Purdue University Identification
The Purdue University Identification (PUID) is a 10-digit number unique to each
individual. The number is printed on your Purdue photo identification card, your
primary identification within Purdue.
The number is designed to:
- consistently establish an individual's identity for University business
- eventually replace the Social Security Number (SSN) as the primary University identifier
- have value only within the Purdue University system
The PUID helps eliminate problems caused by similar or identical names and possible miss-spellings among the tens of thousands of names of individuals affiliated with Purdue as students, faculty, staff, alumni and vendors.
Using the PUIDYour Purdue photo identification card is printed with your ten-digit Purdue identification number (PUID). The University is gradually phasing in the use of the ten-digit PUID as it phases out the use of the nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN). During this extensive process, you will still be asked to provide your SSN -- or alternative student identification number (SID) - when a nine-digit number is needed for identification or to receive services.