Walk the Talk
The Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance seeks to recognize Purdue faculty, staff, and students who "walk the talk" in their dedication to Purdue’s Statement of Integrity and Code of Conduct. Nominees for the Purdue University Walk the Talk Award should exemplify strong ethical character in their dealings with others, champion ethical practices or programs, or apply personal values in a way that demonstrates integrity and high standards of excellence. If you know a colleague or student who exemplifies these qualities, please nominate them using the form below.
Please take a moment to review Purdue's Statement of Integrity and Code of Conduct before completing the form. Eligible recipients must be an employee or student of Purdue University (which includes Fort Wayne, Northwest, West Lafayette, Extension, Polytechnic Statewide, and Indianapolis) in good standing.
Nomination Form
* Represents a required field

Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance
Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 1029
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2114
Phone: 765-494-5830
Fax: 765-496-1295
Email: compliance@purdue.edu