2017 ESE Symposium - September 25th - 27th

Since the Industrial Revolution, the profound, accelerating nature of science and technology has become increasingly apparent. Over the past century, the spectrum of advancements ranged from the successful eradication of diseases to the rise of social platforms that made the planet feel like a much a smaller place. We live in a special moment. Tracing this trajectory, we can see the potential for human sufferings to be so few and far between they almost become a distant memory. All the while, the scientific method remains shrouded in controversy and polarization. Today, as climate change threatens all life on Earth, bridging the gap between academia and the public has never been a more dire hurdle. If global sustainability is to be achieved, we must actively work towards the creation of a holistic and ethical framework by which to do so.

At this symposium, we seek to facilitate a forum on the trajectory of, not only science, but the human species. We plan to do so in the following contexts:

  • Analyze our scientific past to comprehend how society has facilitated and adapted to shifting paradigms,
  • Examine our scientific present to understand how to confront challenges facing scientific progress and ecological resilience, and
  • Speculate on the future so that we may prepare ethical guidelines for the habitation of an increasingly complex socio-technological landscape.

This event is FREE and OPEN to the public thanks to our sponsors. The event dates are September 25, 2017 to September 27, 2017. The event is organized by Purdue University’s Ecological Sciences and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. To get involved, please contact ese@purdue.edu. We look forward to seeing you there!

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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