Funding Opportunities
Understanding the Intersection of Social Inequities to Optimize Health and Reduce Health Disparities: The Axes Initiative (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: March 11, 2025
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Research shows that intersecting systems of privilege and oppression produce and sustain wide and unjust variations in health. The Axes Initiative will support research to understand health at the intersections of social statuses such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ability, by examining contributions of social and other determinants of health.
This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the NOFO instructions carefully and view the available PEDP guidance material.
Notice of Special Interest: Women’s Health Research
Deadline: April 04, 2025
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In alignment with the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest to highlight interest in receiving research applications focused on diseases and health conditions that predominantly affect women (e.g., autoimmune diseases; depressive disorders, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD), gender-based-violence), present and progress differently in women (e.g., cardiovascular disease; HIV; reproductive aging and its implications), or are female-specific (e.g., uterine fibroids; endometriosis; menopause).
For consideration under this NOSI, applications must have a central focus on the health of women, as demonstrated through specific aims that EITHER explicitly address a particular condition in women OR focus on one of the high priority topics below. In either approach, intersectional and/or multidimensional approaches that consider the health of women in context (e.g., projects accounting for social and structural variables—including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status , and State and Federal policies— that affect women’s health) are strongly encouraged. For consideration under this NOSI, projects are not required to exclusively focus on women. However, studies that include more than one sex or gender should be designed and powered to make generalizable conclusions about women and enable sex or gender difference comparison.
High priority topics across NIH include but are not limited to:
Projects that investigate the influence of sex-linked biology, gender-related factors, or their intersections on health.
Projects that investigate how physical, mental, and psychological health outcomes interact with structural factors to either mitigate or exacerbate health disparities, and aim to create behavioral interventions to address these issues.
Projects that advance the translation of research advancements and evidence in women’s health into practical benefits for patients and providers
Projects to inform and develop multi-sector partnerships to advance innovation in women's health research
Research to increase public awareness of the need for greater investment in and attention to women’s health research, as well as women’s health outcomes across the lifespan
Projects that advance research to reduce health disparities and inequities affecting women’s health, including those related to race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, disability, and exposure to environmental factors and contaminants that can directly affect health
Dissemination and implementation research to increase uptake of evidence-based interventions that advance women’s health
Projects addressing topics identified in the Women’s Health Innovation Opportunity Map
Limited Competition: Advancing the Science of Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes (R01 Clinical Trial Required)
Deadline: May 06, 2025
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This limited competition notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) invites investigators currently funded through the NIH Implementing a Maternal Health and Pregnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative to develop applications to test the feasibility of complementary and integrative approaches with psychological and/or physical inputs (often called mind and body interventions) to promote healthy pregnancies and enhance maternal health outcomes. Currently funded IMPROVE investigators, particularly those of the Maternal Health Centers of Excellence, are encouraged to partner with investigators with complementary and integrative health expertise. Eligibility is limited to currently funded investigators of the IMPROVE Initiative. Applications submitted under this NOFO are expected to propose a multi-site feasibility clinical trial that will provide new information that is scientifically necessary for the planning and conduct of a subsequent clinical efficacy or effectiveness study, pragmatic trial, or dissemination and implementation trial on a mind and body intervention to enhance maternal health. It is expected that applications to this NOFO will describe the planned future clinical trial and in so doing demonstrate that the proposed (R01) research is scientifically necessary to design or plan the subsequent fully powered, full-scale clinical trial. Under this R01, the data collected should be used to fill gaps in scientific knowledge, including, but not limited to, the following: assessing whether the intervention can be delivered with fidelity across sites; demonstrating feasibility of recruitment, accrual, and randomization of participants across sites; demonstrating participant adherence to the intervention, as well as retention of participants throughout the study across sites; refining and assessing the feasibility of protocolized multimodal interventions; and/or demonstrating feasibility of data collection across sites in preparation for a future fully powered, multi-site efficacy or effectiveness trial. The need for multi-site feasibility trials is expected to be justified by sufficient preliminary data from previous single-site feasibility or acceptability trial(s) or the published literature. The data collected should be used to fill gaps in scientific knowledge and be necessary to develop a competitive fully powered multi-site clinical trial that has the potential to make a significant impact on public health.
Prior to submitting to this NOFO, applicants are encouraged to contact the appropriate Scientific/Research Contact person for the science area of the planned application.
Risk and Protective Factors of Family Health and Family Level Interventions (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The purpose of this initiative is to advance the science of minority health and health disparities by supporting research on family health and well-being and resilience. The NIMHD Research Framework recognizes family health, family well-being, and family resilience as critically important areas of research to decrease disparities and promote equity.
Leveraging Health Information Technology (Health IT) to Address and Reduce Health Care Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to support research that examines the impact of leveraging health information technology (health IT) to reduce disparities in access to and utilization of health care services, patient-clinician communication, and health outcomes for populations that experience health disparities in the U.S.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Increasing Uptake of Evidence-Based Screening in Diverse Populations Across the Lifespan
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICs) are issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to encourage applications proposing to test multilevel strategies and interventions to improve the uptake of evidence-based screening services across the lifespan and in populations including, but not limited to, those experiencing health disparities and those that are underserved. Studies addressing efficacy, effectiveness, dissemination and implementation research, as well as studies seeking to understand and address barriers to screening are encouraged. The specific research interests of participating NIH ICs are detailed within.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Addressing Evidence Gaps in Screening
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICs) are issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to solicit applications proposing to strengthen the evidence base for preventive screening services where the evidence is lacking, of poor quality, conflicting, or the balance of benefits and harms cannot be determined. This NOSI encourages the development and use of innovative and rigorous methods and approaches to close high priority evidence gaps to elevate screening services to a level suitable for a definitive grade or recommendation. The specific research interests of participating NIH ICs are detailed within.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Addressing Evidence Gaps in Screening
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICs) are issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to solicit applications proposing to strengthen the evidence base for preventive screening services where the evidence is lacking, of poor quality, conflicting, or the balance of benefits and harms cannot be determined. This NOSI encourages the development and use of innovative and rigorous methods and approaches to close high priority evidence gaps to elevate screening services to a level suitable for a definitive grade or recommendation. The specific research interests of participating NIH ICs are detailed within.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Climate Change and Health
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS), in partnership with Fogarty International Center (FIC), National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Heart Blood and Lung Institute (NHBLI) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) is leading an NIH-wide Climate Change and Health Initiative (CCHI) with the goals of: reducing the health threats posed by climate change across the lifespan; improving the health of people who are at increased risk from or disparately affected by climate change impacts; and building health resilience among individuals, communities, Tribal Nations, and nations around the world, thereby increasing health equity. As a part of this CCHI, this NOSI encourages applications that address the impact of climate change on health and well-being over the life course, including the health implications of climate change in the United States and globally.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Climate Change and Health
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS), in partnership with Fogarty International Center (FIC), National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Heart Blood and Lung Institute (NHBLI) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) is leading an NIH-wide Climate Change and Health Initiative (CCHI) with the goals of: reducing the health threats posed by climate change across the lifespan; improving the health of people who are at increased risk from or disparately affected by climate change impacts; and building health resilience among individuals, communities, Tribal Nations, and nations around the world, thereby increasing health equity. As a part of this CCHI, this NOSI encourages applications that address the impact of climate change on health and well-being over the life course, including the health implications of climate change in the United States and globally.
Cancer Prevention and Control Clinical Trials Planning Grant Program (U34 Clinical Trials Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to facilitate well planned clinical trials across the cancer prevention and control spectrum aimed at improving prevention/ interception, cancer-related health behaviors, screening, early detection, healthcare delivery, management of treatment-related symptoms, supportive care, and the long-term outcomes of cancer survivors. Although the scientific literature or preliminary data may provide the rationale for conducting a clinical trial, investigators often lack critical information about the study population, accrual challenges, intervention, outcome/ endpoints, data/statistical challenges or operational risks necessary to finalize the trial protocol completely. These information gaps can result in multiple protocol changes before and after trial start-up, leading to the need for additional time and expenses that may prevent study completion. Further, the suitability and feasibility of new trial designs, which minimize infrastructure and reduce costs may need to be tested in the context of a particular intervention, at-risk group, symptom or venue. Preparatory studies may fill information gaps and address unknowns this can include a pilot/feasibility clinical trial if necessary, improving trial design and rigor.
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies. Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce (“de-implement”) the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures are encouraged. Applications that focus on re-implementation of evidence-based health services (e.g. cancer screening) that may have dropped off amidst the ongoing COVID pandemic are encouraged.
NINR Areas of Emphasis for Research to Optimize Health and Advance Health Equity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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This funding announcement solicits R01 grant applications that propose independent research projects that are consistent with the scientific framework detailed in the 2022-2026 National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Strategic Plan. This research will be rooted in nursing's holistic, contextualized approach to understanding people and their health, address the nation's most pressing and persistent health challenges with a solutions orientation, and employ innovative and rigorous study designs to inform practice and policy.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on the Health of Bisexual and Bisexual+ People
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) solicits research, research training, and research career development on the health and well-being of people who identify as bisexual or bisexual+. “Bisexual” or “bi” in this NOSI may describe those with the potential to be attracted, romantically and/or sexually, to people of more than one sex or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree. “Bisexual+” or “bi+” in this NOSI is an umbrella term that is intended to encompass non-monosexual identities, including but not limited to bisexual, pansexual, sexually fluid, and queer.
Notice of Special Interest: Neuro-Glia Mechanisms Governing Complex Behaviors
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) encourages projects to experimentally test mechanistic hypotheses on the role of neuro-glia activity coupling in modulating complex behaviors. The human brain regulates complex behavior by processing information across ~170 billion cells, including ~86 billion neurons and ~84 billion glial cells. The influence of glial cell types (i.e., astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia) on neural activity may explain behavioral processes across broad spatio-temporal scales and hierarchies. For example, astrocytes may regulate cognitive functions by releasing gliotransmitters that activate hundreds of neuronal synapses at once, regulating system-level short-/long-term plasticity. Activity changes in neuro-oligodendrocytes networks may dynamically regulate myelin axon-sheathing, which in turn may affect action potential conduction, neuronal spike timing, and oscillations linked to cognitive/social/affective processes. Finally, microglia activity-dependent synaptic pruning may alter behaviorally activated neural networks over long time scales. Discovering how mechanistic dysfunctions in neuro-glia interactions may alter behavioral phenotypes relevant to mental health is a challenge with potentially high translational impact.
Innovative Pilot Mental Health Services Research Not Involving Clinical Trials (R34 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage innovative pilot research that will inform and support the delivery of high-quality, continuously improving mental health services to benefit the greatest number of individuals with, or at risk for developing, a mental illness. This announcement invites applications for non-clinical trial pilot projects that address NIMH strategic priorities to strengthen the public health impact of NIMH-supported research as described in Goal 4 of the NIMH Strategic Plan.
Proposed research should seek to:
Identify mutable factors that impact access, continuity, utilization, quality, value, and outcomes, including disparities in outcomes, or scalability of mental health services, which may serve as targets in future service delivery intervention development;
Develop and test new research tools, technologies, measures, or methods and statistical approaches to study these issues;
Test the feasibility of integrating and analyzing large data sets to understand factors affecting mental health services outcomes using advanced computational and predictive analytic approaches;
Wherever possible, leverage existing infrastructure and partnerships to accomplish these goals.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Implementation Science to Advance Maternal Health and Maternal Health Equity for the IMPROVE initiative
Deadline: May 08, 2025
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The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and participating NIH Institutes and Offices announce this new funding opportunity to advance the goals of the NIH Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative. IMPROVE aims to understand the biological, behavioral, environmental, sociocultural, and structural factors that affect pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality and build an evidence base for improved care and outcomes. The initiative promotes research to address health disparities associated with pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality.
The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to stimulate dissemination and implementation research on innovative approaches built on evidence-based findings from foundational research on factors that contribute to maternal morbidity and mortality (MMM). This NOSI will support the development and implementation of strategies to inform integrated efforts involving policy and practice changes to improve preconception, pregnancy, perinatal, and postpartum care and advance maternal health and maternal health equity.
NIDA, NIMH, and NINDS Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: June 07, 2025
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits R01 grant applications that propose independent research projects that are within the scientific mission areas of the participating NIH Institutes or Centers. This program is intended to support New Investigators and At-Risk Investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the health-related sciences. Investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups (e.g., see NOT-OD-20-031, Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity), are encouraged to work with their institutions to apply for support under this program. Investigators from categories A and B are particularly encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.
HEAL Initiative: Interdisciplinary Team Science to Uncover the Mechanisms of Pain Relief by Medical Devices (RM1 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: June 10, 2025
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This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is designed to support interdisciplinary research teams of multiple PDs/PIs to investigate the mechanism of action of pain relief by medical devices with the overall goal of optimizing therapeutic outcomes for FDA-approved or -cleared technologies. Teams must leverage appropriate multi-disciplinary expertise to develop new principles and methods for experimentation, analysis, and interpretation. Teams are encouraged to consider objectives that will produce major advances in the understanding of pain relief by medical devices.
Early Detection Award
Deadline: June 17, 2025
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Cancer mortality rates have been steadily declining in the United States for several decades; however, certain types of cancer remain stubbornly lethal, with the lowest five-year survival rates. Effective screening tests are not available for many of these cancers, resulting in the late detection and diagnosis of advanced-stage malignancies for which there is a lack of available therapies with curative potential. The ability to detect and diagnose aggressive precursor lesions or early-stage cancers will be critical to ensuring long-term survival outcomes. Unfortunately, significant advances in early cancer detection and disease interception remain elusive.
To encourage innovation in research that enables the detection of the deadliest cancers at earlier stages when they can be intercepted or effectively treated, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the Lustgarten Foundation, and The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research announce this Request for Proposals for projects focused on accelerating the development of effective new approaches to the early detection of cancer.
The Metastasis Research Network (MetNet): MetNet Research Projects (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: June 21, 2025
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The National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Metastasis Research Network (MetNet) is a collection of U54 Research Centers that support using systems-level approaches to understand pressing questions in metastasis. The overall goal of the MetNet is to advance our understanding of metastasis as a whole body, systems-level problem to develop a comprehensive and cohesive picture of the processes involved. Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the NCI invites applications for MetNet Research Projects. These Research Projects should be defined as discrete entities that use systems-level approaches to address gaps and opportunities in metastasis research to integrate into the MetNet and complement ongoing research across the Network.
HEAL Initiative Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Development and Validation of Pain-Related Models and Endpoints to Facilitate Non-Addictive Analgesic Discovery
Deadline: June 25, 2025
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The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to encourage the development, validation, and replication of animal models that recapitulate the phenotypic and physiologic characteristics of a defined pain type/indication and/or disease-associated pain condition and endpoints or outcome measures that can be used therein. The goal of this NOSI is to improve the translational application of animal models and/or outcome measures for the development of non-addictive analgesics. Ideally, models or measures proposed for this NOSI would have the potential to provide feasible and meaningful assessments of efficacy following therapeutic intervention that would be applicable in both preclinical and clinical settings.
This NOSI is not specific for any one or group of pain conditions. Projects focused on acute pain, chronic pain, painful neuropathy, musculoskeletal pain, headache disorders, osteoarthritis, diabetic neuropathy, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, eye pain, sickle-cell pain, post-surgical pain, cancer pain, visceral pain, obstetric pain, gynecologic pain, post stroke pain, myofascial pain, painful disorders of the orofacial region, pain co-occuring with substance use disorders, and other conditions will be considered. In addition to replication and validation of more commonly used translational animal models of pain, the development of animal models of pain for understudied pain conditions, age groups or less developed models is also encouraged.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Promoting Mechanistic Research on Therapeutic and Other Biological Properties of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes
Deadline: July 01, 2025
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is being issued by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) with participation from multiple NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs). This NOSI aims to promote mechanistic research of therapeutic benefits of minor cannabinoids and terpenes in the cannabis plant. Minor cannabinoids are defined as any and all cannabinoids from the cannabis plant other than Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). Cannabinoids of particular interest include the following: Δ8-THC, Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabichromene (CBC), cannabichromevarin (CBDV), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), Tetrahydrocannabivarin acid (THCVA), tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), carmagerol, cannabicitran, sesquicannabigerol. Terpenes of particular interest include the following: Myrcene, ß-caryophyllene, Limonene, α -terpineol, Linalool, α-phellandrene, α-pinene, ß-pinene, β-terpinene, and α-humulene. This NOSI intends to support highly innovative basic and/or mechanistic studies in appropriate model organisms and/or human subjects aiming to investigate the impact of minor cannabinoids and terpenes on mechanisms underlying their therapeutic effects. Preclinical studies of combinations of minor cannabinoids with terpenes or other natural products that may enhance their therapeutic benefits and/or abate unwanted effects are encouraged.
The mechanisms and processes underlying potential contribution of minor cannabinoids and terpenes to symptoms relief and functional restoration may be very broad encompassing different pathological conditions and diseases. This NOSI encourages interdisciplinary collaborations among experts from multiple fields, such as pharmacologists, chemists, physicists, physiologists, neuroscientists, psychologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, geneticists, behavioral scientists, clinicians, or others in relevant areas of inquiry.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for Enhancing Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Populations to Cancer Screening, Cancer Prevention and Symptom Management Clinical Trials
Deadline: July 01, 2025
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The Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) announces this Notice of Special Interest to encourage current grant or cooperative agreement awardees to apply for administrative supplement funds to support the development of tools and strategies to increase the participation of individuals from all population subgroups who are representative of people for whom the parent grant intervention may be indicated. DCP led or co-led programs appropriate for this opportunity include Cancer Prevention and Control Clinical Trials Grant Program, Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials Network (CP-CTNet), NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Research Bases, NCORP Community Sites and NCORP Minority/Underserved Community Sites, Prevention of HPV-related Cancers in HIV-infected individuals: United States-Latin American-Caribbean Clinical Trials Network: Partnership Centers Program and the NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: ACCrual, Enrollment, and Screening Sites (ACCESS) Hub. The proposed strategies and tools should be designed to promote inclusion of historically underserved populations in clinical trials - by identifying and reducing enrollment barriers at the organizational, participant, or protocol design level.
NIH launches $3 million prize competition to modernize diagnosis of endometriosis
Deadline: July 01, 2025
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The National Institutes of Health is offering up to $3 million in cash prizes to accelerate development of non-invasive technologies to improve diagnosis of endometriosis—a common and often debilitating gynecological disease. The RADx® Tech ACT ENDO Challenge seeks to shorten the time to diagnosis, eliminate the invasiveness of current techniques, and/or improve accessibility, safety, convenience and costs of diagnosis. NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) are co-leading the challenge.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to NCATS CTSA Program T32/TL1 Institutional Training Program as part of the INCLUDE (Investigation of Co-occurring Conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndrome) Project
Deadline: July 02, 2025
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) announces NIH support for the professional development of trainees aiming to establish a career in Down syndrome (DS)-related research through an administrative supplement to an active NCATS Institutional Training Grant (T32 or TL1). This NOSI will support additional trainee slots to those T32/TL1 grants currently approved under the CTSA Program. By providing these scientists with career development research experiences, resources, and mentorship, the NIH intends to foster a pipeline of investigators in DS and other intellectual disabilities who will lead future research to improve the understanding of the biology of DS and support development of new treatments for health conditions experienced by those with DS.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Utilization of Cohorts and Prospective Study Designs for Liquid Biopsy Assay Validation for Early Detection of Cancers
Deadline: July 02, 2025
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The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to encourage research studies leveraging partnerships between biomarker technology developers with assays for early cancer detection, and population-based researchers, including cohort and biorepository researchers. Proposals that facilitate early cancer biomarker assay development, verification, qualification, and validation utilizing statistically powered retrospective cohorts and/or through prospective studies in the appropriate populations with a sound study design are responsive to this NOSI.
Development of Resources and Technologies for Enhancing Rigor, Reproducibility, and Translatability of Animal Models in Biomedical Research (R01)
Deadline: July 06, 2025
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The Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) encourages research project grant applications aimed at developing and implementing broadly applicable technologies, tools, and resources for validating animal models and enhancing rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal research. Research projects submitted under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) should be hypothesis driven with strong preliminary data. Proposed studies, models, resources, or technologies under this FOA must either address research interests of multiple NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs), explore multiple organ systems, or be applicable to diseases and processes that impact multiple organ systems in order to align with ORIP’s NIH-wide mission and programs. Applications should aim to enhance the rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal research through the development and implementation of technologies, tools, and resources that have significant impact across a broad range of research areas using animal models. Applications must demonstrate how the proposed resources and technologies impact rigor and reproducibility of animal studies.
Investigator-Initiated Research in Genomics and Health Equity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: July 09, 2025
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The purpose of this initiative is to support investigator-initiated research in genomics and health equity, with the ultimate goal of developing approaches, generating and disseminating data, and implementing metrics or interventions that will advance the equitable use of genomics to improve health in U.S. populations. Awardees will conduct innovative and generalizable research in genomics and health equity spanning across genomic research areas and will incorporate a plan for enhancing diverse perspectives. Applications supporting New or Early Stage Investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups traditionally underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce, as described in the NIH Notice of Interest in Diversity (NOT-OD-20-031), are encouraged.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP) as part of the application. Applications without a PEDP will not be reviewed.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Opioid Use Disorder Care Pathways for Individuals with Histories of Exposure to Violence
Deadline: July 13, 2025
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The proposed initiative seeks to test innovative models of service delivery to improve substance use and mental health outcomes for individuals who have actionable needs following exposure to violence. Specifically, this initiative would support awards to test care pathways that either: 1) provide opioid misuse and OUD screening, prevention and treatment referral or services to victims of violence in victim service settings; or 2) provide PTSD screening and treatment or intimate partner violence (IPV) screening and services for individuals receiving treatment or prevention services for opioid misuse or OUD. Studies must include OUD relevant outcomes, but may propose interventions to treat or prevent stimulant use disorder in combination with OUD. Intervention studies supported through this initiative can be targeted at the individual, provider, and/or organizational level. Interventions can be proposed for adolescent, emerging adult and/or adult populations. Hybrid implementation-effectiveness trials are preferred and should be proposed as appropriate to the intervention and research questions posed. Validated screening measures for exposure to violence, substance use and PTSD from the PhenX Toolkit should be used when appropriate to the study design.
Functional Validation and/or Characterization of Genes or Variants Implicated in Substance Use Disorders (R21/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: July 29, 2025
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The purpose of this initiative is to support projects that functionally validate and/or characterize genes or variants involved in substance use disorder-relevant phenotypes.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations
Deadline: August 08, 2025
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This Notice is a reissue of and supersedes NOT-MD-19-001 - Notice of Special Interest in Research on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations which calls for research on the health of sexual and gender minority populations. SGM populations include, but are not limited to, individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, queer, and/or intersex. Individuals with same-sex or -gender attractions or behaviors and those with a difference in sex development are also included. These populations also encompass those who do not self-identify with one of these terms but whose sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or reproductive development is characterized by non-binary constructs of sexual orientation, gender, and/or sex.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Preventive Interventions to Address Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Populations that Experience Health Disparities
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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The purpose of this NOSI is to solicit projects on preventive interventions that address cardiometabolic risk factors in populations that experience health disparities.
Innovative Approaches to Studying Cancer Communication in the New Information Ecosystem (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) announces its interest in supporting meritorious research projects in three distinct domains related to cancer communication: 1) the utility and application of new cancer communication surveillance approaches; 2) the development and testing of rapid cancer communication interventions using innovative methods and designs; and 3) the development and testing of multilevel cancer communication models emphasizing bidirectional influence between levels. For such projects, applicants should apply communication science approaches to the investigation of behavioral targets and health outcomes related to cancer prevention and control. Applications should utilize one or more innovative communication research methodologies.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Studies of Cellular/Molecular Pathobiological Mechanisms of Lung Diseases Using Human 3-Dimensional Cellular Systems (R01)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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The purpose of this NOSI is to promote research characterizing the pathobiological processes and mechanisms that drive the onset and progression of lung diseases at a molecular/cellular level, providing a systems-level understanding by studying experimental systems with cellular heterogeneity and 3-D architecture. It is expected that projects supported by this NOSI will utilize ex vivo preparations (e.g., thin human lung slices) or 3-D multi-cellular in vitro systems (e.g., organoids) of human lung cells and will employ state-of-art multi-omics measures (e.g., spatial or single cell/nucleus omics) to better understand specific pathobiological processes in systems of interacting cell types.
Building in vivo Preclinical Assays of Circuit Engagement for Application in Therapeutic Development (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to identify, in animals, in vivo neurophysiological and behavioral measures for use as assays in the early screening phase of treatment development. This FOA will support efforts to optimize and evaluate measures of neurophysiological and behavioral processes that may serve as pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) markers of neural processes of clinical interest based on available knowledge of the neurobiology of mental illnesses. The screening assays developed from this FOA are expected to build upon systems neurobiology and clinical neuroscience to enhance the scientific value of preclinical animal data contributing to a therapeutic development pipeline in which treatment candidates and therapeutic targets can be evaluated for their ability to impact neurobiological mechanisms of potential clinical relevance to mental illnesses.
Research to Action: Assessing and Addressing Community Exposures to Environmental Contaminants (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages multidisciplinary projects to investigate the potential health risks of environmental exposures of concern to a community and to develop and implement an environmental public health action plan based on research findings. Projects supported under this program will employ community-engaged research methods to conduct research and to translate research findings into public health action. This announcement reflects NIEHS’ and NIMHD's commitment to environmental health disparities and environmental justice research. This FOA also advances efforts to nurture and sustain trust and bi-directional communication between academic researchers and affected communities. The Research to Action program is part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) “Partnerships for Environmental Public Health” (PEPH) network (
Biology of Bladder Cancer (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications that investigate the biology and underlying mechanisms of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is a significant health problem both in the United States and globally. Because of the high incidence and frequent tumor recurrence, bladder cancer exacts an outsized medical burden. While recent progress has been made in the molecular profiling of bladder cancers and identification of mutated genes, relatively little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms driving initiation, progression and malignancy of bladder cancer. Furthermore, our understanding of the biological processes of the normal bladder at the molecular, cell and organ levels is limited. Fundamental knowledge of how molecular and cellular functions of the bladder are altered in cancer will aid our understanding of bladder cancer biology and contribute to the future development of new interventions.
Advancing Research to Understand Congenital Malformations (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support innovative research that will inform our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the formation of structural birth defects using animal models in conjunction with human translational/clinical approaches. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of advances in genetics, ‘omics methods (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.), and synthetic biology, biochemical and other approaches to developmental biology research to identify specific genetic, epigenetic, environmental, or gene/environment interactions associated with the formation of, susceptibility to, and variability of structural birth defects in human populations.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) HEAL Initiative: Workforce Interventions to Improve Addiction Care Quality and Patient Outcomes
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Helping to End Addiction Long-Term (HEAL) initiative seeks studies that identify, develop, and/or evaluate strategies to address challenges with recruiting, training, and retaining a robust and highly qualified behavioral health workforce. Strategies explored through this initiative should focus on increasing recruitment and retention, improving provider training, reducing stigma among providers, increasing access to care and number of patients served, improving quality of care, and/or improving patient outcomes.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Research on Early Pregnancy Loss
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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Early Pregnancy loss (EPL), defined as a pregnancy loss occurring up to 20 weeks gestation, is a very common pregnancy complication, occurring in 12-15% of clinically recognized pregnancies, with increased prevalence associated with increasing maternal age. The use of highly sensitive hCG assays allows the detection of pregnancy earlier in gestation than the time of clinical recognition, and gives an even higher estimated loss of 50-70% of conceptions prior to the second trimester. To achieve a successful pregnancy, a series of strict embryonic and maternal conditions must be met, that include high quality embryos, favorable conditions for embryo implantation, receptive maternal endometrium and optimal uterine environment to sustain the conceptus to term. In addition, maternal immune tolerance and hormonal factors play a critical role. While approximately half of all cases of EPL appear to be due to embryonic aneuploidy, very little is known about the physiologic and pathophysiologic processes that underlie non-aneuploid EPL. As a result, there is also a lack of understanding for the underlying causes of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). This NOSI seeks to address these critical knowledge gaps by encouraging basic, translational and clinical studies on biological processes that may uncover potential etiologies of EPL and RPL. This includes research to understand implantation mechanistically and identify a range of key factors, involved in implantation and placentation that are important for early pregnancy establishment, including abnormalities that contribute to sporadic EPL and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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Purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to encourage collaborations- between life science and physical science- that: 1) apply a multidisciplinary bioengineering approach to solve biomedical problems; and 2) develop, integrate, optimize, validate, translate or accelerate adoption of promising tools, methods and techniques: a) that fulfill an unmet need and address specific research or clinical problem in basic, translational, and/or clinical science and practice, b) capable of enhancing our understanding of health and disease, and/or c) improve practice of medicine. Applications may propose design-directed, developmental, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven research, and this FOA is appropriate for small teams applying an integrative approach to increase our understanding of and solve problems in biological, clinical or translational science.
NIAID Investigator Initiated Program Project Applications (P01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites submission of investigator-initiated Program Project (P01) applications. The proposed programs should address scientific areas relevant to the NIAID mission including: biology and pathogenesis of infectious microbes, including HIV; host-microbe interactions; mechanisms regulating immune system development and function across the lifespan, and in response to infectious pathogens; immune dysfunction resulting in allergy, asthma, autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, or transplant rejection; and translational research to develop vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to prevent and treat infectious and immune-mediated diseases. Each P01 application submitted to this FOA must include at least two related, synergistic research projects that share a common central theme, focus, and/or overall objective; and an administrative core. A P01 may include scientific cores, if needed for the proposed research.
NIAID Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to encourage applications for research projects within the NIAID mission. This FOA seeks to support either (a) a New Investigator (NI), an individual who has not previously competed successfully for substantial, independent funding from NIH, or (b) are an 'At-Risk' investigator, an individual who had prior support as a PD/PI on a substantial independent research award and unless successful in securing a substantial research grant award in the current fiscal year, will have no substantial research grant funding in the following fiscal year, from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the health-related sciences.
INvestigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndromE (INCLUDE) Clinical Research Short Course (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs.
To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on:
Courses for Skills Development
The NIH INvestigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndromE (INCLUDE) Project seeks to improve health and quality-of-life for individuals with Down syndrome (DS). As part of the INCLUDE Project, NIH is interested in expanding and diversifying the skilled DS clinical research workforce. The intent of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications that develop creative and innovative short courses to train the next generation of DS researchers in state-of-the-art clinical research skills that will improve the understanding of the co-occurring clinical features in DS and support development of new treatments for health conditions experienced by those with DS.
Innovative Approaches to Studying Cancer Communication in the New Information Ecosystem (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2025
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Through this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) announces its interest in supporting meritorious research projects in three distinct domains related to cancer communication: 1) the utility and application of new cancer communication surveillance approaches; 2) the development and testing of rapid cancer communication interventions using innovative methods and designs; and 3) the development and testing of multilevel cancer communication models emphasizing bidirectional influence between levels. For such projects, applicants should apply communication science approaches to the investigation of behavioral targets and health outcomes related to cancer prevention and control. Applications should utilize one or more innovative communication research methodologies.
Complex Integrated Multi-Component Projects in Aging Research (U19 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: September 26, 2025
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This FOA allows for applications that propose large-scale, complex research projects with multiple highly integrated components focused on a common research question relevant to aging. Such projects will likely involve an integrated multidisciplinary team of investigators within a single institution or a consortium of institutions.
Notice of Special Interest: Health Influences of Gender as a Social and Structural Variable
Deadline: October 01, 2025
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) vision for women’s health is a world in which the influences of sex and gender are rigorously integrated into the health research enterprise. For the purposes of this Notice, sex refers to a set of biological variables, including anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. For the purposes of this Notice, gender refers to a set of social and structural variables that encompass gender identity and expression, gender roles and norms, gender relations, and gender power systems (e.g., structural sexism).
Notice of Special Interest: Health Influences of Gender as a Social and Structural Variable
Deadline: October 01, 2025
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) vision for women’s health is a world in which the influences of sex and gender are rigorously integrated into the health research enterprise. For the purposes of this Notice, sex refers to a set of biological variables, including anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. For the purposes of this Notice, gender refers to a set of social and structural variables that encompass gender identity and expression, gender roles and norms, gender relations, and gender power systems (e.g., structural sexism).
Sex-linked biology and gender-related factors can act independently or interactively to influence health. As a social, cultural, and structural construct, gender encompasses multiple domains. Many other social variables including race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and education intersect with gender to impact health and disease in unique ways. Intersectional frameworks enable consideration of how these socially determined categories overlap and interact to create disparate and inequitable outcomes for individuals and communities.
The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and our Institute, Center, and Office (ICO) partners are issuing this Notice to highlight interest in receiving research and training grant applications focused on health impacts of gender-related social and structural variables. For this Notice, relevant domains of gender are gender roles and norms, gender relations, gender equity/inequity, gender equality/inequality, gender-related power dynamics, and structural sexism. Applications can consider one or more domains as they relate to health.
For consideration under this NOSI, applications should have a clear and central focus on social and/or structural domains of gender as demonstrated through a primary aim of EITHER (1) elucidating modifiable factors in gender-related health disparities OR (2) developing, testing, or implementing social or structural interventions to mitigate gender-related health disparities OR (3) investigating the interactions between multiple social and structural domains of gender (e.g., gender roles and gender inequity; power and gender relations). In each of these potential areas of focus, intersectional approaches to gender-related social and structural variables are strongly encouraged.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on Addressing Violence to Improve Health Outcomes
Deadline: October 05, 2025
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The purpose of this Notice is to highlight interest in addressing the role of violence in health outcomes and integrating violence-related screening and interventions into health care settings. This Notice is to encourage intervention research focused on addressing exposure to violence - including but not limited to child maltreatment, intimate partner violence/teen dating violence, elder mistreatment, peer violence/bullying, and community violence – to improve individual-level health processes and outcomes.
Bidirectional Influences Between Adolescent Social Media Use and Mental Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: October 21, 2025
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Adolescents have increasing access to and spend an increasing amount of time engaging in online social interactions and consuming content on social media platforms.Yet there is limited knowledge of how online social behavior and experiences interact with adolescent mental illness and risk for psychopathology. The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage applications that focus on understanding bidirectional relationships between social media use and adolescent mental illness, psychiatric symptoms, and risk or resilience for psychopathology, as well as social media as a platform for facilitating the identification of adolescents with or at risk for mental illness, for encouraging appropriate mental health service use, and for delivering preventive and therapeutic interventions. This NOFO uses the R01 grant mechanism, whereas its companion NOFO, RFA-MH-25-206 seeks shorter, higher-risk R21 grant applications.
NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Capacity Building to Catalyze Collaborations to Address Climate Change Impacts on Human Health (C2H2)
Deadline: October 22, 2025
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This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encourages submission of proposals and supplemental funding requests focused on addressing the serious issue of the human health impacts resulting from climate change and downstream impacts from climate mitigation strategies. Tackling climate change-related human health issues has been identified as a priority by the scientific community
Towards a Better Understanding of the Neurological Effects of Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: November 06, 2025
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications focused on the neurological and/or mental health-related manifestations of infection-associated chronic illnesses, including the post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (Neuro-PASC) as well as other chronic illnesses with a potential infectious trigger (post-treatment Lyme Disease, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS], postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome [POTS], post-viral fatigue syndromes, etc.). Projects that investigate common neurological and/or mental health-related mechanisms across multiple infection-associated chronic illnesses would be of particular interest, although this is not a requirement (i.e., applications can focus on a single condition). Neurologically focused clinical research investigating scientifically compelling pathways that contribute to the development of infection-associated chronic illnesses - including basic experimental studies in humans (BESH) or mechanistic clinical trials that will accelerate the development of effective treatments - are within the scope of this initiative. Preclinical studies utilizing animal, cell culture, and/or human tissue models are also encouraged. All applications must propose such studies in the context of a post-infectious etiology.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Targeting the Pathogen within the Arthropod Vector
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) invites applications to stimulate multidisciplinary research to better understand pathogen/vector interactions to identify approaches to prevent pathogen transmission to the vertebrate host.
Notices of Special Interest (NOSI): High Priority Areas in Integrative Neuroscience Branch in the Division of Neuroscience and Behavior
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The mission of the Division of Neuroscience and Behavior (DNB) is to facilitate and promote outstanding basic animal and human research aimed at identifying the causes and consequences of substance use and substance use disorders (SUD) across the lifespan and to guide treatment strategies. The Integrative Neuroscience (IN) Branch within DNB supports research on the cellular mechanisms and circuitry that underlie substance use and SUD. Research supported by the Branch covers: 1) the regulation and plasticity of neurotransmitter and neuromoduatory systems induced by chronic or intermittent exposure to, and/or withdrawal from, addictive substances, 2) the study of substance-induced neurotoxicity, 3) neuron-glia interactions and their modification by substance use and SUD 4) neuroendocrine modulation of neural systems in relation to substance use and SUD , and 5) neuroimmune modulation of the brain including the influences of neuroAIDS and substance-induced neuroinflammation.
Engineering Next-Generation Human Nervous System Microphysiological Systems (R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages research grant applications directed toward developing next-generation human cell-derived microphysiological systems (MPS) and related assays that replicate complex nervous system architectures and physiology with improved fidelity over current capabilities. Supported projects will be expected to enable future studies of complex nervous system development, function, and aging in healthy and disease states.
Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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This initiative will support intervention research that addresses structural racism and discrimination (SRD) in order to improve minority health or reduce health disparities.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Halting Tuberculosis (TB) Transmission
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to highlight NIAID’s interest in accepting applications that aim to understand the critical drivers of Tuberculosis (TB) transmission at the individual and population levels in high-burden settings. Applicants are encouraged to develop effective methods to measure rates of TB transmission that rely on an increased understanding of the biomedical basis of transmission and related risk factors and to develop and assess potential interventions, including low-cost and low-tech options, to prevent TB transmission.
NLM Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The National Library of Medicine (NLM) supports innovative research and development in biomedical informatics and data science. This funding opportunity focuses on biomedical discovery and data-powered health, integrating streams of complex and interconnected research outputs that can be translated into scientific insights, clinical care, public health practices, and personal wellness. The scope of NLM's interest in these research domains is broad, with emphasis on new and innovative methods and approaches to foster data driven discovery in the biomedical and clinical health sciences as well as domain-independent, scalable, and reusable/reproducible approaches to discovery, curation, analysis, organization, and management of health-related digital objects.
Engineering Next-Generation Human Nervous System Microphysiological Systems (R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages research grant applications directed toward developing next-generation human cell-derived microphysiological systems (MPS) and related assays that replicate complex nervous system architectures and physiology with improved fidelity over current capabilities. Supported projects will be expected to enable future studies of complex nervous system development, function, and aging in healthy and disease states.
This FOA is intended to encourage the further development of projects with feasibility support for the line of investigation. Applicants proposing exploratory research at the early and conceptual stages of project development may instead wish to apply to the companion R21 FOA (PAR-23-047).
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Development of Rapid Point-of-Care Hepatitis C Virus Diagnostics
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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Infection rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the United States of America (USA) have steadily risen since 2010. There are approximately 2 million people infected with HCV in the USA with up to 140,000 new infections occurring annually. Globally, there are an estimated 71 million people living with HCV and it is estimated that as many as 50% may be unaware of their infection.
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) goals for eliminating HCV infection by 2030 will require better case identification/diagnosis and linkage to care. A point-of-care diagnostic that is accurate, simple, rapid, and affordable will greatly increase the diagnoses of HCV infections and link those infected to care. The current process to diagnose an active infection with HCV requires at least two tests and can take up to one week for results. An initial point-of-care screen for HCV antibodies in blood is followed, if positive, by a viral load test performed in a centralized laboratory. Either the same sample is reflex tested, or the patient must supply an additional sample. One-step testing for active HCV infections utilizing a point-of-care assay would allow patients to receive their result in a single visit and allow for rapid care planning and management.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Opportunities Centering the Health of Women Across the HIV Research Continuum
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and Office of AIDS Research (OAR), in partnership with our Institute, Center, and Office (ICO) partners are issuing this Notice to highlight interest in receiving HIV research and training grant applications that explicitly and intersectionally center the health needs of cisgender women and girls, and gender-diverse people.
Despite tremendous scientific advances that have translated to substantial progress in confronting the HIV epidemic, women – and particularly women of color, young women and girls, and transgender women – and gender-diverse individuals remain disproportionately affected by HIV. An intersectional, equity-informed, data-driven approach is essential to advance HIV research and clinical care for all women with or impacted by HIV across their lifespan and to end the HIV pandemic (Barr et al, 2024).
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Opportunities Centering the Health of Women Across the HIV Research Continuum
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and Office of AIDS Research (OAR), in partnership with our Institute, Center, and Office (ICO) partners are issuing this Notice to highlight interest in receiving HIV research and training grant applications that explicitly and intersectionally center the health needs of cisgender women and girls, and gender-diverse people.
Despite tremendous scientific advances that have translated to substantial progress in confronting the HIV epidemic, women – and particularly women of color, young women and girls, and transgender women – and gender-diverse individuals remain disproportionately affected by HIV. An intersectional, equity-informed, data-driven approach is essential to advance HIV research and clinical care for all women with or impacted by HIV across their lifespan and to end the HIV pandemic (Barr et al, 2024).
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Opportunities Centering the Health of Women Across the HIV Research Continuum
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and Office of AIDS Research (OAR), in partnership with our Institute, Center, and Office (ICO) partners are issuing this Notice to highlight interest in receiving HIV research and training grant applications that explicitly and intersectionally center the health needs of cisgender women and girls, and gender-diverse people.
Despite tremendous scientific advances that have translated to substantial progress in confronting the HIV epidemic, women – and particularly women of color, young women and girls, and transgender women – and gender-diverse individuals remain disproportionately affected by HIV. An intersectional, equity-informed, data-driven approach is essential to advance HIV research and clinical care for all women with or impacted by HIV across their lifespan and to end the HIV pandemic (Barr et al, 2024).
In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains Exhibiting Embryonic or Perinatal Lethality or Subviability (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications to phenotype and/or perform research on embryonic lethal knockout (KO) mouse strains being generated through the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) of which the NIH Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2) is a member. The mission of IMPC is to generate a comprehensive catalogue of mammalian gene function that will provide the foundation for functional analyses of human genetic variation. The current (July 19, 2022) IMPC data release includes phenotypic data for 8260 knockout genes. Overall, the IMPC hopes to generate a null mutant and undertake broad-based phenotyping for every gene in the mouse genome. About 30% of these strains are expected to be either embryonic or perinatal lethal, or subviable. However, a large portion of homozygous lethal mutations are expected to have viable heterozygous phenotypes. The scientific community has the unique opportunity to leverage these mouse strains while they are being created and bred as part of the IMPC adult mouse phenotyping effort to perform additional in-depth phenotyping and research.
Implementation Research for Multi-morbidity Management in the Context of Non-communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries and US Tribal Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2026
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) participating Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs), in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), invite applications for implementation research that aims to improve the availability of effective, equitable, efficient, integrated, patient-centered, safe, and timely care for people living with multiple long-term conditions (non-communicable disease (NCD) multimorbidity) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and/or within American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations in the United States. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) supports innovative approaches to identifying, understanding, developing, and implementing strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, tools, policies, and guidelines. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures into application are encouraged.
All applications must be within the scope of the mission of one of the Institutes/Centers listed above (see "Components of Participating Organizations," excluding the Fogarty International Center which manages this program but does not support awards). Applications will be accepted from US and World Bank-defined LMIC institutions only.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Impact of Policy Interventions Aimed at Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Improve Functioning and Well-being for People with Serious Mental Illnesses
Deadline: January 09, 2026
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) highlights research priorities on the impact of social and economic policy interventions that address social determinants of health (SDOH) on improvements in access and engagement with mental health treatment, mental health functioning, and quality of life for people with serious mental illnesses, with special attention to understanding the underlying mediators/change mechanisms of those policies on outcomes.
Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries (R21/R33 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: February 20, 2026
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage exploratory/developmental research applications that propose to study the development, validation, feasibility, and effectiveness of innovative mobile health (mHealth) interventions or tools specifically suited for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that utilize new or emerging technology, platforms, systems, and/or analytics. The overall goal of the program is to catalyze innovation through multidisciplinary research that addresses global health problems, develop an evidence base for the use of mHealth technology to improve clinical and public health outcomes, and strengthen mHealth research capacity in LMICs.
This FOA provides support for up to two years (R21 phase) for technology development and feasibility studies, followed by a possible transition to expanded research support (R33 phase) for validation, larger-scale feasibility, and effectiveness studies. Transition to the R33 depends on the completion of applicant-defined milestones, as well as program priorities and the availability of funds. All applicants must address both the R21 and R33 phases.
NLM Information Resource Grants to Reduce Health Disparities and Promote Health Equity (G08 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: April 24, 2026
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement (NOFO) solicits resource grant applications for projects that will provide accurate, useful, usable, and understandable health information to populations that experience health disparities and their health care providers. This NOFO supports the development of resources that can be used to improve health and well-being and that lead to reductions in health disparities. Access to accurate, useful, usable, and understandable health information is an important factor when managing health and health care. Proposed projects should harness the capabilities of information technology and medical or health libraries to disseminate clear, evidence-based health-related information in formats used by individuals and their health care providers. Proposed projects should emphasize the development and deployment of new information resources or services, or expand and improve an existing resource or service, to meet the needs of populations experiencing health disparities and to promote health equity.
NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: May 06, 2026
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The Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM (ABCD) Study is the largest longitudinal study of brain development and child health in the U.S., collecting data from more than 11,000 children across the country beginning when they were 9-10 years old and continuing for a decade. In addition to behavioral assessments, youth undergo neuroimaging and provide biospecimens, including oral fluids for hormone analysis, urine and hair for substance use and exposure, deciduous teeth for environmental exposures, and blood for genetic analysis and metabolic and hematologic assays.
This initiative allows investigators to apply for access to biological samples from the ABCD Study . More information about the ABCD Study can be found on the NIDA ABCD Study web page. Additional information about this resource is available on the NIDA funding opportunities page, under Supplemental Information for NOFOs. ABCD Study biospecimens are managed through the NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biorepository and Analysis Center, which offers a web portal with services related to biospecimen access. Visit the NBDC portal to query available samples using the Biospecimen Explorer, submit a Biospecimen Availability Inquiry to determine the resource availability and impact on existing samples, and learn more about this resource.
Multisite Clinical Research: Leveraging Network Infrastructure to Advance Research for Women, Children, Pregnant and Lactating Individuals, and Persons with Disabilities (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for multisite clinical trials and observational studies developed in conjunction with NICHD Networks that will be conducted using NICHD-supported Network infrastructure. The goal of this FOA is to operationalize the previously reported NICHD guiding principles for multisite clinical trials delineated in Notice NOT-HD-19-034:
To enhance the rigor and reproducibility of clinical trial protocols
To promote greater availability of multisite clinical trial infrastructure to support trials from a wider range of investigators
To facilitate data sharing and access to biospecimens to efficiently expand research capacity for all investigators
To facilitate greater involvement of diverse populations in multisite clinical trials.
Consequently, multisite clinical trials and observational studies conducted by and within the participating NICHD-supported Clinical Research Networks will be submitted as investigator-initiated, multi-Principal Investigator (PI) grant applications by any qualified investigator in the extramural community (including NICHD Network investigators) in conjunction with the respective NICHD Network Data Coordinating Center (DCC). It is the intent of this initiative to utilize the NICHD Clinical Research Network infrastructure in a manner that will promote the funding and support of the best science in a timely, transparent, equitable and cost-effective manner.
Translational Research in Maternal and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support translational and clinical research to (1) advance precision medicine in pregnant persons, lactating persons, and children through the development of novel tools, models, and other technologies that could have a direct clinical or health impact; (2) enhance the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of drug action, including the role of pediatric ontogeny and the dynamic physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and lactation; and (3) discover and develop novel therapeutics or enhance the usage of existing drugs or drug repurposing for safer and more effective medications in pregnant and lactating persons, neonates, and children. The overall goal is to improve safe and effective precision therapeutics for pregnant and lactating persons, fetuses, neonates, and children, including those with disabilities.
Notice of Special Interest in Research on Family Support and Rejection in the Health and Well-Being of SGM Populations
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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The mission of the NIH is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. The NIH is committed to supporting research that will increase scientific understanding of health and well-being and lead to the development of effective evidence-based strategies, interventions, and services for people of all ages and backgrounds. NIH places a high priority on research with individuals and populations at increased risk for adverse health outcomes, and especially those who have received insufficient attention from the scientific research enterprise. To this end, and in response to Executive Order 14075 on Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals, this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) announces an interest in research on the impact and consequences of family support and family rejection on the health and well-being of sexual and gender minority (SGM, defined for NIH purposes in NOT-OD-19-139) individuals across the life course.
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hereby notify Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) whose research is supported by specific types of research grants (activity codes listed above) that funds are available for administrative supplements to enhance the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting, mentoring, and supporting high school, undergraduate and graduate/clinical students, postbaccalaureate and post Masters individuals, postdoctoral researchers (including health professionals), and eligible investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research. This supplement opportunity is also available to support PD(s)/PI(s) of research grants who are or become disabled and need additional support to accommodate their disability in order to continue to work on the research project. The activities proposed in the supplement application must fall within the scope of the parent grant, and simultaneously advance the objectives of the parent grant and support the research training and professional development of the supplement candidate.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for applicants proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial. Applicants to this NOFO are permitted to propose research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor.
Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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The NIH Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) Program's overarching goal is to enhance the breadth and geographical location of research and research-related activities supported by NIH. The ReWARD program provides support for the health-related research of scientists who are making a significant contribution to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and who have no current NIH research project grant funding. The ReWARD program provides funding for both the scientific research and the DEIA activities of investigators. The grant will support scientific research in areas related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) and ongoing DEIA activities focused on enhancing diversity in the biomedical research enterprise within the United States and territories.
Understanding Expectancies in Cancer Symptom Management (R01 Clinical Trial Required)
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will solicit mechanistic research that aims to understand how and why expectancy effects occur in a cancer context, elucidate their role in cancer symptom management, and identify patients, symptoms, cancer sites, and contexts in which expectancy effects can be leveraged to improve cancer outcomes. Expectancies are defined in this context as beliefs about future outcomes, including one’s response to cancer or cancer treatment. Expectancies can be evoked by social, psychological, environmental, and systemic factors. Expectancy effects are the cognitive, behavioral, and biological outcomes caused by expectancies. Expectancy effects can be generated by expectancies held by patients, clinicians, family members, caregivers, and/or dyadic/social networks. Program is particularly interested in applications that enroll individuals and groups from populations historically underrepresented or excluded from biomedical and behavioral research.
Translational Research in Maternal and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2026
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The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support translational and clinical research to (1) advance precision medicine in pregnant persons, lactating persons, and children through the development of novel tools, models, and other technologies that could have a direct clinical or health impact; (2) enhance the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of drug action, including the role of pediatric ontogeny and the dynamic physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and lactation; and (3) discover and develop novel therapeutics or enhance the usage of existing drugs or drug repurposing for safer and more effective medications in pregnant and lactating persons, neonates, and children. The overall goal is to improve safe and effective precision therapeutics for pregnant and lactating persons, fetuses, neonates, and children, including those with disabilities.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Uptake and Implementation among Populations Experiencing Health Disparities
Deadline: June 06, 2026
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) highlights the need for research on strategies and interventions to increase vaccine uptake and implementation among populations experiencing health disparities in the United States (U.S.) and its territories. Research is needed to understand and address misinformation, uncertainty, distrust, and hesitancy regarding uptake of vaccines (e.g., SARS-CoV-2, pneumococcal, influenza, hepatitis B, human papilloma virus (HPV), varicella, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis [Tdap]) among individuals in the U.S. and its territories, especially in populations at increased risk for morbidity and mortality due to long-standing systemic health and social inequities, as well as chronic medical conditions. This NOSI is focused on individuals across the life span (i.e., all ages). The purpose of this NOSI is to solicit research that will: 1) understand and address barriers to increasing reach, access, and uptake of vaccinations among populations experiencing health disparities; 2) evaluate organizational, local, state, and federal policies and initiatives that mitigate or exacerbate disparities in vaccine access, uptake, and series completion, and 3) evaluate community-engaged interventions (e.g., expand reach, address psychosocial barriers, and social determinants of health [SDOH]) to facilitate vaccination uptake in clinical and community contexts.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Addressing Health Disparities Among Immigrant Populations Through Effective Interventions
Deadline: June 06, 2026
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The purpose of the immigrant health initiative is to support research to design and implement effective interventions to enhance health advantages and reduce health disparities among U.S. immigrant populations (particularly agricultural workers, unaccompanied minors, first generation immigrants, and children of immigrant families) and address factors related to immigration experiences that affect health. For this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI), the term "1st generation" refers to people who were born outside of the U.S. and its territories and relocated to the U.S. The term "2nd generation" refers to the U.S. born children of 1st generation immigrants.
Using Innovative Digital Healthcare Solutions to Improve Quality at the Point of Care (R21/R33 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: August 01, 2026
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This NOFO invites applications that propose research projects that test promising digital healthcare interventions used at the point of care and aimed at improving the quality of healthcare services delivery. This NOFO will use the Phased Innovation Award (R21/R33) mechanism to provide up to 2 years of R21 support for initial developmental activities, and up to 3 years of R33 support for expanded activities.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Small Business Initiatives for Innovative tools and Technologies for Improving Outcomes for Maternal Health
Deadline: September 06, 2026
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This NOSI is intended to encourage interest in the small business community to develop various approaches, technologies, and tools to address the health issues of maternal morbidity and mortality by achieving a wide array of outcomes, such as 1) the identification, phenotyping, subtyping, and stratification of patients at a greater risk of MMM, 2) multi-level interventions to address racial disparities in MMM, and 3) clinical decision-making that considers social and cultural biases.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Interventions to promote mental well-being in populations that experience health disparities through social, cultural, and environmental connectedness
Deadline: September 08, 2026
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The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) are soliciting intervention projects to promote mental well-being and/or prevent mental health problems by fostering social, cultural, or environmental connectedness in one or more populations that experience health disparities. Mental health or mental wellness may be the primary outcome of the intervention and/or an intermediate factor to improve other health outcomes.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Implementation Science to Advance the United States HIV Prevention and Treatment Goals and the Global HIV Prevention and Treatment Targets
Deadline: September 08, 2026
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The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is issuing this Notice to highlight interest in receiving implementation research grant applications designed in partnership with domestic and global service providers to advance HIV prevention and treatment goals (domestically) or targets (globally). These applications should target the unique needs in jurisdictions, both in cities and rural areas, that have been disproportionally affected by the HIV epidemic in the U.S. and globally. This NOSI is a reissue of NOT-MH-20-024.
Secondary Analysis and Integration of Existing Data to Elucidate Cancer Risk and Related Outcomes (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2026
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Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) along with other participating Institutes encourages submission of applications proposing to conduct secondary data analysis and integration of existing datasets and database resources, with the ultimate aim to elucidate cancer risk and related outcomes (e.g., risk prediction or reduction, survival, or response to treatment, etc.). The goal of this initiative is to address key scientific questions relevant to cancer by supporting the analysis of existing clinical, environmental, surveillance, health services, vital statistics, behavioral, lifestyle, genomic, and molecular profiles data. Applicants are encouraged to leverage and perform innovative analyses of the existing data. Applications may include new research aims that are being addressed with existing data, new or advanced methods of analyses, or novel combinations and integration of datasets that allow the exploration of important scientific questions in cancer research.
Research Projects to Enhance Applicability of Mammalian Models for Translational Research (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2026
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Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for projects to expand, improve, or transform the utility of mammalian cancer and tumor models for translational research.
The NCI, through this NOFO, encourages submission of projects devoted to demonstrating that mammalian models, including organoids, tumoroids and cell models, used for translational research are robust representations of human biology, are appropriate to test questions of clinical importance, and provide reliable information for patient benefit. These practical goals contrast with the goals of many mechanistic, NCI-supported R01 projects that use mammals, or develop and use mammalian cancer models, transplantation tumor models, or models derived from mammalian or human tissues or cells for hypothesis-testing, non-clinical research. Among many other possible endeavors, applicants in response to this NOFO could propose demonstrations of how to overcome translational deficiencies of mammalian oncology models, define new uses of mammalian models or their genetics for unexplored translational challenges, advance standard practices for use of translational models, test approaches to validate and credential models, or challenge current practices for how models are used translationally.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Assessing Real-World Effectiveness and Implementation of Telehealth-Guided Provider-to-Provider Communication among Rural Communities
Deadline: October 10, 2026
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) aims to support research that generates evidence on the real-world effectiveness of telehealth collaboration among healthcare providers for consultation, second opinions, and other purposes, referred to as provider-to-provider telehealth (PPT). PPT offers remote access to critical health expertise that might not exist locally in certain communities. For the purpose of this NOSI, PPT is defined broadly to include any health technology meant to connect healthcare providers to one another for the care of patients (e.g., video, chat or audio consults with a clinical specialist for patients under the care of a primary care clinician located in another healthcare facility).
Research supported by this NOSI is expected to:
Contribute to the advancement of health equity and access to care in rural communities through implementation research focused on telehealth-guided provider-to-provider communication;
Stimulate evidence-based interventional and observational research to investigate the real-world effectiveness of provider-to-provider telehealth in managing the health of rural populations while observing, gathering, and assessing information on implementation;
In settings where evidence of clinical effectiveness of PPT is robust, develop and test implementation strategies while observing and gathering information on the intervention’s impact on relevant outcomes.
This NOSI is intended to support the use of these telehealth interventions and tools aimed at the prevention, management and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) conditions (NHLBI), and of cancer (NCI) in rural communities.
In addition to funding consideration by participating ICs, meritorious applications may be supported jointly by a participating IC and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) through IDeA co-funding.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Promoting Data Reuse for Health Research
Deadline: November 04, 2026
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) solicits competitive revision applications that focus on data reuse and secondary data analysis in NIH-funded data repositories and knowledgebases to advance scientific inquiry and address health research questions.
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: November 19, 2026
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites Research Project Grant (R01) applications that propose to study the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of human genetic or genomic research. Applications may propose studies using either single or mixed methods. Approaches may include but are not limited to empirical qualitative and quantitative methods, and conceptual, legal, and normative analyses. Applied research designed to address ELSI issues in genetics and genomics will also be considered responsive. Direct engagement with communities and other interested groups is encouraged, but not required.
Notice of Special Interest: R13 Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings to Support Consensus Building for Autoimmune Disease Research Related Common Data Elements
Deadline: December 14, 2026
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The purpose of this notice is to encourage the submission of “permission-to-submit” applications for R13 proposals seeking funding for the support of scientific conferences and workshops that will bring together subject matter experts in autoimmune disease research with the goal of developing and refining Common Data Elements (CDEs) for autoimmune disease research.
The use of CDEs supports the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy by facilitating harmonization of data from different studies and interoperability.
Notice of Special Interest: R13 Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings to Support Consensus Building for Autoimmune Disease Research Related Common Data Elements
Deadline: December 14, 2026
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The purpose of this notice is to encourage the submission of “permission-to-submit” applications for R13 proposals seeking funding for the support of scientific conferences and workshops that will bring together subject matter experts in autoimmune disease research with the goal of developing and refining Common Data Elements (CDEs) for autoimmune disease research.
The use of CDEs supports the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy by facilitating harmonization of data from different studies and interoperability.
Notice of Special Interest: R13 Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings to Support Consensus Building for Autoimmune Disease Research Related Common Data Elements
Deadline: December 14, 2026
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The purpose of this notice is to encourage the submission of “permission-to-submit” applications for R13 proposals seeking funding for the support of scientific conferences and workshops that will bring together subject matter experts in autoimmune disease research with the goal of developing and refining Common Data Elements (CDEs) for autoimmune disease research.
The use of CDEs supports the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy by facilitating harmonization of data from different studies and interoperability.
Request for Information (RFI): Food is Medicine Research Opportunities
Deadline: January 01, 2027
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This Request for Information (RFI) invites input on research opportunities and best practices for Food is Medicine research programs. These programs are part of a whole-of-government approach to end hunger, improve nutrition and physical activity, and reduce diet-related diseases and disparities. Review of this entire RFI notice is encouraged to ensure a comprehensive response is prepared and to have a full understanding of how your response will be used.
Request for Information (RFI): Food is Medicine Research Opportunities
Deadline: January 01, 2027
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This Request for Information (RFI) invites input on research opportunities and best practices for Food is Medicine research programs. These programs are part of a whole-of-government approach to end hunger, improve nutrition and physical activity, and reduce diet-related diseases and disparities. Review of this entire RFI notice is encouraged to ensure a comprehensive response is prepared and to have a full understanding of how your response will be used.
Request for Information: Prioritization of Drug, Vaccine, and Dietary Supplement Research Needs for Pregnant, Postpartum, and Lactating Persons
Deadline: January 01, 2027
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The NICHD invites all stakeholders to submit nominations for drug, vaccine, and dietary supplement research needs to be considered in the development of a Priority List of Drug, Vaccine, and Dietary Supplement Research Needs for Pregnant, Postpartum, and Lactating Persons. For the purpose of this RFI, the term drug is intended to include small molecule medications as well as biologic therapeutics (e.g., enzyme replacement therapy, monoclonal antibodies, gene therapy vectors, etc.) used for the treatment or prevention of a medical condition.
This RFI is intended to obtain information to help advance recommendations outlined in the 2018 Report of the Task Force for Research Specific to Pregnant and Lactating Women (PRGLAC) and 2020 PRGLAC Implementation Plan. The NICHD seeks information and actionable recommendations for potential priorities on research gaps and needs for drugs, vaccines, and dietary supplements used by pregnant, postpartum, or lactating persons. The NICHD is gathering nominations for drugs prescribed for conditions specific to or that co-occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period, including for lactation; dietary supplements that may be used in preparation for, during, or after pregnancy; and vaccines used by pregnant or lactating persons to prevent or treat disease. Additionally, the NICHD is seeking information on factors and processes it could consider in prioritizing these nominations.
Information provided that is not related to a specific drug, vaccine, dietary supplement, or potential factors to enable the conduct of clinical trials for a specific drug, vaccine, or dietary supplement (e.g., training, research collaborations, drug development tools) in consideration of their prioritization will be considered by the NICHD to be outside of the scope of this RFI.
All nominations must be submitted via a survey using the following link:
Request for Information (RFI): Future Directions in Violence Against Women Research
Deadline: January 01, 2027
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This Request for Information (RFI) is intended to gather public input on priority scientific directions in violence against women (VAW) research. This includes cisgender, transgender, and gender-diverse persons who identify as a woman or girl, as well as other individuals assigned female at birth but who may not identify as a woman or girl. Specifically, the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), the Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH), the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), the Office of Disease Prevention (ODP), and the Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office (SGMRO) are soliciting comments from the public on scientific gaps and research opportunities to address longstanding and emergent factors that perpetuate VAW. This request solicits input on a broad range of topics to inform research directions to better understand and identify opportunities to address underlying causes that influence women’s exposure to violence and to identify approaches to address the health impacts and sequelae of VAW.
In this request, VAW is considered broadly to include but not be limited to: domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault and rape, dating violence and abuse, peer violence, physical and mental abuse, sexual coercion, stalking, homicide, and elder mistreatment.
Notice Announcing Availability of Data Harmonization Tools for Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) via the PhenX Toolkit
Deadline: January 01, 2027
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The purpose of this Notice is to announce a major data-harmonization effort at the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and to encourage the minority health and health disparities research community to use new data collection tools emerging from this effort.
The NIMHD is dedicated to advancing science by improving the yield and impact of its research portfolio. One way to accomplish this is to provide investigators with a common set of tools and resources that allow their work to span the diverse areas of the minority health and health disparities. Social determinants of health—the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age—are known to drive health disparities. Recognizing this, the NIMHD, in collaboration with the National Human Genome Research Institute and the broader scientific community, has identified a series of Core and Specialty measures that will promote the collection of comparable data on social determinants of health (SDOH) across studies. The SDOH are categorized into categories of individual and structural factors that have impact on human health. The list of constructs and measures is not exhaustive and NIMHD will continue to work towards greater harmonization of measures through vetted common data elements in the science of minority health and health disparities.
The NIMHD and its partners in the scientific community strongly encourages investigators to incorporate the measures from the Core and Specialty collections available in the Social Determinants of Health Collections of the PhenX Toolkit ( whenever possible.
Core collection: The measures in this collection are deemed relevant and essential to all areas of minority health and health disparities. Funded investigators are strongly encouraged to incorporate, at a minimum, the Core-Tier 1 measures in all primary data collection.
Specialty collections: The measures in these collections are organized at the individual and structural levels for more nuanced investigations of how SDOH influence health. The Individual SDOH Specialty collection includes measurement protocols for use in research where information is being collected from and about people answering for themselves or their family. The Structural SDOH Specialty collection includes measurement protocols at the structural or community level. Funded investigators conducting research in the specified areas of science are strongly encouraged to incorporate the Specialty measures related to the specific concepts covered and are discouraged from using alternative measures in lieu of the Specialty measures to collect similar data.
Through the use of these SDOH measures and common data elements, minority health and health disparity researchers will be able to share, compare, and integrate data across studies. By advocating the use of these common measures, the NIMHD and its partners in the scientific community aim to further enhance the science of minority health and health disparities while advancing a culture of scientific collaboration.
Unveiling Health and Healthcare Disparities in Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Latin America: Setting the Stage for Better Health Outcomes Across the Hemisphere (R01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Deadline: January 07, 2027
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will support innovative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary research focused on clinical epidemiology, evaluation of public and/or health care policies, and validation of measurements that address health and healthcare disparities related to non-communicable and chronic diseases (NCDs) with the highest disease burden and mortality in Latin America and among U.S. Hispanics/Latinos.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Diet and Physical Activity Biomarkers for Assessing Lifestyle Interventions in Cancer Prevention and Cancer Interception Research
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to support applications improving diet and/or physical activity assessment biomarker development for evaluating lifestyle-based cancer prevention and interception approaches across diverse settings. Multiple principal investigator structured applications with the appropriate expertise are encouraged to apply. Preclinical and pilot human studies assessing baseline and recovery biomarkers for dietary intake, nutritional status, and/or physical activity intervention(s) as complementary exposures are important for early cancer prevention and its interception in high-risk individuals or groups.
Understanding the Impact of Healthcare System and Clinician Factors on Disparities in Maternal Morbidity and Mortality (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support multidisciplinary and innovative intervention research to understand and address maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States, particularly but not exclusively among racial and ethnic minority, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and underserved rural populations, with a focus on understudied healthcare factors.
This is a new funding opportunity to advance the goals of the NIH Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative. IMPROVE aims to understand the biological, behavioral, environmental, sociocultural, clinical, and structural factors that affect pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated severe morbidity and mortality and build an evidence base for improved care and outcomes. The IMPROVE initiative supports research to reduce preventable causes of maternal deaths and improve health for women before, during, and after delivery. It includes a special emphasis on health disparities and populations that are disproportionately affected, such as racial and ethnic minority persons, very young women and women of advanced maternal age, and people with disabilities.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Informed, Place-Based Community-Engaged Research to Advance Health Equity
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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The purpose of this NOSI is to stimulate community-engaged research that leverages geospatial data to probe the influence of geographic factors on disease development and health outcomes. Our goal is to use place-based research to help advance health equity in different communities. Applicants must select the IC and associated NOFO to use for submission of an application in response to the NOSI. The selection must align with the IC requirements listed in order to be considered responsive to that NOFO. Non-responsive applications will be withdrawn from consideration for this initiative. In addition, applicants using NIH Parent announcements (listed below) will be assigned to those ICs on this NOSI that have indicated those NOFOs are acceptable and based on usual application-IC assignment practices.
Interventions to expand cancer screening and preventive services to ADVANCE health in populations that experience health disparities (R01, Clinical Trial Required)
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICs) are issuing this R01 to solicit applications to address barriers and facilitators that impede use or uptake of cancer screening and preventive services in populations that experience health disparities. Interventions should include screening, preventive services, or other healthcare processes, including timely follow-up of abnormal findings, and referral to accessible care. Projects are encouraged to leverage collaborations with community partners and service providers. Interventions should address barriers and facilitators at two or more of the following levels: patient, clinician, healthcare setting, and neighborhood/community. Specific research interests of participating NIH ICs are detailed within.
Projects are encouraged to leverage collaborations with community partners and service providers to promote or enhance existing interventions and/or adapt new combinations of evidence-based strategies. Interventions should address barriers and facilitators at two or more of the following levels: patient, clinician, healthcare setting, and neighborhood/community.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Informed, Place-Based Community-Engaged Research to Advance Health Equity
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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The purpose of this NOSI is to stimulate community-engaged research that leverages geospatial data to probe the influence of geographic factors on disease development and health outcomes. Our goal is to use place-based research to help advance health equity in different communities. Applicants must select the IC and associated NOFO to use for submission of an application in response to the NOSI. The selection must align with the IC requirements listed in order to be considered responsive to that NOFO. Non-responsive applications will be withdrawn from consideration for this initiative. In addition, applicants using NIH Parent announcements (listed below) will be assigned to those ICs on this NOSI that have indicated those NOFOs are acceptable and based on usual application-IC assignment practices.
Personal Health Informatics for Delivering Actionable Insights to Individuals (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to advance the development of novel informatics and data science approaches that can help individuals understand and improve their health through actionable insights. The NLM and participating institutes listed in this NOFO seek applications that further the science of personal health informatics by providing meaningful and actionable insights to individuals through innovative personal health data collection, integration, analysis, and personalized risk assessments and interpretation. Applications seeking to advance the understanding of how informatics tools, systems, and platforms can best present the results, interpretation, and limitations of personalized assessments for the benefit of individuals are encouraged. Applications should include end user engaged approaches and real-world evaluation to inform the design of generalizable, reusable, and scalable personal health informatics tools, systems, and platforms for the benefit of individuals in understanding and improving their health.
Improving Care and Outcomes for Cancer Survivors from Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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Through this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to support the rigorous assessment of barriers to quality cancer treatment and follow-up care for sexual and gender minority (SGM) cancer survivors. This funding opportunity is intended to address a critical need for improved care delivery and outcomes for SGM cancer survivors. The goal is to address the disease burden in an underserved and understudied population that is at higher risk of poorer health outcomes. The NCI solicits proposals for observational and/or interventional studies of SGM survivors designed to understand barriers and/or improve care and outcomes for SGM people with cancer, using interoperable sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data collection in cancer care settings, where appropriate.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Informed, Place-Based Community-Engaged Research to Advance Health Equity
Deadline: January 08, 2027
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The purpose of this NOSI is to stimulate community-engaged research that leverages geospatial data to probe the influence of geographic factors on disease development and health outcomes. Our goal is to use place-based research to help advance health equity in different communities. Applicants must select the IC and associated NOFO to use for submission of an application in response to the NOSI. The selection must align with the IC requirements listed in order to be considered responsive to that NOFO. Non-responsive applications will be withdrawn from consideration for this initiative. In addition, applicants using NIH Parent announcements (listed below) will be assigned to those ICs on this NOSI that have indicated those NOFOs are acceptable and based on usual application-IC assignment practices.
Risk and Protective Factors of Family Health and Family Level Interventions (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: May 08, 2027
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The purpose of this initiative is to advance the science of minority health and health disparities by supporting research on family health and well-being and resilience. The NIMHD Research Framework recognizes family health, family well-being, and family resilience as critically important areas of research to decrease disparities and promote equity.
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment or Prevention (SBIRT/P) for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) use and misuse in adult populations that experience health disparities (R01, Clinical Trial Required)
Deadline: May 08, 2027
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The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) are issuing this NOFO seeking applications to test innovative approaches to implementing SBIRT/P for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) use and misuse in adult populations that experience health disparities. SBIRT/P, (a term used for purposes of this funding announcement), involves screening individuals for risk of ATOD use and misuse, briefly intervening with a conversation about harmful substance use, and referring individuals for treatment or preventive services, as needed.
Proposed research should include prospective tests of SBIRT/P and should leverage collaborations with healthcare and community partners Specific research interests of participating NIH ICOs are detailed within.
Interventions on Health and Healthcare Disparities on Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Latin America: Improving Health Outcomes Across the Hemisphere (R01 - Clinical Trial Required)
Deadline: May 08, 2027
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This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is being reissued in accordance with the simplified review criteria in effect for application due dates after January 25, 2025.
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support innovative and interdisciplinary team research focused on clinical, health services, and/or community-based interventions that address health and healthcare disparities related to non-communicable and chronic diseases (NCDs) with the highest disease burden and mortality in Latin America and among U.S. Hispanics/Latinos.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Neuromodulatory Control of Circuits Underlying Mental Health Relevant Behaviors
Deadline: May 10, 2027
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) solicits applications seeking to understand how neuromodulatory signals dynamically control and coordinate neural circuit responses in real-time during complex mental health relevant behaviors including cognitive, social, and affective functions. These studies are expected to utilize recent tools that enable precise assessment of spatiotemporal dynamics of extracellular release or receptor activation of neuromodulators with simultaneous causal interrogation of neural activity and behavioral responses.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Improving Adherence to Treatment and Prevention Regimens and Maintenance of Health Behaviors to Promote Health
Deadline: July 24, 2027
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is being re-issued by the NIH Adherence Network through the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), with participation from multiple NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices. This NOSI calls for research grant applications that address adherence to recommended treatment and prevention regimens or maintenance of behaviors to promote positive health outcomes (collectively referred to as health behaviors). Applications may address health behavior initiation, execution, and/or persistence through mechanistic studies, efficacy trials, or implementation research. Descriptive studies and intervention research may address relevant determinants at one or more levels of ecologic influence, including the individual, caregiver/family, provider, healthcare system, and community levels. Approaches designed to reduce health disparities and improve equitable health outcomes are strongly encouraged.
Interventions to Reduce Sleep Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2027
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The purpose of this initiative is to support non-pharmacological interventions to promote sleep health, reduce sleep health disparities, and examine sleep as a modifiable factor to reduce disparities for other health outcomes among populations that experience health disparities.
Interventions to Reduce Sleep Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional)
Deadline: September 08, 2027
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The purpose of this initiative is to support non-pharmacological interventions to promote sleep health, reduce sleep health disparities, and examine sleep as a modifiable factor to reduce disparities for other health outcomes among populations that experience health disparities.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Analysis of Existing Linked Datasets to Understand the Relationship between Housing Program Participation and Risk for Chronic Diseases and Other Conditions (R01-Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: September 08, 2027
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) expresses the interest of the participating Institutes and Offices in the evaluation of the effects of housing program participation on risk for chronic diseases and conditions within the missions of the participating Institutes and Offices. Housing programs or policies of interest may be supported by federal, state, or local-level agencies or organizations. Applications in response to this NOSI must propose to evaluate existing datasets with housing program participation data that can be administratively linked to health outcome data. Projects that propose to evaluate longitudinal health outcomes are particularly encouraged.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Research to Address the Heterogeneity of Obesity Risk, Related Health Outcomes, and Response to Treatment
Deadline: September 08, 2027
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This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) aims to increase research to understand the heterogeneity of obesity phenotypes and the underlying mechanisms that protect against or increase risk for obesity and obesity-associated conditions. The objective of this NOSI is to support research applications that address knowledge and portfolio gaps regarding the role of obesity in disease development. Understanding the heterogeneity of obesity is necessary for precision and targeted implementation of obesity prevention and treatment interventions. Responsive proposals would include those aiming to investigate biological or nonbiological mechanisms through which adiposity differentially affects health. Other responsive applications might include those evaluating heterogeneity in response to obesity prevention and treatment, based on biological (e.g., genetic), behavioral, and/or racial/ethnic factors.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Determining the Tri-directional Relationship Among Oral Health, Nutrition, and Comprehensive Health
Deadline: September 08, 2027
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The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to encourage research on the interplay of nutrition/food insecurity, oral diseases, and comprehensive health across the life span. The purpose of this NOSI is to support research to better understand the mechanisms of the tri-directional relationship among nutrition, systemic health, and oral, dental, and craniofacial (DOC) health and the development of nutritional interventions in the dental setting.
Diet-related metabolic and cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. One in 10 Americans have type 2 diabetes. More than 4 in 10 Americans have hypertension, which is linked to heart disease and stroke, the leading causes of death for Americans. Diseases related to poor nutrition and food insecurity are largely preventable conditions.
Because the mouth is the entryway for foods and fluids, any changes in the oral cavity, including tooth loss and caries, can skew food choices toward carbohydrates and foods with low nutritional value, thus further negatively affecting oral and systemic health. Diabetes exacerbates periodontal disease and delays wound healing. Mid-pregnancy maternal vitamin D deficiencies have been associated with enamel hypoplasia in children, which increases susceptibility to dental caries. Sweetened beverage intake is strongly associated with tooth decay and tooth loss in US children. Parents and caregivers play a role in preventing and controlling childhood dental caries through oral hygiene practices and healthy food choices. Individuals from rural, lower socioeconomic, and minority populations have a higher incidence of oral diseases, which ultimately impacts food intake and nutrition. However, the interplay among oral health, nutrition, and comprehensive health is still poorly understood. Pillar 5 of the White House National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health recognizes the public health need to advance research regarding the prevention and treatment of diet-related diseases including the tri-directional relationship among oral health, nutrition, and comprehensive health.
Notice of Special Interest: Women’s Health Research
Deadline: November 05, 2027
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In alignment with the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest to highlight interest in receiving research applications focused on diseases and health conditions that predominantly affect women (e.g., autoimmune diseases; depressive disorders, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD), gender-based-violence), present and progress differently in women (e.g., cardiovascular disease; HIV; reproductive aging and its implications), or are female-specific (e.g., uterine fibroids; endometriosis; menopause).
For consideration under this NOSI, applications must have a central focus on the health of women, as demonstrated through specific aims that EITHER explicitly address a particular condition in women OR focus on one of the high priority topics below. In either approach, intersectional and/or multidimensional approaches that consider the health of women in context (e.g., projects accounting for social and structural variables—including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status , and State and Federal policies— that affect women’s health) are strongly encouraged. For consideration under this NOSI, projects are not required to exclusively focus on women. However, studies that include more than one sex or gender should be designed and powered to make generalizable conclusions about women and enable sex or gender difference comparison.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Developing and Testing Multi-level Physical Activity Interventions to Improve Health and Well-Being
Deadline: November 14, 2027
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The Office of Disease Prevention and participating Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICOs) are issuing this Notice to highlight our interest in highly innovative multi-level interventions to increase and maintain health-enhancing physical activity in a wide range of population groups, including populations that experience health disparities, children, older adults, and persons at risk for mental/behavioral health conditions, and any subpopulations that can be characterized by the intersection of two or more of these descriptors. Relevant physical activity intervention research includes translational research for pilot, exploratory, or developmental work in preparation for full-scale, fully powered efficacy studies, as well as studies seeking to adopt existing evidence-based interventions in a new context (e.g., population, setting, etc.). Research studies should be based on well-established theory, existing data, and/or evidence-based interventions. Furthermore, studies may focus on establishing efficacy, effectiveness, or dissemination and implementation of multi-level interventions.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Understanding Exposure and Health Effects of Micro and/or Nanoplastics
Deadline: November 17, 2027
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The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to inform potential applicants that the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), has special interest in applications that investigate exposure to, and health effects of, microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs).
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effectiveness of Mobile Health Clinics to Advance Health Equity
Deadline: November 17, 2027
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The term “Mobile Health Clinic (MHC)” refers to a community-based model of healthcare delivery in which health services are delivered from a motorized vehicle within communities. Sometimes referred to as “Mobile Health Units”, “Mobile Clinics”, or described as “Healthcare on Wheels,” the MHC is usually a bus, truck or van that transports medical personnel and contains the clinical resources (e.g., examination table, laboratory supplies for point of care testing, and medical equipment) that are necessary to provide health care (e.g. primary care, behavioral health, dental, vision, specialized care or other health services).
The term “populations that experience health disparities” refers to the NIH-designated United States (US) health disparity populations which include Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, Middle Eastern/North Africans, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, underserved rural populations, sexual and gender minority groups, and people with disabilities (
The term “multi-level” refers to determinants at two or more socioecological levels of interest (e.g., individual, family, clinician, health care system, community) that are relevant for understanding and addressing minority health and health disparities. This concept is further described under the NIMHD Research Framework (
The Role of Work in Health Disparities in the U.S. (R01 Clinical Trials Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support innovative population-based research that can contribute to identifying and characterizing pathways and mechanisms through which work or occupation influences health outcomes and health status among populations with health and/or health care disparities.
Advancing Research at the intersection of Biology and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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Encourages proposals that advance biological research through use of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) or through development of AI/ML methods using biological data and systems in areas supported by the four Divisions of the BIO Directorate.
Neuromodulation/Neurostimulation Device Development for Mental Health Applications (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage applications seeking to develop the next generation of brain stimulation devices for treating mental health disorders. Applications are encouraged that will either 1) develop novel brain stimulation devices or 2) significantly enhance, by means of hardware/software improvements, the effectiveness of brain stimulation devices that are currently U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved or cleared. Applications to this NOFO are not expected to be hypothesis-driven, but should propose design-directed, developmental, or discovery-driven technology research using integrative approaches. Although the application should focus on the engineering development and bench top testing of the tool, animal and limited, non-clinical trial human testing necessary to demonstrate initial proof of concept is allowable. This NOFO uses the R01 grant mechanism, encouraging longer term projects, whereas the companion NOFO, PAR-25-286 seeks grant applications encouraging shorter duration, high-risk studies.
Mood and Psychosis Symptoms during the Menopause Transition (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage applications that will advance mechanistic and translational research on the onset and worsening of mood and psychotic disorders during the menopausal transition (or perimenopause). In particular, NIMH seeks research that will advance understanding of the underlying neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms of mood disruption, emotion dysregulation, and psychosis during the menopausal transition and that will identify novel targets for future mental health interventions or prevention efforts
This NOFO uses the R01 grant mechanism, while the companion NOFO PAR-25-282 uses the R21 mechanism. Investigators proposing high risk/high reward projects, projects that lack preliminary data, or studies that utilize existing data may wish to apply using the R21 mechanism, while applicants with preliminary data who seek longer-term funding may wish to apply using the R01 mechanism.
Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The NIH Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) Program's overarching goal is to enhance the breadth and geographical location of research and research-related activities supported by NIH. The ReWARD program provides support for the health-related research of scientists who are making a significant contribution to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and who have no current NIH research project grant funding. The ReWARD program provides funding for both the scientific research and the DEIA activities of investigators. The grant will support scientific research in areas related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) and DEIA activities focused on enhancing diversity in the biomedical research enterprise within the United States and territories.
Laboratories to Optimize Digital Health (R01 Clinical Trial Required)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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NIMH seeks applications for innovative research projects to test strategies to increase the reach, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of digital mental health interventions which may impact mental health outcomes, including suicide behaviors and serious mental illness. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is intended to support the development of digital health test beds that leverage well-established digital health platforms and infrastructure to rapidly refine and optimize existing evidence-based digital health interventions and to conduct clinical research testing digital mental health interventions that are statistically powered to provide a definitive answer regarding the intervention's effectiveness particularly in populations who experience health disparities and vulnerable populations.
Integrating Mental Health Care into Health Care Systems and Non-Health Settings in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeks implementation research projects focused on the integrating mental health services with chronic health care (for both communicable and non-communicable conditions) across various healthcare and non-healthcare settings (such as schools, places of worship, and community centers) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The objective is to develop, refine, and evaluate innovative strategies to facilitate the integration of mental health care with other services. This NOFO aims to support research geared towards implementing, scaling up, and ensuring the financial sustainability of integrated mental health care models, with the overarching goal of enhancing the availability, accessibility, utilization, and quality of mental health care services in both healthcare and non-healthcare settings. In addition, this NOFO seeks to strengthen sustainable mental health research capacity in LMICs.
Molecular Imaging of Inflammation in Cancer (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites research grant applications (R01) for the development and application of current and emerging molecular imaging methods to gain fundamental insights into cancer inflammation in vivo.
The motivation for this initiative is the recognition that much of the current imaging research on inflammation in cancer relies heavily on in vitro and ex vivo methods. These approaches have limited potential to provide significant insights into the dynamic interactions between cancer and inflammation. Utilizing molecular imaging probes in pre-clinical and clinical investigations allows for precise temporal resolution at molecular and cellular levels. This information is valuable for identifying and characterizing in vivo inflammatory cellular physiology in cancer and for detecting molecular changes in response to treatment.
This NOFO encourages applications focused on developing integrated imaging approaches to investigate the role of inflammation in cancer through strong cross-discipline collaboration between cancer basic science researchers and imaging scientists. These collaborations are expected to advance the science and understanding of cancer inflammation interactions.
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, sustainability, scale-up, and spread of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies (hereafter referred to as evidence-based interventions). Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce (de-implement) the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures are encouraged. Applications that focus on re-implementation of evidence-based health services that may be disrupted amidst disasters (e.g., pandemics, climate change) remain relevant.
All applications must be within the scope of the mission of one of the Institutes/Centers listed above.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP).
Advancing Healthcare for Older Adults from Populations that Experience Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The purpose of this initiative is to advance the science and implementation of innovative multi-level health care research for older adults from populations that experience health disparities. The initiative will support research designed to (1) gain a better understanding of appropriate screening, diagnostic, and clinical care guidelines in a primary care setting, (2) explore shared decision-making that is needed to enhance care planning and patient agency between clinicians and care teams with the older adult and their caregiver(s), and (3) identify effective strategies for care coordination.
Amplifying STEM Education Investments in and with Rural and Remote Areas and Communities
Deadline: January 08, 2028
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The Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) seeks new proposal submissions to continue its support for science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science education innovations, research, capacity, and workforce development in and with rural and remote communities. Through this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), EDU acknowledges the multidimensionality of rural America and welcomes proposals that meet the specific needs and that leverage the wide-ranging assets and opportunities of rural and remote communities, such as the Delta Region, Appalachia, and Tribal and EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) jurisdictions.