Emergency Services

Emergency Medical Services
The Purdue University Fire Department at the West Lafayette campus operates two state-certified advanced life support (ALS) ambulances and one state-certified ALS fire engine. All fire personnel are either state-certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) or paramedics (EMT-P). The department averages more than 1,000 runs a year in emergency medical services and rescue incidences.
If someone is ill or injured, call 911 for emergency medical services. The Purdue University Fire Department can transport patients to local hospitals in Lafayette. All emergency medical services provided by the Purdue University Fire Department are at no cost to the patient.
If in doubt of whether someone needs help, make the call and let trained professionals check out the person(s) in need of help.
For more information about a lecture provided by the department on what to do before an ambulance arrives to a scene, call (765) 494-6919.