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Identity and Access Management

Purdue University Identification: Suspense Matches

Purdue Person - Suspended Record Matches

The Suspended Record Matches list first shows information about the suspended update we are trying to process ("Searching for"). Then the list of matches ("Found") is arranged by descending match score, to show the best matches first, and then alphabetically.

Each entry shows name, date of birth, relationship, and system status and identification. The content of these last two fields varies for each relationship; for Student relationships system status contains school and classification, and identification contains the year and session they last attended or applied for. For HR relationships, the system status contains the home department name, and the identification contains their job title.

Each entry in the "Found" list is formatted as a link to view all additional details about this match. Click the link to display the Suspense Details for this match.

A person may be listed more than once in the "Found" list if they have more than one relationship or name that meets the matching criteria. Please make suggestions on how to make multiple listings clear on this page. All the relationships and names are shown on the next page, the Suspense Match Details page.

The response time to display this page varies depending on the number of name matches there are in the PUID database, which depends on how common the name parts are. The most common seem to be oriental names.

Only medium- or high-score matches are listed; a count shown at the end of the match list shows how many matches are displayed, and the total number of names compared.

Choices - Options listed on this page include:
Show.match to PUID - If you want a Suspense Match Details page for a PUID not listed, enter the PUID and click the "Submit" button. This might be needed if you know a match exists, but the name / date of birth / system ID are not close enough to give at least a medium-score match.

Add as a New Person to the People database - You have examined all the matches shown, including looking at the Suspense Match Details page as needed, and have concluded that the suspended record (listed as "Searching for") is a brand-new person to PUID. Clicking this link will create records in the PUID system for this person / relationship, assigning a new PUID.

Delete this suspense record - You have examined the match(es), and data in the operational system, and have concluded this record should not have been added to the operational system. You have, or will, delete the record from the operational system, and so this update should not be processed into the PUID system. Clicking this link will simply delete the record from the suspense table.

Go Back to the list of suspense records - You have examined the matches, and have concluded you do not have enough information to decide how to process this suspended record. Clicking this link will re-build the Process Suspended Records list. Note that your browser's "back" button may return you to the list more quickly. The difference is speed versus listing only those suspended records you have not processed yet.

People search page - Clicking this link will cause the initial search page to be displayed.

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