PULSe Alumni Profiles
Last Name | First Name | Training Group(s) | |
Alpsoy | Aktan | Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology |
Aktan AlpsoyTraining Group:Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Mentor / Lab:Emily C. Dykhuizen Specific Research Area / Project:Polycomb repressor complex 1 in health and disease |
Asberry | Andrew | Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology |
Andrew AsberryTraining Group:Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology Mentor / Lab:Chang-Deng Hu Specific Research Area / Project:Mechanisms and Targeting of PRMT5-mediated Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Prostate cancer |
Brito-Sierra | Carlos | Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases |
Carlos Brito-SierraTraining Group:Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Mentor / Lab:Richard J. Kuhn Specific Research Area / Project:Flavivirus maturation in mosquitoes |
Chen | Hao | Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology |
Hao ChenTraining Group:Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Michael K. Wendt Specific Research Area / Project:Cancer Biology, Anti-metastatic Pharmacology, Drug Resistance Nodal Targeting as a Multifunctional Therapeutic Strategy in Drug Resistant Metastatic Cancer |
Corpstein | Clairissa | Chemical Biology |
Clairissa CorpsteinContact Email:Training Group:Chemical Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Tonglei Li Specific Research Area / Project:Developing and predicting long-acting drug formulation performance for pediatric HIV |
Foguth | Rachel | Integrative Neuroscience |
Rachel FoguthTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Jason Cannon Specific Research Area / Project:Heterocyclic Amine Exposure and Risk of Parkinson's Disease |
Fultz | Kourtney | Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology |
Kourtney FultzTraining Group:Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology Mentor / Lab:Tony Hazbun Specific Research Area / Project:Identifying small molecule mode of action of Hsp90 inhibitors |
Funk | Amy | Membrane Biology |
Amy FunkTraining Group:Membrane Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Christine Hrycyna Specific Research Area / Project:Characterization of the Substrate Binding Site of Isoprenyclysteine Carboxyl Methylstransferase and Targeted Inhibition to Improve Curren Chemotherapeutics |
Ganzen | Logan | Integrative Neuroscience |
Logan GanzenTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Yuk Fai Leung Specific Research Area / Project:Drug Discovery for Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Hardy | Shana | Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology |
Shana HardyTraining Group:Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Robert Geahlen Specific Research Area / Project:The Role of Syk in P-bodies and EMT |
Heintz | Veronica | Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases |
Veronica HeintzTraining Group:Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Mentor / Lab:Doug LaCount Specific Research Area / Project:Human-viral protein-protein interactions |
Hillman | Ethan | Biotechnology |
Ethan HillmanTraining Group:Biotechnology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Kevin Solomon Specific Research Area / Project:Engineering Anaerobic Fungi for Production of Secondary Metabolites |
Jacobson | Kathryn | Biotechnology |
Kathryn JacobsonTraining Group:Biotechnology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Sarah Calve Specific Research Area / Project:Proteomic analysis of extracellular matrix dynamics during mouse forelimb development |
Krisenko | Mariya | Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology |
Mariya KrisenkoTraining Group:Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Robert Geahlen Specific Research Area / Project:The role of Syk at the centrosome |
Mendes | Adriano | Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases |
Adriano MendesTraining Group:Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Mentor / Lab:Prof. Richard Kuhn Specific Research Area / Project:Molecular Virology |
Menon | Vinay | Chemical Biology |
Vinay MenonTraining Group:Chemical Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Jean Chmielewski Specific Research Area / Project:Mechanism of Action of the Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptide P14LRR |
Cristina Montenegro Larrea | Paola | Integrative Neuroscience |
Paola Cristina Montenegro LarreaTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Dr. Chris Rochet Specific Research Area / Project:Effects of the A53E substitution on alpha synuclein aggregation and neurotoxicity in Parkinson's disease |
Page | Jessica | Integrative Neuroscience |
Jessica PageTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Riyi Shi, M.D., Ph.D. Specific Research Area / Project:Translational Neuroscience: Multiple Sclerosis and Spinal Cord Injury |
Pak | Alexandr | Integrative Neuroscience |
Alexandr PakTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Dr Alex Chubykin Specific Research Area / Project:Neural Basis of Visual Change Detection |
Peron | Raquel | Plant Biology |
Raquel PeronTraining Group:Plant Biology Mentor / Lab:John J. Couture Specific Research Area / Project:Using hyperspectral data to assess genetic variation in plant functional traits and responses to stress |
Peterson | Brittany | Entomology |
Brittany PetersonTraining Group:Entomology Mentor / Lab:Mike Scharf Specific Research Area / Project:Termite symbiosis and collaborative physiology |
Wu | Runrun | Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics |
Runrun WuTraining Group:Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics Mentor / Lab:Dr. Nicholas Noinaj Specific Research Area / Project:Structural and Functional Studies of β-barrel Assembly Machinery |
Shakya | Bikash | Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases |
Bikash ShakyaTraining Group:Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Mentor / Lab:Dr. Douglas J LaCount Specific Research Area / Project:Plasmodium falciparum-exported proteins and their erythrocyte cytoskeletal targets |
Shekhar | Sudhanshu | Chromatin and Regulation of Gene Expression |
Sudhanshu ShekharTraining Group:Chromatin and Regulation of Gene Expression Mentor / Lab:Dr. Andrea Kasinski Specific Research Area / Project:Identifying functional circular RNAs (circRNAs) that modulate tumor progression |
Akhin Chin Tai | Janiel | Integrative Neuroscience |
Janiel Akhin Chin TaiTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Jennifer Freeman/ Freeman Lab Specific Research Area / Project:Developmental toxicology. Defining developmental toxicity of the agricultural herbicide atrazine in the exposed and subsequent generations using zebrafish |
Theisen | Chelsea | Membrane Biology |
Chelsea TheisenTraining Group:Membrane Biology Mentor / Lab:Christine Hrycyna Specific Research Area / Project:Mapping of the Ste24 Binding Site |
Therkelsen | Matthew | Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics |
Matthew TherkelsenTraining Group:Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics Mentor / Lab:Richard J. Kuhn Specific Research Area / Project:Flavivirus assembly and structural dynamics |
Tinsley | Samantha | Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology |
Samantha TinsleyTraining Group:Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Brittany Allen-Petersen Specific Research Area / Project:The role of PP2A-B56a in acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and initiation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma |
Vega Alvarez | Sasha | Basic Medical Sciences |
Sasha Vega AlvarezTraining Group:Basic Medical Sciences Mentor / Lab:Riyi Shi, M.D., Ph.D. / Laboratory of Translational Neuroscience Specific Research Area / Project:Oxidative stress-mediated inflammation and behavioral deficits after mild blast-induced traumatic brain injury (mbTBI) |
Vike | Nicole | Integrative Neuroscience |
Nicole VikeTraining Group:Integrative Neuroscience Mentor / Lab:Talavage/Shi/Rispoli Specific Research Area / Project:Investigating and understanding metabolic dysfunction in contact sports athletes |
Wenig | Renee | Comparative Pathology |
Renee WenigTraining Group:Comparative Pathology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Timothy Ratliff Lab Specific Research Area / Project:Cholesterol sulfotransferase (SULT) 2B1b as a regulator of cholesterol metabolism in prostate cancer |
Xue | Liang | Biophysics |
Liang XueTraining Group:Biophysics Mentor / Lab:Dr. Andy Tao Specific Research Area / Project:Phosphoproteomics, Quantitative proteomics |
Yadav | Ravi | Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics |
Ravi YadavTraining Group:Biomolecular Structure and Biophysics Mentor / Lab:Dr. Nicholas Noinaj Specific Research Area / Project:Structural and Functional Studies of Lactoferrin Binding Proteins from Neisseria |
Yang | Yi | Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology |
Yi YangTraining Group:Molecular Signaling and Cancer Biology Mentor / Lab:Dr. Stephen Konieczny Specific Research Area / Project:Thrombin-Dependent pathways drive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma disease |