CSE Faculty List


Aeronautics and Astronautics

Gregory Blaisdell
CSE Representative
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: blaisdel@purdue.edu

Steven Collicott
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: collicott@purdue.edu

William Crossley
J. William Uhrig and Anastasia Vournas Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: crossley@purdue.edu

Stephen Heister
Raisbeck Engineering Distinguished Professor for Engineering and Technology Integration
Email: stephen.d.heister.1@purdue.edu

Kathleen Howell
Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: howell@purdue.edu

Kazuki Maeda
Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: kmaeda@purdue.edu

Kenshiro Oguri
Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: koguri@purdue.edu

Jonathan Poggie
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: jpoggie@purdue.edu

Michael Sangid
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: msangid@purdue.edu

Tom Shih
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: tomshih@purdue.edu

Vikas Tomar
Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: tomar@purdue.edu

Haifeng Wang
Associate Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Email: haifeng@purdue.edu

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Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Carlos Corvalan
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Email: corvalac@purdue.edu

Osvaldo Campanella
Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Email: campa@purdue.edu

Vincent G. Duffy
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Email: duffy@purdue.edu

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Agricultural Economics

Carson Reeling
CSE Representative
Interim Graduate Program Head and
Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics
Email: creeling@purdue.edu

Nicole Olynk Widmar
Interim Head of Agricultural Economics
Professor, Agricultural Economics
Email: nwidmar@purdue.edu

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Aviation and Transportation Technology

Mary Johnson
CSE Representative
Professor, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Email: mejohnson@purdue.edu

Joseph Hupy
Associate Professor, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Email: jhupy@purdue.edu

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Biological Sciences

Michael Gribskov
CSE Representative
Professor, Biological Sciences
Email: gribskov@purdue.edu

Jeffrey Bolin
Professor, Biological Sciences
Associate Vice President for Research CoS
Email: jtb@purdue.edu

Daisuke Kihara
Professor, Biological Sciences and Computer Science
Email: dkihara@purdue.edu

Cynthia V. Stauffacher
Professor, Biological Sciences
Email: cstauffa@purdue.edu

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Biomedical Engineering

Elsje Pienaar
CSE Representative
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Email: epienaar@purdue.edu

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Chemical Engineering

John A. Morgan
CSE Representative
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Email: jamorgan@purdue.edu

Osman Basaran
Burton and Kathryn Gedge Professor of Chemical Engineering
Email: obasaran@purdue.edu 

James M. Caruthers
Gerald and Sarah Skidmore Professor of Chemical Engineering
Email: caruther@purdue.edu

Jeffrey Greeley
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Email: jgreeley@purdue.edu 

Doraiswami Ramkrishna
Harry Creighton Peffer Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Email: ramkrish@purdue.edu

Brett M. Savoie
Charles Davidson Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Email: bsavoie@purdue.edu 

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Lyudmila Slipchenko
CSE Representative
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Email: lslipchenko@purdue.edu

Joseph Francisco
William E. Moore Distinguished Professor, Physical Chemistry
Email: francisc@purdue.edu

Sabre Kais
Professor, Chemistry

Mark Lipton
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Email: lipton@purdue.edu

Mike Reppert
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Email: reppertm@purdue.edu

Adam Wasserman
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Email: awasser@purdue.edu

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Civil Engineering

Mohammad Jahanshahi
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)

Ernest R. Blatchley
Lee A. Rieth Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: blatch@purdue.edu

Antonio Bobet
Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Professor in Civil Engineering
Email: bobet@purdue.edu

Hubo Cai
Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: hubocai@purdue.edu

Melba M. Crawford
Nancy Uridil and Francis Bossu Professor, Civil Engineering and Agronomy
Email: mcrawford@purdue.edu

Rao Govindaraju
Bowen Engineering Head of Civil Engineering
Christopher B. and Susan S. Burke Professor of Civil Engineering
Email: govind@purdue.edu

John E. Haddock
Professor, Civil Engineering
Director of Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program
Email: jhaddock@purdue.edu

Travis Horton
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering & Courtesy: Mechanical Engineering
Email: wthorton@purdue.edu

Ayhan Irfanoglu
Professor and Associate Head, Civil Engineering
Email: ayhan@purdue.edu

Samuel Labi
Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: labi@purdue.edu

Venkatesh Merwade
Professor, Civil Engineering & Courtesy: Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Email: vmerwade@purdue.edu

Arun Prakash, Faculty Chair for CIGP
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: arunprakash@purdue.edu

Monica Prezzi
Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: mprezzi@ecn.purdue.edu

Ming Qu
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: mqu@purdue.edu

Rodrigo Salgado
Charles Pankow Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: salgado@purdue.edu

Jie Shan
Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: jshan@purdue.edu

Andrew P. Tarko
Professor, Civil Engineering
Director of Center for Road Saftey
Email: tarko@purdue.edu

Cary Troy
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
Email: troy@purdue.edu

Amit Varma
Karl H. Kettelhut Professor in Civil Engineering and Director of Bowen Laboratory
Email: ahvarma@purdue.edu

Pablo Zavattieri
Jerry M. and Lynda T. Engelhardt Professor, Civil Engineering & Courtesy: Mechanical Engineering
Email: zavattie@purdue.edu

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Computer Graphics Technology

Yingjie Victor Chen
CSE Representative
Assistant Professor, Computer Graphics Technology
Email: victorchen@purdue.edu

Hazar Nicholas Dib
Associate Professor, Construction Management Technology, Computer Graphics Technology
Email: hdib@purdue.edu 

Tim McGraw
Associate Professor, Computer Graphics Technology
Email: tmcgraw@purdue.edu

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Computer and Information Technology

Alejandra Magana
W.C. Furnas Professor in Enterprise Excellence, Computer and Information Technology & Technology
Email: admagana@purdue.edu

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Computer Science

Zhiyuan Li
CSE Representative
Professor, Computer Science & Courtesy: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: zhiyuanli@purdue.edu

Mikhail Atallah
Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Courtesy: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: matallah@purdue.edu 

Bedrich Benes
Professor, Computer Science
Email: bbenes@purdue.edu

Elisa Bertino
Professor, Computer Science & Courtesy: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Director of CERIAS, Director of Cyber Center, Discovery Park
Email: bertino@purdue.edu

David Gleich
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Email: dgleich@purdue.edu

Ananth Grama
Professor, Computer Science 
Email: ayg@purdue.edu 

Daisuke Kihara
Professor, Biological Sciences and Computer Science
Email: dkihara@purdue.edu

Voicu Popescu
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Email: popescu@purdue.edu

Alex Pothen
Professor, Computer Science 
Email: pothen@purdue.edu

Vernon Rego
Professor, Computer Science
Email: rego@purdue.edu

Elisha Sacks
Professor, Computer Science
Email: eps@purdue.edu

Wojciech Szpankowski
Saul Rosen Professor of Computer Science, Courtesy: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: szpan@purdue.edu 

Xavier Tricoche
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Email: xmt@purdue.edu

Samuel Wagstaff
Professor, Computer Science & Courtesy: Mathematics
Email: samuel.s.wagstaff.1@purdue.edu

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Construction Management Technology

Hazar Nicholas Dib
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Construction Management Technology, Computer Graphics Technology
Email: hdib@purdue.edu

Yi Jiang
Professor, Graduate Program Chair, Construction Management Technology
Email: jiang2@purdue.edu

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Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Wen-wen Tung
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Email: wwtung@purdue.edu

Michael Baldwin
Associate Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Email: baldwin@purdue.edu

Andrew Freed
Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Email: freed@purdue.edu

Matthew Huber
Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Email: huberm@purdue.edu

Lei Wang
Assistant Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Email: leiwang@purdue.edu

Qianlai Zhuang
Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Professor, Agronomy
Email: qzhuang@purdue.edu

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

T. Vijaykumar
CSE Representative
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: vijay@purdue.edu

Saurabh Bagchi
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science (by courtesy)
Faculty Director, Corporate Partnerships
Email: sbagchi@purdue.edu

Charles Bouman
Michael J. and Katherine R. Birck Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: bouman@purdue.edu

Mireille Boutin
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: mboutin@purdue.edu

David Ebert
Silicon Valley Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email:  ebert@purdue.edu

Rudolf Eigenmann
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: eigenman@purdue.edu

Okan Ersoy
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: ersoy@purdue.edu

Arif Ghafoor
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: ghafoor@purdue.edu

Charlie Hu
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: ychu@purdue.edu

Leah Jamieson
Ransburg Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: lhj@purdue.edu

Dan Jiao
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: djiao@purdue.edu

Gerhard Klimeck
Director of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: gekco@purdue.edu

Milind Kulkarni
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: milind@purdue.edu

Chun-Sing George Lee
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: csglee@purdue.edu

Mark Lundstrom
Don and Carol Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: lundstro@purdue.edu

Samuel Midkiff
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: smidkiff@purdue.edu

Sanjay Rao
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: sanjay@purdue.edu

Mithuna Thottethodi
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: mithuna@purdue.edu

Kevin Webb
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: kevin.j.webb.1@purdue.edu 

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Engineering Education

Jennifer DeBoer
CSE Representative
Associate Professional, Engineering Education
Email: deboerj@purdue.edu

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Engineering Professional Education

Dale Harris
CSE Representative
Executive Director of Engineering Professional Education
Email: harris@purdue.edu

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Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Fu Zhao
CSE Representative
Professor, Mechanical Engineering and EEE
Email: fzhao@purdue.edu

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Food Sciences

Carlos Corvalan
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Food Sciences
Email: corvalac@purdue.edu

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Forestry & Natural Resources

Bryan C. Pijanowski
CSE Representative
Professor, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Director, Discovery Park Center for Global Soundscapes
Email: bpijanow@purdue.edu 

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Industrial Engineering

Mario Ventresca
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Email: mventresca@purdue.edu

Vaneet Aggarwal
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy) 
Email: vaneet@purdue.edu

Joaquín Goñi
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
Email: jgonicor@purdue.edu

Gesualdo Scutari
Thomas and Jane Schmidt Rising Star Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering
Email: gscutari@purdue.edu

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Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics

Tonglei Li
CSE Representative
Allen Chao Chair and Professor of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Email: tonglei@purdue.edu

Kinam Park
Professor of Pharmaceutics, Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: kpark@purdue.edu

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Materials Engineering

R. Edwin Garcia
CSE Representative
Professor, Materials Engineering
Email: redwing@purdue.edu

Matt Krane
Professor, Materials Engineering
Email: krane@purdue.edu

Ale Strachan
Professor, Materials Engineering
Email: strachan@purdue.edu

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Jianlin Xia
CSE Representative
Professor, Mathematics
Email: xiaj@purdue.edu 

Mireille Boutin
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering & Mathematics
Email: mboutin@purdue.edu 

Zhiqiang Cai
Professor, Mathematics
Email: caiz@purdue.edu

Min Chen
Professor, Mathematics
Email: chen45@purdue.edu 

Steven Dong
Professor, Mathematics
Email: sdong@purdue.edu

Jingwei Hu
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Email: hu342@purdue.edu

Peijun Li
Professor, Mathematics
Email: lipeijun@purdue.edu

Guang Lin
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Email: guanglin@purdue.edu

Bradley Lucier
Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
Email: lucier@purdue.edu

Di Qi
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Email: qidi@purdue.edu

Juan Santos
Professor, Mathematics
Email: santos@purdue.edu

Jie Shen
Professor, Mathematics
Email: shen7@purdue.edu 

Alexandria Volkening
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering (by courtesy)
Email: avolkening@purdue.edu 

Nung Kwan Yip
Professor, Mathematics
Email: yipn@purdue.edu

Xiangxiong Zhang
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Email: zhan1966@purdue.edu

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Mechanical Engineering

Hector Gomez
CSE Representative
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: hectorgomez@purdue.edu

Arezoo Ardekani
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: ardekani@purdue.edu

Kartik Ariyur
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: kariyur@purdue.edu

Ivan Christov
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: christov@purdue.edu

Marcial Gonzalez
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: marcial-gonzalez@purdue.edu

Jay Gore
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: gore@purdue.edu

Veeraraghava Raju Hasti
Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Marisol Koslowski
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: marisol@purdue.edu 

Partha Mukherjee
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: pmukherjee@purdue.edu

Xiulin Ruan
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: ruan@purdue.edu

Carlo Scalo
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: scalo@purdue.edu

Thomas Siegmund
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: siegmund@purdue.edu

Paul Sojka
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: sojka@purdue.edu

Ganesh Subbarayan
Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
Email: ganeshs@purdue.edu

Adrian Buganza Tepole
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
Email: abuganza@purdue.edu

Kejie Zhao
Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
Email: kjzhao@purdue.edu

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Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Tony Hazbun
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology 
Email: thazbun@purdue.edu 

V. Jo Davisson
Professor, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Email: davisson@purdue.edu 

Carol Post
Professor, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology 
Email: cbp@purdue.edu 

Danzhou Yang 
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Professor, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Email: yangdz@purdue.edu

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Nuclear Engineering

Martin Bertodano
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering
Email: bertodan@purdue.edu

Anter El-Azab
Professor, Nuclear Engineering
Email: aelazab@purdue.edu

Lefteri Tsoukalas
Professor, Nuclear Engineering
Email: tsoukala@purdue.edu

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Physics and Astronomy

Norbert Neumeister
CSE Representative
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: neumeist@purdue.edu

Dimitrios Giannios
Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: dgiannio@purdue.edu 

Sergei Khlebnikov
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: skhleb@purdue.edu

Yuli Lyanda-Geller
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: yuli@purdue.edu

Maxim Lyutikov
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: lyutikov@purdue.edu

Danny Milisavljevic
Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: dmilisav@purdue.edu

John Peterson
Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Email: peters11@purdue.edu

Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte
Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Email: ljpn@purdue.edu

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Psychological Sciences

Stephen Broomell
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Psychological Sciences
Email: broomell@purdue.edu

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Lingsong Zhang
CSE Representative
Associate Professor, Statistics
Email: lingsong@purdue.edu

Mary Ellen Bock
Professor, Statistics
Email: mbock@purdue.edu

Guang Cheng
Professor, Statistics
Email: chengg@purdue.edu

Bruce Craig
Professor of Statistics
Director of Statistical Consulting
Email: bacraig@purdue.edu

Michael Levine
Associate Professor, Statistics
Email: mlevins@purdue.edu

Chuanhai Liu
Professor, Statistics
Email: chuanhai@purdue.edu

Mark D. Ward
Professor of Statistics and
(by courtesy) of Agricultural & Biological Engineering,
Mathematics, and Public Health;
Director of The Data Mine;
Interim Co-Director of the Integrative Data Science Initiative
Email: mdw@purdue.edu

Jun Xie
Professor, Statistics
Email: junxie@purdue.edu

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Technology (Ph.D. Program Only)

Richard Voyles
CSE Representative
Professor, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Email: rvoyles@purdue.edu

Stephen J Elliott
Head of the Department of Technology Leadership and Innovation
Email: elliott@purdue.edu

Alejandra Magana
Associate Professor, Computer and Information Technology 
Email: admagana@purdue.edu

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