Asbestos Management Program


This program outlines the Purdue University Asbestos Management Procedures. Purdue University follows a practice that is endorsed by the U.S. EPA known as: Management of Asbestos in Place. The asbestos program covers the identification, maintenance, and removal of regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and Presumed Asbestos Containing Materials (PACM) in University Facilities.


There is no thorough inventory of all suspected asbestos containing materials in the buildings and facilities at Purdue. Assume that all building materials are asbestos containing unless informed by a representative of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) or you have been provided a copy of test results proving the suspect materials that are to be disturbed do not contain asbestos. Proper identification of ACM or PACM must be made by an Asbestos Building Inspector that is accredited by the State of Indiana Department of Environmental Management. If for any reason these materials must be disturbed they must be tested for asbestos content. All maintenance personnel and contractors doing work at the University that may come in contact with suspect asbestos containing materials, must be informed of the University's posture regarding asbestos. This includes identification of known ACM locations and procedures to use to avoid disturbing the material.


Building Occupants

Follow procedures listed above.

Report any loose or damaged ACM or PACM to EHS

Maintenance and Custodial Supervisors

Ensure employees receive training on possible location of ACM, hazards and procedures for reporting incidents. Document training which should be conducted with all new personnel and annually thereafter.

Report asbestos incidents to EHS for follow-up. Report any loose or damaged ACM or PACM to EHS.

Contact the Environmental Safety Services Manager (ESSM) to schedule the removal of any ACM.

Maintenance and Custodial Personnel

Perform duties as trained

Report any loose or damaged ACM or PACM to your supervisor or EHS

Project Managers and Coordinators

Contact the ESSM to discuss projects in detail to insure proper identification of suspect ACM prior to the start of projects. Contact the ESSM when the scope of work changes to insure that a re-inspection of the area is made to identify additional ACM.

Environmental Safety Services Manager

Coordinate the asbestos program and maintain a database of known asbestos locations. Schedule, coordinate, prioritize and conduct the removal activities of ACM.

Provide industrial hygiene consultation services by a competent person. Relay requirements to University supervisors and managers.

Conduct bulk and air samples for analysis as requested or required.

Conduct periodic inspections of University facilities to assess the condition of ACM and repair these areas when identified.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is asbestos?
Answer: Asbestos is a fibrous material used in a variety of building materials and industrial products.

Question: Where might I encounter asbestos-containing materials while working at Purdue?
Answer: Asbestos is found in a number of building materials, including: sprayed-on insulation, troweled-on insulation, acoustical plaster, pipe insulation, boiler insulation, duct insulation, floor tile, transit cement board, vinyl flooring, wire insulation, and ceiling tiles. It is also used as thermal insulation in some devices and in friction products such as brake shoes.

Question: Why should I be concerned about asbestos?
Answer: Overexposure to asbestos has been shown to cause a type of lung disease called asbestosis and cancers of the lung and peritoneum. The disease states associated with exposure to asbestos were caused by high, long-term exposure and much less often from very, short-term exposure.

Question: Will having asbestos-containing materials in my work area hurt me?
Answer: No. Asbestos must be airborne and inhaled in order to be harmful, and asbestos-containing materials must be disturbed to become airborne.

Question: What should I do if I have to work with or on a material that I suspect may contain asbestos?
Answer: Contact your foreman or supervisor. He/she will contact Environmental Health and Safety and request that a sample of the material by analyzed for asbestos.

Question: What should I do if my intended work operation is going to disturb asbestos-containing material?
Answer: Contact your foreman or supervisor. He/she will then contact Environmental Control and Abatement Department and the Asbestos Coordinator. They will then have the asbestos-containing materials removed in a safe manner using properly trained and protected personnel.

Question: What types of work practices might cause me to be overexposed to asbestos?
Answer: Sweeping asbestos-containing debris, improperly removing asbestos-containing materials, sawing, drilling, sanding, or otherwise disturbing asbestos-containing materials.


Environmental Safety Services

Industrial Hygiene


ACM - Any material that is greater than 1% asbestos.

Competent Person - One who is capable of identifying existing asbestos hazards in the workplace and selecting the appropriate control strategy for asbestos exposure and who has the authority to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

Campus Safety Contacts

call 911

If you see something, say something.

Purdue Police
Phone: (765) 494-8221

Purdue Fire
Phone: (765) 494-6919


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