University Radiation Safety Committee Charter
The primary responsibility of the University Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is to ensure the safety of the University and public in the utilization of all radioactive materials and radiation producing devices by University faculty, staff, or students at the University or other facilities.
The RSC shall consist of faculty and staff, who by their knowledge and experience and under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) guidelines are qualified to make judgments and formulate policy in the areas of radiological safety. Members are appointed annually by the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnership (EVPRP) upon the recommendations of the Radiation Safety Officer in consultation with the respective dean or director.
The chairperson, a member of the faculty, will be appointed in a similar manner. The chairperson will preside at the regular meetings of the committee, assure timely reviews of new projects, report as needed to the EVPRP, and perform other duties as may be required to fulfill safety and compliance obligations .
The Director of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) with the approval of the RSC will appoint the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The RSO should be an individual trained in the area of radiological science or health physics. The background of the RSO will be such that the individual is acceptable to the NRC as recommended in Consolidated Guidance about Materials Licenses (NUREG 1556). The RSO will report directly to the Director of EHS. The Director will be responsible for implementation and enforcement of policies and procedures promulgated by the RSC. The Director and the RSO shall be ex-officio members of the RSC but shall not hold the position of chairperson of the committee.
The specific duties and responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Committee include, but are not limited to:
- Assume responsibility, from the standpoint of radiological safety, for all University programs involving radioactive materials or radiation producing devices. This includes formulation of policy in this area and the establishment of safety standards.
- Ensure that Environmental Health and Safety provides faculty, staff, and students with appropriate training and information in the area of radiological safety and its applicable rules and regulations.
- Review and approve or disapprove the use of radioactive materials or radiation producing devices within the institution from the standpoint of radiological safety. The committee may prescribe special conditions, requirements, and restrictions as may be deemed necessary to protect any person from hazards associated with radioactive materials and the operation or use of radiation producing devices on the Purdue University campus, Purdue operated properties and at other facilities as necessary. Such conditions, restrictions, and requirements shall in all cases be consistent with any existing federal or state regulations governing such use. Committee or interim approval of radiological safety measures must be obtained before any project involving radioactive materials or radiation producing devices is initiated. Special conditions may include but not be limited to: physical examinations, additional training, limited areas of use, waste disposal conditions , and posting requirements.
- Establish policies under which the Director of EHS or the RSO shall serve as the University's liaison with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Indiana State Department of Health, Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and Midwest Interstate Low-level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission in matters of registration, licensing, radiological health and radioactive or mixed waste disposal.
- Keep a record of the actions taken in approving the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing devices and of other transactions, communications, and reports involved in the work of the committee.
- Submit an annual report detailing the activities of the committee to the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnership.
Actions taken by the committee may be appealed by the staff member or department concerned through the appropriate Vice President to the President of the University for final decision, with the knowledge and consent of the dean or director of the organizational unit involved, and knowledge of the chairperson of the RSC.
The chairperson of the committee or the RSO, or their duly authorized representatives, are authorized to act (under policies established by the committee) for the committee between meetings (interim approval), reporting actions taken to the committee for review at appropriate intervals.
The RSO (or designee), consistent with the protection of University employees, students, visitors, the public, and the environment, is authorized to:
- Carry out unannounced inspections and radiation surveys of any University facility.
- Order immediate shutdown or cessation of work in any facility where it is evident that safety hazards exist to the extent of endangering health, safety, property, or to the extent that continued operation would result in any violation of existing federal, state, or University regulations.
- Charters
- CLSC Charter
- LSC Charter
- RSC Charter
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