Accelerate to Industry - Pilot Program

The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development is proud to provide our graduate students and postdocs with a bold, new approach to workforce readiness, Accelerate to Industry (A2i)! Developed by North Carolina State University, A2i helps participants develop the business, leadership, and communication skills that companies seek in new employees. This program connects graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with industry leaders who share expert advice through talks, workshops, and networking opportunities. 

It is our goal to provide graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff with comprehensive professional development programming. We want our graduate students and postdocs to explore all career opportunities available to them including the vast population of industry leaders in the Lafayette/West Lafayette, Indianapolis, and surrounding areas. 

A2i Modules

A2i students will participate in the following modules designed to garner maximum job readiness outcomes. 

Job Search Strategy - JSS

  • career exploration, corporate culture, negotiation, business communication, networking, LinkedIn

Interview Techniques & Writing - ITW

  • The elevator pitch, behavioral interview questions, interview communication, STAR method and 
  • cover letter & resume writing workshops
  • resume reviews

Company Site Visit - CSV

  • A2i students will be selected to visit company locations based on the company's needs. Students selected for this module will be those interested in starting a career with the selected company.

Industry Immersion - II

  • A2i industry partners will be on campus to provide talks, panels, workshops, and a career fair specifically for A2i students.


A2i Workshops

Welcome to our exclusive presentation on enhancing your LinkedIn profile and leveraging the platform for networking, information gathering, and job searches. In this session, we'll delve into the essential aspects that will help you unlock the full potential of LinkedIn, turning it into a powerful tool for professional success.

  • Create an engaging and professional LinkedIn profile that highlights strengths and expertise.
  • Develop a compelling headline and summary that captures the attention of potential connections and employers.
  • Expanding LinkedIn network with relevant industry professionals and recruiters.
  • Enhancing personal brand on LinkedIn to stand out in the competitive job market.
  • Gain confidence in engaging with LinkedIn content and participating in meaningful discussions.
  • Leverage LinkedIn's features to explore job opportunities and professional growth prospects.

Unlock the full potential of LinkedIn to advance your career - join the LinkedIn Workshop and build a strong online presence for professional success!

Register for a free LinkedIn workshop!

June 5 | 9:30 AM | Virtual

The Comparing Job Offers Workshop is an informative and practical session designed to help individuals effectively evaluate and compare multiple job offers to make well-informed career decisions. Whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned professional considering new opportunities, this workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge to assess various job offers based on your priorities, values, and long-term career goals.

  • Gain a clear understanding of priorities and career objectives.
  • Learn how to evaluate and compare compensation packages and non-monetary benefits.
  • Develop skills to assess company culture, growth opportunities, and job stability.
  • Enhance confidence in negotiating and seeking clarifications from potential employers.

Make informed and confident career decisions with the Comparing Job Offers Workshop - navigate multiple offers and choose the path that suits your aspirations best!

Register for a free Comparing Job Offers workshop!

 June 25 | 10:00 AM | Fully Online

The Negotiating a Job Offer Workshop is an empowering and interactive session designed to equip participants with the essential skills and strategies needed to navigate the job offer negotiation process successfully. This workshop will provide you with the confidence and knowledge to assertively negotiate the terms of your job offer and secure a compensation package that aligns with your value and worth.

  • Develop a clear understanding of the negotiation process and its importance in the job search journey.
  • Acquire practical negotiation skills and techniques to confidently advocate interests during job offer discussions.
  • Gain insights into the various elements of a job offer that can be negotiated to maximize the overall compensation package.
  • Enhance confidence and assertiveness in negotiating job offers to secure favorable terms.

Unlock the power of negotiation and take control of your career with the Negotiating Your Job Offer Workshop - invest in your future success!

Register for the free Negotiating a Job Offer workshop!

June 11 | 2:00 PM | Fully Online

The Cover Letter workshop is a dynamic and interactive training session designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to create compelling cover letters that make a lasting impact on potential employers.

  • Enhance writing skills, with a focus on persuasive language and engaging content.
  • Gain confidence in presenting achievements and skills effectively.
  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of cover letter best practices and strategies.
  • Strengthen overall job application techniques to increase the chances of securing interviews and job offers.

Take the first step towards landing your dream job with The Cover Letter Workshop - unlock the potential of your cover letter and stand out to employers!

Register for the free Cover Letter workshop!

June 20 | 9:00 AM | Fully Online

The Converting Your CV into a Resume workshop is a comprehensive and practical session designed to teach individuals how to transform CVs (Curriculum Vitae) into concise and effective resumes suitable for job applications in the global job market.

  • Learn to transform CVs into targeted and persuasive resumes suitable for job applications.
  • Acquired a thorough understanding of resume best practices and industry standards.
  • Developed a compelling resume summary that effectively showcases candidate value.
  • Learn to tailor resumes for specific job opportunities and company requirements.
  • Enhance overall resume writing skills, improving chances of securing interviews.

Take the first step towards an impactful resume and unlocking new career opportunities with Converting Your CV into a Resume workshop - set yourself apart in the competitive job market!

Register for the free Converting Your CV into a Resume workshop!

June 6 | 2:00 PM | Virtual


Students interested in attending A2i workshops provided by the Office of Graduate Professional Development should create a GoSignMeUp account. Click on the linked pdf. below for complete account creation instructions.

Instructional pdf.

Please contact the Office of Graduate Professional Development at with questions or concerns.