Advanced Methods at Purdue (AMAP) in the Behavioral, Health, and Social Sciences

Past AMAP Events

Special Events

Spring 2024

Elizabeth Ann Labadorf (PhD Candidate in Communication, Purdue University) Dr Nasreen Lalani, (Assistant Professor of Nursing, Purdue University), & Dr Penny Edgell (Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Focus Group Methodology: Health and Social Science Applications (January)

Dr. Drew Bailey (Professor of Education, UC Irvine): A causal inference revolution in non-experimental psychology? challenges and opportunities (February)



Work-In-Progress Series

Spring 2024

Dr Vanessa Cruz Nichols (POL): Hope in a Time of Despair: Immigration Activism Among Latinxs in the U.S (February)

Dr Scott Feld (SOC): Estimating Variability of Individual Effects in Experiments (February)

Dr Shron Christ and Luhao Wei (HDFS): A Practical Method for Estimating Population Average Treatment Effects in Observational Studies (March)

Fall 2023

Dr. Robert Duncan (HDFS & PH): Longitudinal Models of Skill Development: Conceptual and Statistical Considerations (October)

Reilly Kincaid (SOC): Family Friendly Hour or Financial Providing? How Gender, Class, and Children's Age shape what "Good" Parents are Expected to Prioritize (November)

Dr Jacqui Frost (SOC): Analyzing Nonreligious Wellbeing Using Longitudinal Data (November)

Dr Stephen Broomell (PSY): Numerical Sampling Distribution for Behavioral Modeling (December)

Muqing Liu (HDFS): A Pilot Study to Apply AI to Assess Conversational Interactions (December)  


Fall 2022

Elizabeth A Teas (HDFS) A person-centered approach to social connectedness across the life course and later-life functional limitations: Mechanisms and divergent associations (September)

Luhao Wei (HDFS) Beyond single nesting data structure: Using cross-classified multilevel modeling to study friendship stability in adolescents (September)

John Glover (Global Development and Innovation Division) Research applications to improve health and wellbeing in lower and middle-income countries: An overview of the Purdue applied research institute (PARI) (October)

Siqing Wei (Engineering Education) Using natural language processing and machine learning techniques to analyze large-scale qualitative data in student teamwork peer comments (November)

Dr. Shawn G Bauldry (SOC) Estimates and Uncertainty for Various Measures of Life Expectancy (December)

Spring 2022

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) The counterproductive tyranny of the representative sample: A new framework of purposive sampling for social science experiments (February)

Taeik Kim (PhD Student, PSY) Changes in stereotype consciousness of incoming college students: A three-month survey (March)

Kirsten Anderson (PhD Student, HDFS) Amplifying families' voices: Math engagement among rural families (March)

Alessandro Procopio (Pre-Doctoral Fellow, CALC) The potential of the joint modeling approach. When attrition affects causal interpretation in panel data analysis (March)

Dr. Jill Suitor (SOC) Making the story better: Joys and struggles of using mixed methods to study interpersonal relations (April)

Dr. Sean Lane (PSY) Machine learning methods for power analysis (May)

Fall 2021

Dr. Kendall Roark (ILS) Countermapping Surveillance and 'Studying up': Methodological and Ethical Challenges (December)

Dr. David Reingold (SOC) The Introduction of the Center for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue (CTDP) (November)

Bing Han (PhD Student, SOC) The Effects of Masculinity and Femininity on Health Behavior among the U.S. Adults (October)

Yifei Hou (PhD Student, SOC) The Effects of Childhood Parental Disfavoritism on Chinese Adults' Psychological Well-being (October)

Spring 2021

Dr. David Yu (POL) Using an Online Behavioral Experiment to test Hypotheses: Relative Effectiveness of Exit, Voice, and their Combination on Public Service Quality (April)

Ashleigh Kellerman (PhD Student, HDFS) Temporal Dyadic Processes in Autism Risk (March)

Brian McPhail (PhD Student, SOC) The Ecological Effects of Religion on Health and Mortality in China (March)

Dr. Andrew Flachs (ANTH) Story Maps for Collaborative Multimodal Data Presentation (February)

Fall 2020

Dr. Rob Duncan (HDFS) Factor Structure of Cognitive School Readiness Skills: Conceptual versus Statistical Distinctions (November)

Dr. Brian Kelly (SOC) Event Centered Interviewing: Integrating Qualitative Interviews with Experience Sampling Technologies (October)

Dr. Elena Benedicto (English) How BIG are big data? And how Big [for What: Big-for-an-Elephant, Big-for-a-Mouse]? For Whom does it work, or who does it work for? ... and other methodological and ethical questions from a Linguist working “with” endangered languages (October)

Spring 2020

Aura Mishra (PhD student, HDFS) Longitudinal Models Using Count Data: Issues with Moderation and Missing Data (April)

Jaziel Ramon-Ortiz (PhD student, Consumer Science), Paving the Way for Male Hormonal Contraception: A Consumer Behavior Approach (April)

Dr. Kristine Marceau (HDFS) Which Model Should I Use to Test Bidirectional Effects? Navigating transactional analytic models in developmental research (March)

Dr. Logan Strother (POL) Threshold Effects and Coalition Formation at the U.S. Supreme Court (February)

Dori Davari (PhD student, HTM) Tourist Destination Image: Impacts of Social Interaction and Stereotyping (January)

Vasundhara Kaul (PhD student, SOC) The "Aliens" Are Here: The Role of Academic Enclaves on International Students' Aspirations (January)

Fall 2019

Amy Petts (PhD student, SOC) Racialized Admission Practices in Higher Education (December)

Stephanie Wilson (PhD student, SOC) Racialized Admission Practices in Higher Education (December)

Emily Rolan (PhD student, HDFS) The Influence of Environment on Risk for Adolescent Substance Use: Troubles with Moderation and Missing Data (November)

Gregor Horvath (MS student, HDFS) Polygene "Environment" Interactions - What to Make of Complex Environmental Variables that are Probably Genetically Influenced (November)

Dr. Tim Bond (Krannert) The Sad Truth about Happiness Scales (October)

Dr. Rob Duncan (HDFS) Prekindergarten Classroom Language Environments and Children’s Language Abilities (September)

Spring 2019

Dr. Kristine Marceau (HDFS) Max or Mean? How the Way We Aggregate Data across Multiple Raters Affects our Results (April)

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) A General Framework for Comparing Predictions and Marginal Effects Across Models- With Possible Extensions to Multilevel Modeling (March)

Spring 2018

Dr. Natalie Lambert (COM) Rethinking Measurement of Communication within Online Spaces (April)

Dr. Shawn Bauldry (SOC) A Counterfactual Approach to Analyzing the Effect of College Expansion on Health (April)

Dr. Erik Otárola-Castillo (ANTH) It Takes Two to Tango: Incorporating Qualitative Data into a Quantitative Framework for Improved Hypothesis Testing (April)

Drs. Andrew Flachs (ANTH), Natalie Lambert (COM), and Laura Schwab Reese (HK) Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Triangulate Research Questions (March)

Dr. Sean Lane (PSY) Current Research on Biases in the Measurement of Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors (March)

Dr. Rob Duncan (HDFS) Modeling Considerations for Skill Development and Co-Development (February)

Workshop & Seminars

Fall 2023

Elizabeth Ann Labadorf (COM): How to Focus Your Group: When and How to Conduct Focus Groups (December)

Fall 2022

Dr. Lindsey M. Bryant (HDFS) Observational coding methods applied to child play behavior (August)

Dr. Trenton D. Mize (SOC) Data visualization (September)

Spring 2022

Dr. Edward Delp (ECE) Analyzing video from the C-SPAN Archives (January)

Dr. Elyssa Geer (Postdoc, HDFS) Meta-analysis: Advice from experience (February)

Dr. Bryce Dietrich (Political Science at Iowa University) Video analysis of Congressional behavior (February)

Dr. Christopher Lucas (Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis) Introduction to audio analysis (March)

Dr. GianCarlo Visconti (POL) Recent advances in optimal matching (April)

Fall 2020

Vasundhara Kaul & Youngeun Nam (SOC) Data Collection in the Transnational Context (September)

Stuti Magar (PSY) Introduction to R (December)

Spring 2020

Dr. Louis Tay (PSY) Capturing and Measuring ‘Experiences’ in Everyday Life: An Overview of Ecological Momentary Assessment (February)

Fall 2019

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) Approaches to Handling Missing Data (November)

Stuti Magar (PSY) Programming in R: Tools and Tricks for Applied Analysis (October)

Spring 2019

Dr. Virginia Eubanks (Univeristy at Albany, SUNY) Critical Data Studies Distinguished Lecture (February)

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) Conducting Survey Experiments to test causality (January)

Fall 2018

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) Survey Design (and how to implement best practices using Qualtrics) (November)

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) Intellectual Freedom and Racial Inequality as Addressed in 'Algorithms of Oppression' (October)

AMAP: Behavioral, Health and Social Sciences Symposium (October)

Spring 2018

Dr. Trent Mize (SOC) Data and Model Visualization (March) Click here to view a recording of the workshop.

Dr. Greg Duncan (University of California-Irvine) Correlation and Causation in Longitudinal Studies of Skill Development (February)

Special Events

Fall 2022

New Faculty Flash Presentations: Recent faculty hires across CLA and HHS present 5-minute flash presentations on the innovative methodologies they use in their research (September; event program)

Spring 2020

Ron Wasserstein, Executive Director of the American Statistical Association
Moving to a World Beyond p<.05 (January) Click here to view a recording of the talk.

Fall 2019

AMAP “flash” presentations Some of the newly hired faculty in CLA and HHS gave 5-minute presentations highlighting their methodological approaches, with breaks between to meet and chat. Speakers include: Marcus Mann (SOC); Jessica Lougheed (HDFS); Tara Grillos (POL); Natalia Rodriguez (Public Health); Jeremy Foote (BLSC); Zach Hass (Nursing); Dada Docot (ANTH); Chelsea Song (PSYCH) (September)