed three blocks to Salisbury Street and turn left. At the first stoplight, make a hard right onto the ramp down to River Road. Turn right and proceed to the second light (State Street). Go straight on U.S. 231 (River Road). Proceed on to I-74 (Crawfordsville) or I-70 (Cloverdale).