Advanced Methods at Purdue (AMAP) in the Behavioral, Health, and Social Sciences

Upcoming AMAP Events (Spring 2024)

This semester, our events are mainly focused on faculty members and graduate students showcasing their ongoing research at our Work in Progress series (formerly called Brownbags), as well as a workshop on focus group discussion. 


Work in Progress Series

Work in Progress, formerly called Brownbags, is a series of events where graduate students and faculty members across disciplines present their ongoing work in front of an audience.

We especially invite you to participate if you are a student who may find yourself teaching or taking a methods course in the future, if you are a student who teaches methods or data analysis informally through one one-on-one meetings with your students or peers, or if you are a faculty member using or teaching research methods in a quantitative/qualitative/mixed methods course! 

This is also an excellent place to interact with and know more about the plethora of methods grad students and faculty members use across disciplines at Purdue, and explore opportunities for potential collaborations!


AMAP hosts several workshops on quantitative and qualitative research methods conducted by faculty members from across disciplines in behavioral, social, and health sciences as well as graduate students. This is an incredible place to learn the usage of new tools and methods of research with hands-on experience from experts across different fields. 

Special Events

AMAP also hosts miscellaneous special events. Often, these include guest speakers discussing methodological research or other topics of interest to the AMAP audience. We also host a flash talk event at the beginning of each academic year to showcase the methodological work of newly hired faculty.


Our upcoming events are listed below.


January 26, Friday

(11 AM-12:30 PM)

WALC 2124


Panel Discussion on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Focus Group Methodology: Health and Social Science Applications

(Special Event)


Elizabeth Ann Labadorf (PhD Candidate, Brian Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University)

Dr Nasreen Lalani (Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Purdue University)

Dr. Penny Edgell (Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota)

 *Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.



February 9, Friday

(Noon- 2 PM)

BRNG 1206



Hope in a Time of Despair: Immigration Issue Among Latinxs in the U.S

(Work in Progress)

Presenter: Dr Vanessa Cruz Nichols [Assistant Professor of Political Science, Indiana University and Ford Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Political Science, Purdue University]


*Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.


 February 16, Friday

(1:30-2:30 PM)

Burton Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship 
Room 121




Special Event in Collaboration with the Center for Early Learning and the  Department of Human Development and Family Science

A Talk by Dr Drew Bailey (UC Irvine)

Title: A causal inference revolution in nonexperimental psychology? Challenges and opportunities



February 21, Wednesday

(12:30-1:30 PM)

BRNG 1222


Estimating Variability of Individual Effects In Experiments 

(Work in Progress presentation)

Presenter: Dr Scott Feld (Professor of Sociology)

*Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.


March 5, Tuesday

1:30- 2:30 PM

BRNG 1206


 A Practical Method for Estimating Population Average Treatment Effects in Observational Studies

(Work in Progress presentation)

Presenters: Dr Sharon Christ (Associate Professor, HDFS) and Luhao Wei (PhD candidate, HDFS)

*Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.



April 19



 Video Research Workshop with Nathan Kelly

Co-sponsored with CCSE

Register here