PI4D Members

Discover World-Renowned Expertise at Purdue University in Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Disease Research

Purdue University's cutting-edge research and innovation extend to the Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Disease (PI4D). With unparalleled expertise spanning eight colleges and 27 departments, the institute serves as a leading hub for groundbreaking research, advanced education, and commercialization in the fields of inflammation, immunology, and infectious disease. Join our community at the forefront of scientific discovery and technological advancement.

Name Email Department Research Description Program Area
Aguilar, Claudio claudio@purdue.edu Biological Sciences My laboratory is focused in the study of protein trafficking and membrane transport in relation to the processes of cell polarity establishment (a feature that is key for animal development and crucial for physiological functions such as synaptic transmission and immune response) and carcinogenic transformation. In order to pursue our research goals we routinely use genetic, biochemistry and cell biology techniques with yeast and mammalian cells. We study protein-protein interactions at molecular level by using bioinformatics, biochemical and genetic tools (like the two-hybrid system) and we investigate the physiological relevance of these interactions by using functional assays, microscopy (of live and fixed cells) and genetic approaches. Infectious Diseases
Anderson, Joe janderson@purdue.edu Agronomy Department Head/Plant molecular genetics Control and Intervention
Andrisani, Ourania andrisao@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences Infectious diseases/host-pathogen interactions Infectious Diseases
Applegate, Bruce applegate@purdue.edu Department Of Food Science Research focus is primarily in three areas: bacteriophage for detection and control of foodborne pathogens, application of bioluminescence to determine efficacy and mechanism of antimicrobials and the use of luminescence to evaluate physical/chemical pathogen interventions. Control and Intervention
Ardekani, Arezoo ardekani@purdue.edu Mechanical Engineering Prof. Ardekani’s research program focuses on biological flows and complex fluids. Using a combination of state-of-the-art computations, theoretical analysis, and experiments, her research advances understanding of the transport of particles, microbes, cells, and vesicles in complex fluids, their interaction with fluid flow, and flow through porous media. Our goal is to advance knowledge and develop solutions in biological, biomedical and health care systems, and environmental remediation. Imaging and Diagnostics
Aryal, Uma uaryal@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Quantitative analysis of proteins, their posttranslational modifications, subcellular locations, and protein-protein interactions using mass spectrometry-based proteomics Imaging and Diagnostics
Axelrod, Abram aaxelro@purdue.edu Chemistry Our research is focused on the synthesis of complex glycoproteins, natural products, and oligosaccharides of importance in immunology and oncology to make defined and powerful contributions toward solving challenging problems in translational science and medicine. Control and Intervention
Bae, Euiwon ebae@purdue.edu Mechanical Engineering
Baloni, Priyanka pbaloni@purdue.edu Health Sciences Research in my lab is focused on developing computational approaches to analyze multi-omics data to study the effect of gene-environment interactions on neurodegenerative diseases and other health-related outcomes. Control and Intervention
Beauvais, Wendy wbeauvai@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology I use epidemiological approaches, such as mathematical modelling, to understand and find solutions to human, animal and ecosystem health challenges. I have a particular focus on zoonoses and other diseases impacting on livestock production. Infectious Diseases
Bellisario, Kristen kbellisa@purdue.edu Honors College
Bernal, Ximena xbernal@purdue.edu Biological Sciences My interests lie at the interface between behavior, evolution and ecology Infectious Diseases
Bertin, Francois-Rene fbertin@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences Insulin dysregulation: This condition, similar to pre-diabetes in humans, is widespread among horses and is associated with obesity and laminitis, a potentially fatal condition. My objective is to understand why horses produce high levels of insulin, aiming to prevent equine laminitis and gain insights into the onset of diabetes in humans. Hypothalamo-pituitary adrenocortical axis: In horses, the aging of this hormonal axis contributes to the development of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, a condition akin to Parkinson's disease in humans and also linked to equine laminitis. My aim is to understand the mechanisms underlying age-related changes in the equine brain to improve equine health and shed light on the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease in humans. Immunology and Inflammation
Bhunia, Arun bhunia@purdue.edu Food Science Host-pathogen interaction, especially Listeria monocytogenes pathogenesis during intestinal phase of infection and control strategy using bioengineered probiotics Infectious Diseases
Biruete, Annabel abiruete@purdue.edu Nutrition Science The Biruete lab explores the effects of nutritional and pharmacological therapies for chronic kidney disease on the gastrointestinal tract and its associated microbiome. Additionally, we have a secondary line of research focused on health disparities in the Hispanic/Latine population living with chronic kidney disease. Control and Intervention
Bowman, Aaron bowma117@purdue.edu College Of Health And Human Sciences My lab studies the role of environmental toxicants, especially metals, in neurological disease and their intersection with genetic risk factors of brain disease. Neuronal dysfunction and neuroinflammatory processes underscore the etiology of such diseases. We utilize human stem cell based models of the human brain to define mechanisms of toxicant mediated neurotoxicity. Control and Intervention
Briggs, Scott sdbriggs@purdue.edu Biochemistry My research focuses on epigenetic factors such as the SET domain-containing histone methyltransferases that we have found to govern antifungal drug resistance and pathogenesis. We are currently studying Candida glabrata and Candida auris which are opportunistic fungal pathogens that are multi-drug resistant. We also use Galleria mellonella larvae as an infectious model system to study in vivo drug efficacy and altered virulence of genetically modified fungal pathogens. Infectious Diseases
Brubaker, Douglas doug-brubaker@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering My research employs computational and experimental systems biology and bioengineering it understand the mechanisms by which the microbiome regulates immune cell function in health and disease. Immunology and Inflammation
Buhman, Kimberly kbuhman@purdue.edu Nutrition Science Identify novel factors that regulate dietary fat sensing, metabolism or absorption that may be exploited for preventive and therapeutic interventions for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Research in the Buhman laboratory focuses on trafficking and metabolism of digestive products of dietary fat within the absorptive cells of the small intestine, enterocytes. Projects in the Buhman laboratory are currently addressing how diet, drugs and genetics affect chylomicron synthesis and secretion, cytoplasmic lipid droplets synthesis and metabolism, and fatty acid oxidation by enterocytes. Immunology and Inflammation
Byrn, Stephen sbyrn@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics A platform to optimize drug delivbery and bioavailability of antiviral drugs Control and Intervention
Chan, Deva devachan@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Osteoarthritis, biomechanics and mechanobiology, medical imaging Imaging and Diagnostics
Chen, Victor victorchen@purdue.edu Computer Graphics Technology Interdisciplinary domains of Human Computer Interaction including visual analytics, information visualization, and computer graphics applications such as virtual reality and argument reality. Imaging and Diagnostics
Chmielewski, Jean chml@purdue.edu Chemistry We developed agents to eradicate intracellular pathogenic bacteria, HIV reservoirs and drug resistant malaria Control and Intervention
Chopra, Gaurav gchopra@purdue.edu Analytical and Physical Chemistry Chemical Immunology: Drug discovery for perturbing immune suppression in cancer, neurological and immunological disorders. http://chopralab.org Immunology and Inflammation
Claridge, Shelley claridge@purdue.edu Chemistry A central theme in our group is the development of new self-assembly and integrated imaging strategies that advance the limits of interfacial ordering complexity and structural analysis, mirroring the structural diversity and functional precision achieved in biology. Imaging and Diagnostics
Clase, Kari klclase@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering Investigates the mechanisms controlling neural cell proliferation and differentiation within brain tumors through proteomic and metabolic analysis Control and Intervention
Cooks, Graham cooks@purdue.edu Chemistry Study collisions of ions in the gas phase and at surfaces Imaging and Diagnostics
Cooper, Bruce brcooper@purdue.edu Bindley Bioscience Center Metabolomics, HPLC, GC, Mass Spectrometry Infectious Diseases
Couetil, Laurent couetil@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences Translational models of respiratory disease and pre-clinical research Immunology and Inflammation
Craig, Bruce bacraig@purdue.edu Statistics Statistical Consulting Imaging and Diagnostics
Cross, Tzu-Wen Cross tlcross@purdue.edu Nutrition Science Our laboratory focuses on investigating the interplay between sex hormones and the gut microbiome in metabolic diseases using gnotobiotic mouse models. We also aim to develop dietary strategies targeting the gut microbiome to reduce disease risks. Immunology and Inflammation
Csonka, Leslie csonka@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Mechanisms of the responses of bacteria to osmotic stress; genetic engineering of plant cells with increased tolerance of salinity stress Infectious Diseases
Cui, Meng mengcui@purdue.edu Electrical And Computer Eng Neurophotonics, In vivo imaging, High-throughput and high-quality imaging, Drug discovery, Wavefront engineering. Imaging and Diagnostics
Dai, Mingji mjdai@purdue.edu Chemistry Targeting Drug Resistance with New Chemical Scaffold Control and Intervention
Dangoudoubiyam, Sriveny sdangoud@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology My research lab focuses on two distinct areas of research (i) Understanding larva migrans caused by the raccoon roundworm, Baylisascaris procyonis and other zoonotic ascarids (ii) We are also investigating the intracellular survival of Sarcocystis neurona, an apicomplexan responsible for myeloencephalitis in horses. Our lab also has strong interest in clinical veterinary parasitology. Infectious Diseases
Das, Chittaranjan cdas@purdue.edu Chemistry
Davisson, Vincent Jo davisson@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Molecular design and synthesis; Chemical and systems biology Immunology and Inflammation
Delp, Ed ace@purdue.edu Electrical And Computer Eng Imaging and Diagnostics
Deng, Meng deng65@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering Development of biomaterials for cell engineering and tissue regeneration Control and Intervention
Deng, Qing qingdeng@purdue.edu Biological Sciences We use zebrafish as a model to understand infectious and inflammatory diseases Immunology and Inflammation
Ding, Qinglan QinglanDing@purdue.edu Nursing My research interest focuses on identifying individuals at high risk for cardiometabolic or cerebrovascular events and improving their clinical and patient-reported outcomes using health informatics and data analytics. Imaging and Diagnostics
Dos Santos, Luis Felipe dossantos@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences Arrhythmias, basic mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis and development of innovative therapeutic approaches in cardiology. Interest in a broad-based multidisciplinary and translational approach, using methods like electroanatomic mapping, molecular biology, cell and membrane physiology/biophysics, genomics and mathematical modeling to improve our understanding and diagnostic criteria in veterinary and human cardiology. Imaging and Diagnostics
Ebert, David ebert@purdue.edu Electrical And Computer Engineering Visual analytics and effective discovery and decision making Control and Intervention
Elzey, Ben belzey@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Veterinary Medicine Immunology and Inflammation
Emir, Uzay uemir@purdue.edu Health And Human Sciences It Dr. Emir’s expertise lies in the development and clinical translation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques at clinical (3T) and ultra-high field (UHF>3T) magnetic fields. He has used these to quantify various brain metabolites, including neurotransmitters (γ-aminobutyric acid, and glutamate); antioxidants (glutathione, and ascorbate); and oncometabolite (2 hydroxyglutarate, 2-HG, and lactate, Lac). He has recently developed the ultra-high-resolution zoom (recuced field of view) MRSI technique (1H and 23NA (sodium)) to generate probabilistic molecular atlases of human organs, including cerebrum, cerebellum, kidney, and the calf muscle Imaging and Diagnostics
Feng, Yining feng109@purdue.edu Civil Engineering Dr. Feng’s research goal is to enable sustainable built environment and human-environmental health through developing multi-disciplinary research program in materials and related device technology. The research centers on discovering energy harvesting and sensing technology from fundamental science to technology transfer enabling sustainability, resiliency, and energy efficiency of the environment. Imaging and Diagnostics
Ferreira, Christina cferrei@purdue.edu Bindley Bioscience Center Metabolomics by mass spectrometry Imaging and Diagnostics
Figueiredo, Marxa mlfiguei@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences Our laboratory aims to understand the interactions between the skeletal and immune systems with the goal to develop novel therapeutic applications. We focus on integrating biological mechanisms with development of strategies that can leverage the immune system to simultaneously promote restoration of bone and alter immune responses to control inflammation or cell viability. Our therapeutic modalities build on multifunctional osteo-immune cytokines, which can be targeted to bone or inflammatory cells in order to exert regenerative effects. Immunology and Inflammation
Filley, Timothy filley@purdue.edu Earth Atmospheric Planetary Sciences Studies the fundamental processes controlling carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil, litter, and streams within natural and managed ecosystems Imaging and Diagnostics
Fischer, Rainer rainer-fischer@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Infectious Diseases
Flaherty, Daniel dflaher@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Research in my lab utilizes chemical biology and medicinal chemistry principles to validate novel antimicrobial therapeutic targets and design new strategies to inhibit existing antimicrobial targets resulting in an expansion of antimicrobial chemical space. Control and Intervention
Fortin, Jessica fortinj@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences My research focused on the preparation and evaluation of bifunctional molecules for the treatment of protein folding disorders. Control and Intervention
Gavin, Timothy gavin1@purdue.edu Health And Kinesiology Skeletal muscle in health and disease Immunology and Inflammation
Gelvin, Stanton gelvin@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Agrobacterium-plant interactions; host genes involved in transformation susceptibility Infectious Diseases
Ghafoor, Arif ghafoor@purdue.edu Electrical and Computer Engineering Multimedia databases, distributed computing, and broadband multimedia communication Imaging and Diagnostics
Ghosh, Arun akghosh@purdue.edu Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry Multidisciplinary research projects in the areas of synthetic organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry Control and Intervention
Goergen, Craig cgoergen@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Non-invasive imaging for cardiovascular disease Imaging and Diagnostics
Golden, Barbara barbgolden@purdue.edu Biochemistry We are interested in discovering the breadth of roles that ribozymes and structured RNAs play in the regulation of genes in eukaryotes, prokaryotes and pathogens and developing novel technologies based on RNA catalysis Infectious Diseases
Green, Leopold leogreen@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering My experiences in synthetic biology and interest in the signaling dynamics of immune response motivate me to lead an exciting research program in designing smart therapeutics. My research lab will couple a systems biology approach and the synthetic biology toolkit to develop novel therapeutic circuits in living chassis. Ultimately, I foresee my work providing insight into the interkingdom signaling networks between healthy and disease states and supporting the development of novel therapeutic agents that target chronic illnesses (e.g., atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, viral infection). Control and Intervention
Hall, Mark mchall@purdue.edu Biochemistry research focuses on protein phosphatase specificity and function in fungal models and pathogens using a combination of genetic, biochemical, cell biological, and proteomic approaches. Infectious Diseases
Hanna, Jason hannaja@purdue.edu Biological Sciences My research aims to Identify genetic drivers, molecular mechanisms, and novel therapeutic vulnerabilities for vascular sarcomas, which are tumors from blood and lymphatic endothelial cells with a very poor prognosis for patients. In this work, we have found that microRNAs may function as critical tumor suppressors and provide a novel therapeutic target for intervention. More broadly these studies may provide insights into normal endothelial cell development and diseases including vascular malformations, lymphedema, tumor angiogenesis, and cancer biology. Immunology and Inflammation
Hass, Zachary zhass@purdue.edu Nursing My work focuses on the evaluation of the impact of policies, programs, and interventions on healthcare delivery to the older adult. I apply statistical models, experimental and quasi-experimental design principles, and simulation to understand impact on health outcomes and other stated goals of the system or care change. Control and Intervention
Hassan, Ahmed ahmed@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology My research focuses on overcoming the ongoing challenge of antimicrobial resistance (especially in gut pathogens) through vaccine development, drug discovery, and host-pathogen interaction studies. My current research is collaborative in nature, and I welcome additional cooperation with researchers from various backgrounds. Infectious Diseases
He, Qixin heqixin@purdue.edu Biological Sciences By integrating concepts and tools from population genetics, genomic evolution and disease ecology, I plan to understand how immune selection drives eco-evolutionary dynamics of disease agents and develop new epidemiological measures for quantifying infectious diseases with fast evolutionary rates, using malaria antigens as a model system. Infectious Diseases
Henderson, Gregory gchender@purdue.edu Nutrition Science The Henderson Lab studies lipid metabolism in the context of metabolic health. Using mouse models, interactions between circulation lipids, tissue lipid accumulation, and insulin sensitivity are tested. Control and Intervention
Hendrix, Kenitra gkh@purdue.edu Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Microbiology for veterinary technicians Infectious Diseases
Hill, Catherine hillca@purdue.edu Entomology Biology and control of arthropod-borne infectious diseases Infectious Diseases
Hogenesch, Harm hogenesch@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Vaccine formulation and vaccine adjuvants; immune response to vaccines Immunology and Inflammation
Huang, Fang fanghuang@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Super-resolution microscopy for live cell dynamic imaging and cell division Imaging and Diagnostics
Huang, Libai libai-huang@purdue.edu Chemistry Spatial and temporal imaging of energy and charge transport in solar energy conversion systems Imaging and Diagnostics
Huang, Rong huang-r@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Our research focuses on development of potent and selective inhibitors for methyltransferases and acetyltransferases. The goal is to develop novel therapeutic agents for Immunology, Infectious Disease, cancer, and other diseases. Control and Intervention
Jaiswal, Natasha jaiswa19@purdue.edu Department Of Health And Kinesiology Jaiswal Lab is dedicated to understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern muscle function and plasticity, with a particular emphasis on the impact of aging and stress The key research directions in Jaiswal lab are: Role of metabolic signaling in skeletal muscle at the nexus of Neuromuscular junction and aging; Role of immunometabolism in skeletal muscle plasticity during obesity and aging; Heat therapy interventions in the maintenance of skeletal muscle and NMJ plasticity during obesity and aging. Imaging and Diagnostics
Jeong, Hyunyoung youngjeong@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics The Jeong lab research focuses on characterizing multiple factors modulating drug pharmacokinetics and elucidating the underlying mechanisms. Currently, we are examining (1) altered drug disposition during pregnancy and (2) roles of gut microbiota in drug metabolism. In addition, the Jeong lab has supported preclinical drug development efforts by characterizing drug metabolism and animal pharmacokinetic profiles of small molecule drug candidates. Control and Intervention
Jiang, Qing qjiang@purdue.edu Nutrition Science Study the molecular mechanism of inflammation-associated diseases, and exploring prevention and therapy Immunology and Inflammation
Jiang, Wen jiang12@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Structural studies of viruses and host interactions using cryo-EM Infectious Diseases
Johal, Guri gjohal@purdue.edu Botany And Plant Pathology Investigate how crop plants cope with stresses imposed by an ever-changing environment Infectious Diseases
Johnson, Timothy john2185@purdue.edu Animal Sciences Microbiome-host interactions and microbial ecology. Our lab has two main research goals: 1) to understand the ecology of antibiotic resistant genes, their selection and transfer in the context of the microbiome; and 2) to manipulate the microbiome composition to improve nutrition and health, largely poultry and swine. Infectious Diseases
Johnston, Cliff cliffjohnston@purdue.edu Agronomy Soil chemistry Imaging and Diagnostics
Kasting, Monica mlkastin@purdue.edu Public Health The overarching theme of my research program centers on prevention and early detection of cancer. I use my background in behavioral oncology and social epidemiology to identify multilevel barriers to prevention of infection-related cancers. Specifically, our lab examines multilevel barriers to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination including challenges with healthcare provider communication and parental concerns regarding post-vaccination risk behaviors. Additionally, we are working on several projects aimed at increasing hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening, particularly in the baby boomer population. Control and Intervention
Kazemian, Majid kazemian@purdue.edu Biochemistry primary focus on integrating computational and experimental approaches to study pathogen interaction with host cells and immune system in infectious diseases and cancers caused by pathogens. We utilize emerging genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenetics assays and computational models to identify novel pathways, new regulatory noncoding RNAs (e.g. enhancer RNAs and circular RNAs), and new host-pathogen interactions that could trigger disease. Immunology and Inflammation
Khan, Humaira hgowher@purdue.edu Biochemistry Regulation of DNA methylation in development and disease Infectious Diseases
Kihara, Daisuke dkihara@purdue.edu Biological Sciences/Computer Science Our main research interest is to develop computational methods to predict and analyze protein structure/function, pathway structure and their applications in genome-scale, or pathway/network scale. Imaging and Diagnostics
Kim, Kee Hong keehong@purdue.edu Food Science Inflammation and metabolic diseases Immunology and Inflammation
Kim, Young youngkim@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Bridging bioengineering and epidemiology/biostatistics Infectious Diseases
Kimbrough, Adam kimbroua@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences focused on understanding the brain mechanisms underlying substance use disorders. He employs preclinical models of substance use disorder and brain mapping techniques to analyze neural networks involved in withdrawal from drug use with the hopes of identifying key brain pathways responsible for the motivation to use drugs. Imaging and Diagnostics
Kinzer-Ursem, Tamara tursem@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Tools development for quantitative measurement and quantitative predictions of cellular behavior. With special emphasis on bimolecular detection, and spatiotemporal dynamics of protein expression and signaling. Infectious Diseases
Kistler, Brandon bmkistle@purdue.edu Nutrition Science Our research focuses on the causes and consequences of disease-related malnutrition, particularly in people with chronic kidney disease. Control and Intervention
Knapp, knappdw knappd@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences Immunology and Inflammation
Knipp, Greg gknipp@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics Characterization of membrane transporters, peptide-based drug delivery, placental and fetal fatty acid homeostasis, and PK/PD. Control and Intervention
Kolbinger, Fiona fkolbing@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Using computational methods to analyze clinical routine data including various types of medical imaging, we aim to develop clinically valuable tools for personalized patient care. Combining technical knowledge with a clinical perspective on health and disease and an understanding of legal and regulatory requirements, our goal is to drive the clinical translation of novel technologies in the fields of surgery and interventional medicine. Imaging and Diagnostics
Kong, Nan nkong@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Work at the interface between quantitative methods, computational modeling with infectious disease epidemiology. Also interested in how behavior and resource availability affect the costs and efficacy of disease control and prevention. Control and Intervention
Konradt, Christoph ckonradt@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology The role of endothelial and T cells during infections of the vascular compartment Immune responses at the maternal-fetal interface during infection Immunology and Inflammation
Kuang, Shihuan skuang@purdue.edu Animal Sciences Animal models of degenerative and metabolic diseases Immunology and Inflammation
Kubis, Tillmann tkubis@purdue.edu Electrical And Computer Eng The Kubis group develops computational many-particle methods in the fields of electronic, thermoelectric and optoelectronic nanodevices, material science, and molecular and biomolecular chemistry. Control and Intervention
Kuhn, Richard kuhnr@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Interested in the replication, assembly and structure of RNA viruses with an emphasis on their interactions with the host Infectious Diseases
Lacount, Douglas dlacount@purdue.edu Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Systems biology of malaria parasites; protein-protein interactions Infectious Diseases
Ladisch, Michael ladisch@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering Rapid concentration, recovery, isolation, and identification of bacterial and viral pathogens Control and Intervention
Laskin, Julia jlaskin@purdue.edu Chemistry Imaging and Diagnostics
Lee, Chi Hwan lee2270@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Dr. Lee has focused on bridging a critical gap between wearable biomedical engineering and unmet clinical needs. His scholarly efforts are dedicated to developing novel yet simple sticker-like transducers that can be easily integrated with the human body enabling wireless monitoring of health conditions in a non-invasive manner for their applications ranging from artificial skin to drug delivery patch, and to tele-rehabilitation systems. Imaging and Diagnostics
Lee, Hyowon hwlee@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Interested in improving the longevity and functionality of implantable devices. Many of these chronically implantable devices have limited lifetime due to foreign body response. We use various nano and microscale materials and devices to enable better reliability for these implantable devices. Control and Intervention
Lee, Hyunwoo hyunwoo@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology The Lee lab has two main research areas: Bacterial pathogenesis and Gut microbiome. In bacterial pathogenesis, we investigate mechanisms of bacterial pathogens’ resistance to host antimicrobial peptides such as LL-37 and HNP-1 produced by host immune cells. In the gut microbiome, we study the role of the gut microbiota in drug metabolism. Current gut microbiome projects focus on the characterization of gut bacteria that mediate O-demethylation of pharmaceutical drugs and botanical compounds. Control and Intervention
Li, Jianing jianing-li@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Our research focuses on the innovation of multiscale modeling for the discovery of new molecules and materials for biomedical applications. We aim to elucidate the critical structure-mechanism-function relationships of chemical and biological molecules, and provide rational guide to design new medicines and materials. Infectious Diseases
Liceaga, Andrea aliceaga@purdue.edu Department Of Food Science Dr. Liceaga’s research studies alternative/emerging protein sources and the effect of bioactive peptides towards factors associated with chronic disease (e.g., hypertension, type-2 diabetes, obesity, inflammation). She also evaluates protein allergenicity, and sensory evaluation/consumer attitudes towards these alternative proteins. Control and Intervention
Lim, Seung-Oe limsoe@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Research in the Lim lab focuses on identification of regulatory mechanism of anti-tumor immunity in multiple cancer types in particular breast cancer. Based on the mechanism studies, we are developing new therapeutic strategies that enhance therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy. Immunology and Inflammation
Lin, Guang guanglin@purdue.edu Mathematics Dr. Lin’s research focuses on machine learning, artificial intelligence, computational and mathematical epidemiology, optimization, and data-driven casual model discovery and personalized prediction in Alzheimer’s disease, data-driven modeling, control and prevention of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, and AI-based digital twins for wearable devices for continuously monitoring glucose and stress. Imaging and Diagnostics
Lin, Tsang Long tllin@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Veterinarian Infectious Diseases
Lindemann, Stephen lindems@purdue.edu Department Of Food Science Dr. Lindemann’s laboratory aims to identify the dietary controls on gut microbiome structure and function, and, in turn, the microbiome’s influence on intestinal inflammatory responses and resistance to enteric pathogens. Specifically, his work focuses the relationships between the physical and chemical structures of dietary fiber carbohydrates and their fermentation by colonic microbiota, and how alternate fermentation trajectories influence gut barrier integrity, intestinal inflammation, and pathogen burden. Immunology and Inflammation
Linnes, Jacqueline jlinnes@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Development of rapid diagnostic technologies for disease detection and monitoring at the point-of-care Imaging and Diagnostics
Lipton, Mark lipton@purdue.edu Chemistry Development of new small molecules targeting various disease states Control and Intervention
Little, Dianne DianneLittle@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences The vision of the Multidisciplinary Orthopaedic Regenerative Engineering (MORE) Laboratory is to improve orthopaedic outcomes for all patients through improved biomaterials to treat, and enhanced understanding of rotator cuff tendinopathy, enhanced understanding of disease phenotypes and whole joint interactions in shoulder osteoarthritis, and by understanding how extrinsic factors such as psychosocial stress and different exercise patterns influence osteoarthritis progression and disease phenotype. Immunology and Inflammation
Liu, Julie julieliu@purdue.edu Chemical Engineering Focuses on developing protein-based biomaterials for application in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Imaging and Diagnostics
Lohman, Jeremy jlohman@purdue.edu Biochemistry Structural biology and biochemistry of natural product biosynthetic enzymes for combinatorial biosynthesis Control and Intervention
Lottes, Aaron lottes@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering research interests revolve around the role of regulatory and clinical science to optimize the development, evaluation, and approval of medical devices, diagnostics, and drug/device/biologic combination products and accelerate the translation of new discoveries and new medical products from research to commercial clinical use for the benefit of patients. Particular areas of focus include global harmonization of clinical evidence development and regulatory review processes; and the collection and use of real-world evidence and pragmatic clinical trial designs to support product development and evaluation, regulatory approval, and clinical decision making. I am also interested in the potential of experiential learning to improve regulatory science education. Imaging and Diagnostics
Low, Phil plow@purdue.edu Chemistry Targeted imaging and therapeutic agent delivery to both inflammatory immune cells and infectious pathogens Control and Intervention
Low-Nam, Shalini slownam@purdue.edu Chemistry Membrane biophysics; signal transduction; single molecule fluorescence imaging Immunology and Inflammation
Lu, Na luna@purdue.edu Industry Partnerships developing nanomaterials, sensors and testing methods for biomedical related applications Imaging and Diagnostics
Luo, Zhao-Qing luoz@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that allow microbial pathogens to survive and multiply within the hostile host cells Infectious Diseases
Lynall, Matthew mlynall@purdue.edu School Of Management Adm And Instr Imaging and Diagnostics
Lyon, Angeline lyonam@purdue.edu Chemistry and Biological Science We seek to identify the structural and functional mechanisms underlying calcium signaling in cardiovascular disease Immunology and Inflammation
Malek, Sarah maleks@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences My area of interest is FTIR spectroscopy of dried films using various biological samples (e.g. serum, joint fluid) with a focus on dog as an animal model of osteoarthritis Imaging and Diagnostics
Marinero, Ernesto eemarinero@purdue.edu Materials Engineering and Engineering Practice Autonomous, point of care and remote diagnostics of viral infectious diseases Control and Intervention
Markworth, James jmarkwor@purdue.edu Animal Sciences My research group focuses broadly on the cellular and molecular mechanism of skeletal muscle plasticity with a particular focus on nutritional biochemistry and muscle-immune cell interactions. We are currently investigating the role of endogenous lipid mediator biosynthetic pathways in controlling postnatal skeletal muscle growth and development, as well as the applicability of changes in dietary essential fatty acid intake and their various bioactive metabolites as novel strategies to enhance skeletal muscle adaptation (e.g. development, regeneration, and hypertrophy) and also to ameliorate skeletal muscle wasting under conditions of chronic inflammatory stress (e.g. aging, cachexia, and muscular dystrophy). The role of various resident and infiltrating blood immune cell populations (e.g. polymorphonuclear leukocytes, monocytes/macrophages, and lymphocytes) in actively participating in muscle remodeling responses via cross-talk with resident muscle cells (myofibers and satellite cells) is also of particular interest. Immunology and Inflammation
Matosevic, Sandro sandro@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics Cancer immunotherapy via nanotechnology and cell engineering: Molecular modulation of the function of immune cells (natural killer cells and T cells) and their interaction with the tumor microenvironment by gene, protein and small-molecule-mediated nanotherapeutics. Immunology and Inflammation
Mattoo, Seema smattoo@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Role of Fic-mediated Post-Translational Modifications in Cellular Signaling Infectious Diseases
McLuckey, Scott mcluckey@purdue.edu Analytical Chemistry Emphasis is placed in the areas of gas-phase ion chemistry and instrumentation for organic and biological mass spectrometry Imaging and Diagnostics
Mccormick, Carolyn Carolyn-McCormick@purdue.edu Human Development And Family Science Multimethod approaches to translate findings from physiological and behavioral developmental research to improve outcomes for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.¿ Imaging and Diagnostics
Mesecar, Andrew amesecar@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Elucidating the molecular mechanisms and function of therapeutic enzymes and proteins Control and Intervention
Messick, Joanne jmessic@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Metskas, Lauren Ann metskas@purdue.edu Biological Sciences While conformations and dynamics of protein monomers in solution have been well studied, their organization and coordinated functions within the complex chemical and physical environments of the cell are less well understood yet critical for the development of medical therapies and biotechnology. My group uses an array of biophysical techniques, including cryo electron tomography, correlated light and electron microscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy, to study protein ultrastructures involved in virus-host interaction and bacterial microcompartment function. Infectious Diseases
Minchella, Dennis dennism@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Genetics and evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions Infectious Diseases
Mittal, Suresh mittal@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Principles of medical virology and discussion of important viral diseases of animals Infectious Diseases
Mohammed, Sulma mohammes@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Cancer biology Immunology and Inflammation
Moore, George gemoore@purdue.edu Epidemiology Veterinary Medicine Infectious Diseases
Muthumalage, Thivanka tmuthuma@purdue.edu Health Sciences My research is focused on inhalation and immuno toxicity of inhaled products under healthy and disease condions such as asthma, COPD, fibrosis, and systemic infections. These inhalable toxicants primarly include combustible tobacco and emerging tobacco products such as flavored electronic cigarettes with additives such as nicotine and even THC/CBD. I use cell cultrue and mouse models to understand the pulmonary toxicity and pathogenesis. Immunology and Inflammation
Nakatsu, Cindy cnakatsu@purdue.edu Agronomy Microbial Ecology Immunology and Inflammation
Narayanan, Sanjeev sanjeev@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Our current research focuses on controlling the rise and spread of antibiotic resistant microbes in humans, animals and the environment by 1) Studying the molecular biology of antimicrobial resistance in food borne bacterial pathogens and 2) developing viable tools and practices like vaccinations and probiotic usage as alternatives to antibiotic usage in food animals. Control and Intervention
Ni, Jiqin jiqin@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering Environment and its effect on health and well being Control and Intervention
Nieforth, Leanne lniefort@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology The goal of my research program is to employ rigorous methodology to understand the biopsychosocial effects of human-animal interactions. I have a special interest in how the microbiome may influence outcomes of human-animal interactions and animal-assisted interventions. Infectious Diseases
Nikolaidis, Natasha nnikolai@purdue.edu Bindley Bioscience Center
Noinaj, Nicholas nnoinaj@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Targeting the beta-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex for antibiotic development against multiresistance strains of Gram-negative bacteria Infectious Diseases
Nolte, David nolte@purdue.edu Physics And Astronomy Applies the sensitivity of laser interferometry to a broad range of topics that include solid state physics, plasmonics in gold films, graphene, semiconductor physics, biointerferometry in biological physics, protein surface chemistry and holographic imaging of living biological tissues. Imaging and Diagnostics
O'Brien, Valerie vpobrien@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology The lab is interested in understanding how chronic bacterial infections elicit inflammation that inappropriately remodels host tissues, and whether this damage can be prevented or reversed. Immunology and Inflammation
Oliver, Haley hfoliver@purdue.edu Food Sciences Persistence, prevalence, and transmission of foodborne pathogens in retail food systems Infectious Diseases
Olson, Matthew olson126@purdue.edu Biological Sciences The Olson laboratory is interested in how immune cells contribute to inflammatory diseases of the intestines. In this pursuit, we utilize a combination of cell and molecular biology approaches to examine cell signaling pathways associated with the differentiation of “pathogenic” immune cells. We also employ pre-clinical models of disease and high throughput culturing and RNA/protein profiling techniques to identify disease mechanisms and novel mediators of inflammation. Immunology and Inflammation
Ostafe, Raluca rostafe@purdue.edu Life Science Initiative
Panigrahi, Suranjan spanigr@purdue.edu School Of Engineering Technology Conduct/direct research in sensor development and sensor-based integrated intelligent devices for safety, sustainability, and biological applications Imaging and Diagnostics
Park, Jae Hong park895@purdue.edu Health Sciences Sampling bioaerosol (airborne biological dust) is essential for controlling air quality, assessing the exposure in health risk evaluation studies, identifying bioaerosol emission sources, and estimating the performance of air-cleaning devices. I have been developing a bioaerosol sampler and a method to measure the concentration of bacteria collected by the sampler. Imaging and Diagnostics
Park, Kinam kpark@purdue.edu Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Nano/Micr particles, polymer micelles, drug-elutingstents, smart hydrogels, fast dissolving tablets, extracellular matrix Imaging and Diagnostics
Park, Sunghee park1713@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Our research focuses on engineering human stem cells and organoids on a chip to faithfully mimic tissues and organs for a variety of applications, including disease modeling, drug screening, and regenerative medicine. Control and Intervention
Parkinson, Elizabeth eparkins@purdue.edu Chemistry We focus on the discovery of novel bioactive natural products from cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters found in soil dwelling bacteria. Control and Intervention
Pienaar, Elsje epienaar@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Infectious diseases kill >10 million people each year, including 1.5 million each by tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Several challenges remain in treating infectious diseases. HIV can be controlled by anti-retroviral therapy (ART), but a cure remains elusive; combination therapies, using multiple drugs simultaneously, are complex and expensive to develop and optimize; and drug concentration and action at the sites of infection remains relatively unknown for many diseases. Our systems pharmacology approach constructs multi-scale, hybrid computational models that describe host immune, pathogen and drug dynamics within an infected patient. In close collaborations with experimentalists, we integrate these computational models with multiple in vitro and in vivo datasets to: predict drug efficacy, optimize treatment, identify new drug targets, and inform future experiments; all in the context of complex host-pathogen- drug interactions.​ Infectious Diseases
Pietri, Jose jpietric@purdue.edu Entomology My lab is interested in understanding the relationships between urban insects and the microbes that they host, which include not only human pathogens, but also symbiotic microbes that are vital to normal insect function, as well as entomopathogens that cause insect-specific disease. We employ diverse approaches and tools drawing from the disciplines of microbiology, insect physiology, and molecular cell biology to study these diverse sets of relationships. In doing so, we aim to contribute to the development of novel environmental, biological, and chemical interventions to reduce the burden of urban insect pests and their adverse effects on health in human homes, including pathogen transmission, while also providing unique fundamental insight into the biology of infection. Infectious Diseases
Pijanowski, Bryan bpijanow@purdue.edu Forestry And Natural Resources Land-climate-people interactions, climate adaptation, land-climate-hydrologic dynamics, uncertainty, soundscape ecology Control and Intervention
Porterfield, D. Marshall porterf@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering Organizes intellectual exchange and fosters direct engagement with interdisciplinary scientists and engineers Imaging and Diagnostics
Post, Carol cbp@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology We investigate molecular recognition of protein tyrosine kinases in immune signaling and viral structural proteins dynamics using computational methods and experimental NMR Control and Intervention
Pothen, Alex pothen@purdue.edu Computer Science My research concerns the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms for compuational science and engineering, data analytics, and bioinformatics Imaging and Diagnostics
Pushkar, Yulia ypushkar@purdue.edu Physics And Astronomy Research Areas: Biophysics and Energy research Imaging and Diagnostics
Rahimi, Rahim rrahimi@purdue.edu Materials Engineering Research involves design and development of different low cost printed sensors and devices for wearable and rapid point-of-care diagnostics of inflammation and infectious diseases. Over the past few years we have developed different types of sensors and treatment technologies for treatment and better management of chronic non healing wounds. More recently my lab has been focused on development of smart digestible devices that can monitor inflammation and microbial activity throughout the gastrointestinal tract as well as scalable production of covid sensors. Imaging and Diagnostics
Ramachandran, Ashwin ashwinrc@purdue.edu Mechanical Engineering We study how the mechanics of the environment in physiologically relevant contexts influences bacteria both at the single-cell and cellular communities such as biofilms. Aspects of interest include understanding the dynamics of microcolony growth, gene regulation, cellular sensing and signaling pathways, and in cell-cell interactions. We are also interested in developing new biotechnology based on -omics approaches to study bacteria. In addition, our lab also develops new tools based on microfluidics for rapid identification and detection of infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases
Ramachandran, Padinjaremadhom chandran@purdue.edu Chemistry Infectious Diseases
Raman, Arvind raman@purdue.edu College Of Engr Admin And Engr Exp Sta Research Interests: Nonlinear dynamics, Vibrations and dynamic stability, Fluid-structure interactions, Applications to atomic force microscopy, MEMS, NEMS, Human biomechanics, Piezoelectric resonators, Rotating disks, Translating webs. Imaging and Diagnostics
Ramkrishna, Doraiswami ramkrish@purdue.edu Chemical Engineering Application of mathematics to solving problems in chemical and biochemical reactions Control and Intervention
Ratliff, Timothy tlratliff@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Impact of inflammation of prostate stem cells and regulation of antitumor immunity Immunology and Inflammation
Rice, Christopher carice@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology The Rice lab focuses on drug discovery and development for orphan and neglected diseases specialising in pathogenic free-living amoebae; Naegleria fowleri "the brain eating amoeba", Acanthamoeba species, and Balamuthia mandrillaris. The lab's main efforts are in drug hunting "discovery and repurposing", biochemistry, pathobiology, diagnostics, host-pathogen interactions, and raising awareness of these generally fatal CNS diseases. Infectious Diseases
Richards, Elizabeth erichards@purdue.edu Nursing Dr. Richards research explores individual and interpersonal influences of physical activity, highlighting the importance of social support in health behavior change. She has conducted health promotion interventions that positively impact community health by improving physical activity across populations. As a public health nurse, Dr. Richards widely disseminates health education about the importance of vaccinations, flu prevention, and physical activity promotion. She has reached audiences through media outlets sources such as CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, AARP, Readers’ Digest, the Washington Post, and The Chicago Tribune. Her online presence has wide public reach with articles regarding the importance of vaccination and physical activity promotion in The Conversation surpassing two million readers. Infectious Diseases
Rickus, Jenna rickus@purdue.edu Vice Provost For Teaching And Learning Areas of Interest: Biological Engineering, Food Safety, Cellular and Biomolecular Engineering Imaging and Diagnostics
Rispoli, Joseph jrispoli@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering My research explores novel technology and methodologies to better exploit magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy to elucidate the body’s inflammatory processes. In particular, research efforts are focused on the role of inflammation in both neurotrauma and cancer. Imaging and Diagnostics
Ritchie, Kenneth kpritchie@purdue.edu Physics And Astronomy Research Interests: Dynamics of the formation of signaling complexes in the plasma membrane of cells, Stochasticity in signaling responses, Diffusion in lipid bilayer membranes with embedded mobile and immobile obstacles, Development of ultra-fast imaging techniques for observing individual molecules in living cells, Single molecule biophysics. Imaging and Diagnostics
Robert, Leon robert9@purdue.edu Chemical Engineering My research interests are in the areas of vector-borne disease prevention and control to include malaria, leishmaniasis and tick-borne diseases. Infectious Diseases
Robinson, Paul wombat@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences Cell culture facilities, animal housing, flow cytometry and confocal microscopy instrumentation areas, preparation areas and engineering development space Imaging and Diagnostics
Rodriguez, Natalia natalia@purdue.edu Public Health Dr. Rodriguez’ interdisciplinary translational research program lies at the intersection of Public Health and Biomedical Engineering, and centers on the design of health technologies and tailored implementation strategies to address health disparities in underserved communities. Her lab seeks to understand and improve upon mechanisms for uptake and adoption of innovative technologies to empower community health workforces, strengthen health systems, and improve health outcomes at the population level. Control and Intervention
Rojas De Oliveira, Hinayah hinayah@purdue.edu Animal Sciences My current work is focused on genetic and genomic analysis to improve livestock. However, a great part of what I do is also easily translated to plants and humans. Infectious Diseases
Sanders, David retrovir@purdue.edu Biological Sciences We study the entry of enveloped viruses, such as retroviruses, alpha viruses, and the Ebola virus, into cells Infectious Diseases
Sankaranarayanan, Karthik Sankar karthiksankar@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering
Savran, Cagri savran@purdue.edu Mechanical Engineering Research Interests: MEMS, nanotechnology, BioMEMS, Biosensors, Protein detection, Aptamers (Nucleic-acid-based receptor molecules) Imaging and Diagnostics
Scarpelli, Matthew mscarpel@purdue.edu Health Sciences My lab utilizes radiation as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool to treat disease. The lab is specifically interested in the interplay between radiation and the immune system. The studies aim to elucidate mechanisms of radiation induced immune suppression and or stimulation. Imaging and Diagnostics
Schlebach, Jonathan jschleba@purdue.edu Chemistry Our lab investigates the mechanisms of cellular protein homeostasis and how this relates to the molecular basis of various diseases. We seek to develop tools and perspectives that will facilitate the discovery and targeting of precision therapeutics. Infectious Diseases
Schneebeli, Severin schneebeli@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics My research is focused on peptide therapeutics, specifically on finding better ways to deliver and formulate peptide drugs with a focus on membrane permeability to ultimately enable the oral bioavailability of peptide drugs. In collaboration with Profs. Li and Ostafe, we have also started to look into new high-throughput approaches to discover antimicrobial peptides, which can be designed with a machine-learning model. Control and Intervention
Searle, Catherine searlec@purdue.edu Biological Sciences I study the community ecology of infectious diseases in freshwater systems Infectious Diseases
Sen, Shreyas shreyas@purdue.edu Electrical And Computer Eng Smart Medical Devices, Human Body Communication, Intra-Body Network, Security, Connectivity and In-Sensor Analytics for Medical/Wearable Devices Imaging and Diagnostics
Sepulveda, Maria mssepulv@purdue.edu Forestry And Natural Resources Environmental toxicology and health Control and Intervention
Shakouri, Ali shakouri@purdue.edu Electrical and Computer Engineering Quantum electronics, nano and microscale heat and current transport in semiconductor devices, thermoelectric/thermionic energy conversion, submicron thermal imaging, micro refrigerators on a chip and novel optoelectronic integrated circuits Immunology and Inflammation
Shannahan, Jonathan jshannah@purdue.edu Health Sciences Especially interested in understanding how individuals with underlying diseases such as cardiovascular disease respond to exposures. These studies evaluate immune, cardiovascular, and pulmonary toxicity associated with engineered nanomaterial exposures.¿ Specifically examining the role of surface associated physiological macromolecules, and how their addition alters nanomaterial cellular interactions, immune responses, and disease progression. Immunology and Inflammation
Shi, Riyi riyi@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences and Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Using nanotechnology to improve drug delivery to nervous tissue and incorporating biomedical engineering principles to enhance neuronal repair and diagnosis Immunology and Inflammation
Shrout, Rosie shrout@purdue.edu Human Development And Family Science My research examines links between couples’ relationships, stress biology, and long-term health. Key areas of interest include: inflammation, wound healing, and gut permeability. I am particularly interested in studying the underlying mechanisms linking couples’ relationships to accelerated aging, disease development, and early mortality. Immunology and Inflammation
Simpson, Garth gsimpson@purdue.edu Chemistry theoretical development and experimental application of new instrumental methods taking advantage of unique nonlinear optical interactions. Recent interests include detection and analysis of crystals formed from chiral molecules, building on a long-standing interest in understanding the role of chirality and polarization-dependent effects in nonlinear optics. Imaging and Diagnostics
Singh, Manpreet manpreet@purdue.edu Food Science Pre and post harvest food safety and the impact of food processing on safety of foods Imaging and Diagnostics
Sintim, Herman hsintim@purdue.edu Chemistry Research Interests: New anticancer agents targeting G-quadruplexes, PARP enzymes and kinases, The chemical biology of bacterial communication, virulence factors production and biofilm formation (quorum sensing and c-di-GMP/c-di-AMP signaling in bacteria), The discovery of new antibiotics with novel modes of action, The catalytic cycle of total syntheses of complex bioactive molecules and the discovery of new reaction methodologies, New DNA nanostructures and machines for bioanalyte detection. Control and Intervention
Skrynnikov, Nikolai nikolai@purdue.edu Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry Development and application of NMR techniques with the focus on complex forms of molecular motion Imaging and Diagnostics
Sors, Thomas tsors@purdue.edu Life Science Initiative Translational sciences, research administration, digital platforms for advanced science education, proposal development, research resources and advanced laboratory technologies for biomolecular analysis. Imaging and Diagnostics
Stahelin, Robert rstaheli@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology The Stahelin laboratory is investigating the mechanisms of assembly and budding of lipid-enveloped viruses from the host cell. The major systems being queried are filoviruses (Ebola virus and Marburg virus) with emerging interests in Lassa virus and Zika virus. The laboratory employs an in vitro and cellular approach to understand the structure-function relationships of viral proteins at the membrane interface of the human cell and to identify drug targets in the viral life cycle. Infectious Diseases
Staiger, Christopher staiger@purdue.edu Botany And Plant Pathology Cytoskeletal involvement in host-pathogen interactions Imaging and Diagnostics
Stanciu-Gregory, Lia lstanciu@purdue.edu Materials Engineering Diagnostics tool development for infection diseases Control and Intervention
Stauffacher, Cynthia cstauffa@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Developing targeted antibacterials against Gram positive pathogens (e.g. MRSA, VRE) Infectious Diseases
Steinhubl, Steven ssteinhu@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering My research centers on the use of wearable sensor data to develop individualized digital biomarkers for a range of conditions including inflammation. In addition, as a practicing clinician and clinical researcher the ultimate focus of my work is the implementation of health research and care programs built around the unique capabilities of the full range of digital health technologies. Imaging and Diagnostics
Subramanian, Ramaswamy subram68@purdue.edu Biological Sciences The lab is interested in understanding the connection between atomic resolution structure and function of biological molecules, especially proteins and protein complexes. Imaging and Diagnostics
Suter, Daniel dsuter@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Daniel Suter's lab investigates the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control the directional movements of neuronal growth cones at the tip of growing axons. His independent research program focuses on the dynamics and mechanics of axonal growth and guidance during development and regeneration following injury using both Aplysia and zebrafish as model systems. Quantitative live cell imaging in vitro and in vivo is used to dissect the roles of cytoskeletal and signaling molecules to achieve a better understanding of normal development and regeneration. Imaging and Diagnostics
Tao, Andy watao@purdue.edu Biochemistry Proteomics approaches to understanding endocytosis Immunology and Inflammation
Teegarden, Dorothy teegarden@purdue.edu Nutrition Science Nutrition and Cancer, Vitamin D status associated with a reduced incidence of several cancers, including prostate, colon and breast cancer Control and Intervention
Tesmer, John jtesmer@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Work on neutrophil signaling. Immunology and Inflammation
Thangamani, Shankar sthangam@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Research in our lab focuses to understand how commensal microbiota and metabolites interact and regulate mammalian host to control enteric pathogens. The long term goal our lab is to develop novel therapeutic approaches by (i) Modulating gut microbiome/metabolites/host defense system and (ii) Develop novel small molecule inhibitors in collaboration with medicinal chemists to treat fungal and bacterial pathogens. Infectious Diseases
Thompson, Dave davethom@purdue.edu Organic Chemistry Develops lipid and lipopolymer-based carrier systems for immunotherapeutic agents and affinity capture materials for accelerated structure determiniations of targets for anti-infectious agent drug design Immunology and Inflammation
Townsend, Wendy townsenw@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences Ophthalmology Immunology and Inflammation
Van Rijn, Richard rvanrijn@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Specialization: Neuropharmacology and drug discovery Immunology and Inflammation
Vanhaezebrouck, Isabelle ifvan@purdue.edu Veterinary Clinical Sciences Radiation oncology and Immune response/Abscopal effect with the veterinary radiation center serving as a potential translational platform Immunology and Inflammation
Ventresca, Mario mventresca@purdue.edu Industrial Engineering Computational and mathematical epidemiology, disease mitigation; machine learning, optimization and network science Control and Intervention
Verma, Mohit msverma@purdue.edu Agricultural And Biological Engineering With an underlying theme of maintaining good health, we work on three areas of research: i) the design and fabrication of low-cost user-friendly biosensors, ii) the application of physical-organic chemistry to the gut microbiome, and iii) the development of a soft rehabilitative robot that can prevent falls. We fabricate paper-based biosensors for detecting pathogens responsible for diseases in animals. We develop in vitro models for studying the influence of dietary molecules on the microbiome and the immune response of the host. We also build soft robots that can train the locomotion of older adults and prevent injuries from falls. Imaging and Diagnostics
Vhaduri, Sudip svhaduri@purdue.edu Computer And Information Technology My research focuses on machine learning, artificial intelligence, and mobile & wearable computing to innovate low-cost, large-scale adaptable, innovative health solutions, which will help healthcare providers to monitor patients with inflammatory respiratory diseases, such as COPD and COVID-19, continuously and remotely to avoid critical conditions, such as exacerbations, and improve patients' quality of life. My research also aims to promote mental health, find stressors and develop interventions to cope with stress. Imaging and Diagnostics
Wang, Weicang wang6205@purdue.edu Department Of Food Science My research aims to identify novel lipid mediators underlying colonic and systemic inflammation using lipidomics approaches, and to determine the functional role of lipid mediators and their associated metabolic pathways in controlling inflammation and immune response by modulating gut microbiota. Immunology and Inflammation
Waninger, Matthew mwaninge@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering Novel pediatric medical device research and development. Adapting currently available medical devices for use in pediatric patient populations. Control and Intervention
Ward, Mark mdw@purdue.edu Statistics His research is in probabilistic, combinatorial, and analytic techniques for the analysis of algorithms and data structures. In his role as Executive Director of The Data Mine, Mark also leads a team that has contracts for more than 100 industry projects per year, across many domains, including drug discovery, pharmaceutical sciences, and biomedical engineering. Imaging and Diagnostics
Watson, Bill brwatson@purdue.edu Curriculum And Instruction Focuses on the critical, systemic change of education to realize a learner-centered paradigm, including the application of technology such as video games, virtual environments, and learning management software in order to create customized and personalized learning environments. Control and Intervention
Watts, Val wattsv@purdue.edu Medicinal Chem/Molecular Pharmacology Specialization: Molecular Pharmacology Immunology and Inflammation
Wei, Alexander alexwei@purdue.edu Chemistry Targeted uptake of antimicrobials and rapid pathogen detection Immunology and Inflammation
Weng, Hsin-Yi weng9@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Clinical/Analytical Epidemiology Control and Intervention
Wereley, Steven wereley@purdue.edu Mechanical Engineering Research Interests: Microfluidic MEMS devices, Development of new microfluidic diagnostic techniques, Biological flows at the cellular level, Micro-scale laminar mixing, Flow transitions and instabilities Imaging and Diagnostics
Wilkes, Rebecca rwilkes@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology My research focuses on molecular test development for the detection of infectious diseases of animals. My recent work has focused on the design of targeted next-generation sequencing panels for syndromic testing. Infectious Diseases
Wodicka, George wodicka@purdue.edu Biomedical Engineering My research interests in pediatric medical devices and biomedical acoustics. Imaging and Diagnostics
Wolf, Patricia wolfpm@purdue.edu Nutrition Science I am interested in microbial mechanisms of cancer health disparities related to inequitable food access and quality. My work to date has focused primary on microbial sulfur metabolism. Control and Intervention
Xu, Ranjie xu1726@purdue.edu Basic Medical Sciences Our research focuses on developing human-induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) models, such as 3D brain organoids and human-mouse chimeras, and leveraging these models to investigate human neuro-immune interactions in neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and viral infection-induced neurological symptoms. Immunology and Inflammation
Yao, Yuan yao1@purdue.edu Food Sciences Integrate fundamental research with technology development Control and Intervention
Yazawa, Kazuaki kyazawa@purdue.edu Birck Nanotechnology Center Thermoelectrics for power generation, energy harvesting from wasted heat or environmental heat, energy efficient thermal management, energy friendly electronics cooling, artificial and/or functional materials for energy and thermal applications, spatial and temporal nano scale heat transport and energy transport. Control and Intervention
Yeo, Yoon yyeo@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics Controlled drug delivery, bio-nanotechnology, tissue engineering, and therapeutic particle engineering, and inhalation drug discovery Immunology and Inflammation
Yuan, Chongli cyuan@purdue.edu Chemical Engineering mainly focus on developing enabling biological sensors for various biological and clinical applications. Imaging and Diagnostics
Zhan, Li lizhan@purdue.edu Mechanical Engineering Working with engineers, biologists and clinicians, our research focus on two interactive research themes: 1) biomanufacturing and cryopreservation; 2) micro/nano-biomedical devices to improve the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases. Imaging and Diagnostics
Zhang, Chi zhan2017@purdue.edu Chemistry Our major research focus is on the development of novel optical spectroscopic imaging technologies to understand the metabolism of living biological samples. We are using photons to probe and manipulate biological processes related to cancer and infectious diseases Imaging and Diagnostics
Zhang, Dabao zhangdb@purdue.edu Statistics relevant areas of research are: Bioinformatics and Biologically Related Disciplines (genomics, nutrition, proteomics, statistical genetics) Imaging and Diagnostics
Zhang, Guangjun gjzhang@purdue.edu Comparative Pathobiology Comparative genomics and genetics Immunology and Inflammation
Zhang, Min minzhang@purdue.edu Statistics Relevant areas of research are: Bioinformatics and Biologically Related Disciplines (genomics, nutrition, proteomics, statistical genetics) Imaging and Diagnostics
Zhang, Zhong-Yin zhang-zy@purdue.edu Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology Structure/function and therapeutic targeting of protein tyrosine phosphatases Control and Intervention
Zhou, Daoguo zhoud@purdue.edu Biological Sciences Bacterial Pathogenesis Infectious Diseases
Zhou, Tony tonyzhou@purdue.edu Industrial And Molecular Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutical manufacturing of solid dosage forms, particle engineering, powder technology, inhalation formulation, pulmonary drug delivery system, dry powder inhaler Infectious Diseases