UniTime Instructions

UniTime instructions are available below to assist campus community members, who have a career account, with reserving a room on campusediting details of an existing reservation or canceling a reservation.

Reserve a Room

  1. Login to UniTime using career account login and password
  2. Choose Events in the left-side navigation menu
  3. Select Add Event
  4. Choose the academic session
  5. Fill in Event Name
  6. Select Sponsoring Organization (student groups only)
  7. Fill in Expected Attendance (student groups only)
  8. Verify the details that are auto-populated in the Main Contact section
  9. Add additional email addresses if a back up person needs to be copied on the submission and any subsequent changes to the request
  10. Add additional information related to after-hours requests or if food will be served
  11. Select Add Meetings at the bottom
  12. Select the date(s) for scheduling
  13. Fill in the start and end times
  14. Enter key word in the location field to search (e.g. building name, "conference room")
  15. Select Next
  16. Choose the meeting room from the options presented; details such as capacity and available equipment are included
  17. Choose Select
  18. Select Create Event

Edit the Date, Time or Location of a Reservation

  1. Login to UniTime using career account login and password
  2. Choose Events in the left-side navigation menu
  3. Select Events from the list of options under the Events heading
  4. Options should be pre-populated but adjust as needed to reflect the following selections:
    • Academic Session: Choose a semester to edit an event
    • Event Filter: My Events option
    • Room Filter: Event option
  5. Click Search
  6. Click on an event from the list to edit
  7. Select Edit Event
  8. Click on a meeting from the list under the Meetings heading at the bottom of the page to edit it
  9. Update one or more of the following
    • Date: De-select the date highlighted in yellow (i.e. current date of reservation) and select a new date from the calendar
    • Update the start and end times
    • Remove the specific room location from the Locations field and select a new individual room or building to search for openings
  10. After making desired changes, click Next
  11. Select the desired room for the date and time indicated
  12. Click Select
  13. Choose Update Event
  14. An email will automatically be generated for the update request; a second email confirmation will be issued when the reservation changes have been accepted by Space Management staff
  15. Select Log Out from the left-hand navigation menu when finished
  16. Update calendar systems (e.g. Outlook) with the new time, date or room location

Cancel a Reservation

  1. Login to UniTime using career account login and password
  2. Choose Events in the left-side navigation menu
  3. Select Events from the list of options under the Events heading
  4. Options should be pre-populated but adjust as needed to reflect the following selections:
    • Academic Session: Choose a semester to edit an event
    • Event Filter: My Events option
    • Room Filter: Event option
  5. Click Search
  6. Click on an event from the list to edit
  7. Click the check box to the left of a meeting under the Meetings heading
  8. Above the top check box, select the icon of an X within a circle
  9. Select Cancel…
  10. Select Cancel Meetings
  11. An email confirmation will automatically be generated with the cancelation request
  12. Select Log Out from the left-hand navigation menu when finished
  13. Update calendar systems (e.g. Outlook) to reflect that the meeting has been canceled

To schedule UniTime in-person training for a department or for any questions about the process, contact Space Management at (765) 494-3900. Space Management is responsible for scheduling outdoor spaces and general purpose conference rooms. The Office of the Registrar regularly offers hands-on Classroom Event Training and may be contacted at (765) 494-5700.