EHS Training






Accident/Near-miss Investigation

Learn how to investigate accidents and near misses. Recommended for supervisors and safety committee members.

Duration: 1 hour

Required: Not Required

Form: None

Format: Classroom

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans



biological safety review

Biological Safety Review

The University's Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is the campus-based committee that has the responsibility for reviewing and approving all proposals, activities, and experiments involving recombinant DNA, biohazard materials, and unfixed human tissues, cell lines, or fluids.  The IBC reviews processed protocol applications that deal with Class II or higher biohazards, unfixed human blood or tissues, or recombinant or synthetic DNA materials.  Principal Investigators must complete an IBC protocol application (Form 1A)

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: 1A

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Biological Safety


Biosafety Cabinets


Click on the link to the left to access the training.


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Biological Safety


HSI-training.jpg Bloodborne Pathogens Training

Click on the link to the left to access the training.

For labs, please complete the Purdue Blood Borne Pathogens -Lab Based EHS Curriculum

For all others, please complete the Purdue Blood Borne Pathogen EHS Curriculum

Note: If you have any questions concerning Bloodborne Pathogens, exposures, or vaccinations contact:

Directed at employees who have the potential for occupational exposure to blood or blood products. A copy of the Purdue Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan can be obtained through the EHS website.

Training must take place within 10 days of employment and before there is any blood exposure.

Duration: 30 min

Required: Annually


Department Hepatitis B Vaccination Eligibility List

Format: Online 

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Yes

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Biological Safety


chemical hygiene plan -initial Chemical Hygiene Plan -Initial

Initial lab-specific CHP training must be provided and documented prior to starting work in a research laboratory involved in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. CHP training must include a review of the lab-specific CHP, hazard assessments, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and any other protocols or requirements in their entirety. In addition, CHP refresher training must be completed annually. CHP refresher training must include a review of the laboratory-specific CHP as well as chemical spill and laboratory emergency procedures. See the Chemical Hygiene Plan for specific requirements.

The Lab Safety Fundamentals training may be used to supplement initial CHP training.

Duration: Varies

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: Employee Supervisor/PI

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Annually

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Research Safety

chemical hygiene plan -refresher Chemical Hygiene Plan -Refresher

CHP refresher training must be completed annually. CHP refresher training must include a review of the laboratory-specific CHP as well as chemical spill and laboratory emergency procedures. See the Chemical Hygiene Plan for specific requirements.

The Lab Safety Fundamentals training may be used to supplement initial CHP training.

Duration: Varies

Required: Annually

Form: None

Classroom Training: Employee Supervisor/PI

Prerequisite: Chemical Hygiene Plan -Initial

Refresher Training: Yes

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Research Safety


compressed gases
Compressed Gases

Training must be provided for all individuals in contact with or using compressed gases. Compressed gas cylinder handling and management awareness training is available online. This awareness training only covers basic safety awareness and should not be considered adequate training for working with any specific compressed gas. The PI or supervisor must provide hazard specific training for the gas(es) in use covering:

  • Chemical and physical hazards
  • Appropriate regulator type(s)
  • Gas compatibility and proper assembly/disassembly for fittings, piping, regulators, tubing, etc.
  • Any other hazard-specific safety information

Duration: ???

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact Staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Research Safety


confined space awareness training Confined Space Awareness Training

Required for employees who work around or in non-permit required confined spaces

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Heath Bentley


confined space -initial
Confined Space -Initial

Required for employees who work in permit required confined spaces.

Duration: 60 min

Required: Once

Form: Confined Space Training Certification

Classroom Training: Contact Staff to Schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Yes, annually

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Heath Bentley


confined space -refresher
Confined Space -Refresher

Required for employees who work in permit required confined spaces

Duration: 60 min

Required: Annually

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: Confined Space -Initial

Refresher Training: Yes

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Heath Bentley





Electrical Safety

Click on the link to the left to access the training


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact:


employee emergency action plans & fire prevention plan
Employee Emergency Action Plans & Fire Prevention Plan

This one-hour training is required for all employees. It should be performed one time or if changes occur in the area's emergency action plans. This training should be performed by the supervisor.

Duration: 60 min

Required: Once/As needed

Form: None

Classroom Training: Employee Supervisor

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: 


ergonomics Ergonomics

This training is required for all employees upon assignment. Contact EHS staff for more information.

Duration: 30 min

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Kristi Evans


fall protection Fall Protection

This training must be provided for all exposed individuals. This is a one-hour training provided by EHS and must be completed upon assignment and annually thereafter. Contact EHS staff for more information.

Duration: 60 min

Required: Annually

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: ??

Staff Contact: Kristi Evans

first report of injury First Report of Injury

Contact EHS staff for more information.

Duration: ??

Required: ??

Form: ??

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: ??

Quiz: ??

Staff Contact: Kristi Evans

Food Safety
Food Safety

Foodborne illness is relatively common and not generally life threatening, but it can seriously compromise the health of young children or anyone with a suppressed or stressed immune system. Norovirus is the most common cause of foodborne illness; Salmonella is the most frequently reported cause of foodborne illness. Foodborne related allergic reactions can be very serious or life threatening. Physical contaminants such as (glass, wood), biological contaminates such as (virus, bacteria, parasite) and chemical contaminates such as (cleaning products, pesticides) also contribute to foodborne illness.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: ??

Temporary Food Service Application
Foodborne Illness Report and Allergy Form

Classroom Training:

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Jennifer Asbury

Fume Hood Safety


Click on the link to the left to access the training


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Research Safety


cobalt 60 irradiator
Gamma Irradiator 

All irradiator users must successfully complete this training. This training discusses the safety and operational requirements for using the irradiators.

Irradiator Safety Training is done by appointment only. Contact the Radiation Safety Officer to schedule an appointment.

Duration: Self-Paced

Required: Once

Form: A-5

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Annual

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer


Gas Chromatograph / Electron Capture Detector Safety Training

This training covers safety and security information for users of gas chromatograph or electron capture detectors.

You will need to submit an A-4 form to the EHS office.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile. To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information.

From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search for “Gas Chromatograph / Electron Capture Detector Safety Training.

Duration: Self-Paced

Required: Once

Form: A-4

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer



HSI-training.jpg Hand and Power Tool Safety
Click Image on left to access the online training.
Duration: Self Paced Required: Not Required
Form: None

Format: Online

Prerequisite: None Refresher Training: None
Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Brian McDonald

handling human cell lines Handling Human Cell Lines

Users of established cell lines, those obtained from a commercial source, must review this Bloodborne Pathogen Power Point.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: ??

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Biological Safety

hazard communication -awareness Hazard Communication -Awareness

Required when using chemical products per manufacturer’s intended purposes in amounts, extent, duration, and frequency commensurate with consumer use.

Duration: 15 min

Required: Upon hire

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Heath Bentley


hazard communication -comprehensive Hazard Communication -Comprehensive

Required when chemical use or exposure is a routine or significant part of the job and does not involve the "laboratory use of hazardous chemicals".

Duration: 45 min

Required: Annually

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Heath Bentley

proper shipping of regulated materials video image Hazardous Materials Shipping - Awareness

This training provides employees with awareness level information concerning hazardous materials shipments, regulations and associated protocols at Purdue University. EHS can assist by providing shipment services for regulated hazardous materials. Additional training can be provided to those who regularly ship dry ice. More information about shipping hazardous materials with EHS is available on the Shipping Hazardous Materials webpage.

Duration: 6 min

Required: As needed

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: HazMat Shipping

high voltage High Voltage

Contact EHS staff for more information.

Duration: ??

Required: ??

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: ??

Refresher Training: ??

Quiz: ??

Staff Contact:

hot water systems link to training Hot Water Systems, Legionella Awareness

Discusses the hazards and controls associated with legionella in hot water systems.

Duration: Self-paced

Required: Prior to conducting hot water system work

Form: None

Format: Online Power Point

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: At least every 3 years

Quiz: No

Staff Contact: Industrial Hygienist or Biological Safety Officer







Laboratory Safety Fundamentals (LSF)


This training provides basic laboratory safety training for individuals working with recognized hazards in the laboratory.  The training covers mainly chemical hazards, but is appropriate for all individuals that work in research laboratories.  It should be completed prior to starting work in the laboratory.  Each trainee must complete the following modules and take the exams to receive training credits:

  1. Laboratory Safety
  2. University Laboratory Safety - Working Safely
  3. University Laboratory Safety - Analyzing Biological Hazards
  4. University Laboratory Safety - Developing and Using Controls

Accessing the Training:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information.

LSF online training alone is not a substitute for the required laboratory-specific Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) training.

Laboratory Safety Awareness for Non-laboratory Personnel

laboratory safety awareness for non-lab

This training covers laboratory hazards, personal protective equipment,
emergency procedures, and special procedures for non-laboratory personnel who
enter laboratories. 

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: 

Laboratory Safety Refresher


Click on the link to the left to access the training


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Research Safety

Laser Safety Training: Class 3B and Class 4 Lasers


The laser safety training course is designed to instruct users of Class 3B and Class 4 laser systems on required topics as established by ANSI Z136.1 - 2022.The only required training courses are for those users of Class 3B and Class 4 laser systems. This training program consists of an initial online "Laser Safety Training: Class 3B and Class 4 Lasers" course followed by a short quiz.

Refresher Training is required every two years for laser users.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information. From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search for “Laser Safety Training.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Every 2 years

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Laser Safety Officer


Lifting and Lowering Workshop


It is not “Proper Lifting Techniques” training. It’s a workshop on risk-factors
associated with lifting and lowering . The more you learn about risk-factors,
the more you become aware of how to correct bad work habits and
techniques to avoid an injury when lifting or lowering.


Required: Not required

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: As needed


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans


Liquid Nitrogen Safety


Click on the link to the left to access the training.


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Research Safety

Liquid Nitrogen -Safe Handling and Use

safe handling/use of liquid nitrogen

This safety training is for general liquid nitrogen use as well as container filling,
management and transport.  Topics covered include; characteristics and
hazards, personal protective equipment, exposure, containers, safety

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Research Safety


Lockout Tagout


Click on the link to the left to access the training


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans


Low Back Injury

lower back pain

The number one injury caused by manual material handling is low back
injury. What particular activities lead to low back pain? What types of
low back pain are there? This Informative training is a good addition to
other manual material handling workshops.


Required: Not required

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: As needed


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans




Magnetic Field Safety

clickable link for magnetic field safety training

This training is for individuals that work with or around equipment that
generate magnetic fields.

Duration: Self-paced


Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training:

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer

Manual Material Handling Supervisor Workshop

shopping cart

Practical workshop with hands-on learning activities especially designed
for supervisors. Why did the employee get injured? How to recognize
existing and potential risk-factors for manual material handling? What is
the supervisory role in the preventative injury process? What engineering
or administrative control are available to minimize manual material
handling risk-factors?


Required: Not required

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: As needed


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans

Manual Material Handling Employee Workshop

shopping cart

Hands-on learning workshop concentrating on body mechanics. Why do
injuries result from employees performing manual material handling
tasks? Do female and male employees have different abilities? What
should employees do to avoid manual material handling injuries?


Required: Not required

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: As needed


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans

Mechanical Power Presses

mechanical power presses

This training is required for individuals working with mechanical power
presses. It should be provided by the supervisor upon assignment and
as needed thereafter.


Required: Once/as needed

Form: None

Classroom Training: Employee Supervisor

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: 




Office Ergonomics

Click on the link to the left to access the training


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


This training is required for all affected employees. The supervisor is
responsible for providing this training. It should cover the PPE required
for specific job tasks and be performed upon assignment to those tasks
or when PPE requirements change. Contact EHS if you would like assistance.

Duration: Varies

Required: As needed

Form: None

Classroom Training: Employee Supervisor

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: 

Portable Fire Extinguisher

portable fire extinguisher

This training is required for any individual required to use a fire extinguisher.
It should be provided upon hiring and annually. The fire department will
provide this training.


Required: Annually

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact Fire Department

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Kevin Luse, PUFD


Powered Industrial Trucks -Initial

powered industrial trucks -initial

This training is required for affected individuals. This is a 4-8 hour training
provided by EHS. This training must be completed upon assignment with
a refresher training every 3 years.

Duration: 4 - 8 hours

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Yes, every 3 years


Staff Contact: Brian McDonald


Powered Industrial Trucks -Refresher

powered industrial trucks -refresher

This training is required for affected individuals. Refresher training every 3


Required: Every 3 years

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: Powered
Industrial Trucks- Initial

Refresher Training: Yes


Staff Contact: Brian McDonald


Push-Pull In-Depth Workshop


The Push-Pull In-Depth Workshop is designed to help employees understand
factors and forces that affect pushing and pulling activities and potentially
lead to injuries. The goal of the workshop is to teach employees how to
minimize their chance for injury when involved with pushing and pulling


Required: Not required

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact Staff

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: As needed


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans







Radiation: Declared Pregnant Worker Training

declared pregnant worker training

People who are pregnant and are in areas where radioactive materials or ionizing radiation-producing equipment are used may wish to declare their pregnancy to the Radiation Safety Office. To do this, the worker must complete this training. You may visit our Pregnancy & Radiation web page to obtain additional information.

Declared Pregnant Worker Training is done by appointment only. Contact Radiation Safety Staff to sign up.

Duration: Self-Paced

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer

Radiation: Sealed Source Safety


This training applies only to those who exclusively use sealed sources. Users must go through the complete radiation safety training course. This training focuses on important sealed source information such as sealed source and laboratory security, periodic leak testing, and inventory.

You will need to submit an A-4 form to the EHS office.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information.

From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search for Purdue Sealed Sources Radiation Training.”

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: A-4

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Every 2 years

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer


Radiation: Unsealed Source Safety 


All users of unsealed radioactive materials (i.e., "open sources") are required to successfully complete the online training, as well as an additional 1-hour classroom session.

The classroom training schedule is only available to those who have completed the online training. Applicants will be prompted to sign up for the classroom session upon successful completion of the training.

You will need to submit an A-4 form to the EHS office.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information.

From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search forUnsealed Source Radiation Safety Curriculum.”

Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer with any questions.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: A-4

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Every 2 years

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer


Radio Frequency (RF) Safety  


This training will provide information about the potential hazards associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation and the necessary precautions to mitigate risks in the workplace.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information. From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search for “Radio Frequency (RF) Safety Training.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: None


Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer





scaffolding Scaffolding

This training must be provided for all individuals utilizing scaffolding as a job
requirement. This is a two-hour training provided by EHS and must be completed upon assignment and annually thereafter. Contact EHS staff for more information.

Duration: 2 Hours Required: Annually
Form: None Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule
Prerequisite: None Refresher Training: None
Quiz: Staff Contact: Brian McDonald
Shop Safety

This training provides a basic knowledge of how to recognize shop hazards and how to use administrative and engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and safe work practices to reduce the risk of shop-related injuries and hazardous exposures. EHS provides this training through Vivid LMS and should be taken before any work is performed and annually as a refresher. 

Click the picture to the left to access the Vivid LMS system. 

Duration: 30 min

Required: Annually

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Kristi Evans

shipping hazmat
Shipping Hazardous Materials

When hazardous materials are offered for transport by a commercial carrier like FedEx
or UPS, the shipment becomes regulated the U.S. Department of Transportation
(USDOT) and/or international agencies (IATA, ICAO). To comply with shipping
regulations, hazardous materials must be properly classified, packaged, documented
and handled by trained employees. Failure to meet these requirements may result in
delays, loss of research samples and potential regulatory fines.

EHS can assist by either providing shipment services, or if necessary, training
personnel on the proper shipping procedures for regulated hazardous materials. EHS
does not charge for shipment preparation or training services. However, the
Researcher is responsible for the cost of proper packaging materials, dry ice
(if applicable) and shipping costs.


Required: As needed

Form: None

Classroom Training: Contact staff to schedule

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: HazMat Shipping



This training covers health effects, control plans, job tasks, restricted areas,
exposure assessment, and medical surveillance for employees that work with
or generate respirable crystalline silica.

Duration: 10 min

Required: Once

Form: None

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Heath Bentley



Slips, Trips, and Falls

Click on the link to the left to access the training


Required: Not Required


Format: Online

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None


Staff Contact: Kristi Evans




Universal Waste -Battery Compliance

universal waste -battery compliance

In accordance with 40 CFR Part 273, training is required for all personnel handling or
managing Universal waste batteries at the University. Universal waste batteries
include the following types of rechargeable batteries, all nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cad),
lithium-ion, sealed lead-acid, and mercury-oxide batteries. The following guidelines
will describe proper handling, storage, disposal, and emergency procedures appropriate
to "Universal Waste Batteries" at the University.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: Universal Waste: Battery Compliance

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Hazardous Materials Management


Universal Waste -Lamp Compliance

universal Waste -lamp compliance

In accordance with 40 CFR Part 273, training is required for all personnel handling or
managing Universal waste batteries at the University. Universal waste batteries
include the following types of rechargeable batteries, all nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cad),
lithium-ion, sealed lead-acid, and mercury-oxide batteries. The following guidelines
will describe proper handling, storage, disposal, and emergency procedures appropriate
to "Universal Waste Batteries" at the University.

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: Universal Waste: Lamp Compliance

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None

Staff Contact: Hazardous Materials Management







Welding, Cutting and Brazing

This training is required for individuals doing any welding, cutting, and brazing. This training must be provided by the supervisor upon assignment and as needed.

Duration: Varies

Required: Once/as needed

Form: None

Classroom Training: Employee Supervisor

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: None:

Staff Contact:


Worker Protection Standard

epa symbol Any employee, including visiting scholars, performing activities and/or research directly relating to the production of agricultural plants on university farms, forest operations, greenhouses, or nursery. Workers must receive basic pesticide safety information before they enter a treated area. No more than 5 days after initial employment, workers must receive complete WPS safety training.

Duration: 30 to 45 min

Required: As needed

Form: Yes

Classroom Training: Yes

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: Annually

Quiz: No

Staff Contact: Brian McDonald



X-ray: General Analytical Training


This X-Ray Safety Training covers topics required for users of analytical x-ray machines. Analytical x-ray machines are used to analyze the composition, structure, and properties of materials by measuring the interaction of X-rays with samples. Examples include X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers, X-ray diffraction (XRD) systems, and X-ray irradiators.

 You will need to submit an A-4 form to the EHS office.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information.

From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search for General Analytical X-ray Training.”

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: A-4

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer




X-ray: Diagnostic Imaging Training


This X-Ray Safety Training covers topics required for users of diagnostic x-ray machines. Diagnostic X-ray machines are medical devices used to create images of the internal structures of the body by passing X-rays through the body and capturing the resulting images on a detector. Examples include digital radiography (DR) systems, computed tomography (CT) scanners, and fluoroscopy machines.

You will need to submit an A-4 form to the EHS office.

Accessing the Training through HSI:

Before using the Learning Management System software for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile.  To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password or your choice (you may use your career account credentials if you wish) as well as other required information.

From the member dashboard, click on “View Catalogue” in the bottom right-hand corner. From the catalogue search for Diagnostic X-ray Safety Training.”

Duration: Self Paced

Required: Once

Form: A-4

Classroom Training: None

Prerequisite: None

Refresher Training: None

Quiz: Yes

Staff Contact: Radiation Safety Officer







Campus Safety Contacts

call 911

If you see something, say something.

Purdue Police
Phone: (765) 494-8221

Purdue Fire
Phone: (765) 494-6919


Sign up for Emergency Text Messages

Do you want to recognize one of our staff for a job well done? Nominate the staff member(s) for a Bravo Award here!

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, 765-494-4600

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