Salaried, Non-Academic Positions
Classification and Compensation
For salaried nonacademic positions, e.g., executive, management and professional, the director of compensation, the respective human resources team (West Lafayette campus) or the regional campus human resources department determines the position staff classification, title, pay range, staff benefits eligibility and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exemption determination eligibility based upon a written position description and questionnaire.
Faculty and Staff Budgeted Salary/Benefits Plan Administration
Salary budgets and employee benefit plans, such as merit budgets, medical/life insurance plans and retirement annuities, etc., are reviewed and approved by the President and the Board of Trustees each year to ensure that they are competitive to those of other leading institutions, consistent with general economic conditions, the supply and demand of the labor market, and the availability of funds.
Payroll Period
For most faculty and exempt salaried staff, paychecks are direct deposited/distributed on the last working day of each month. More specific information is available on the Calendar of Pay Dates, which can be found at Pay Cycle and Calendars - Human Resources - Purdue University. New employees should contact their immediate supervisor or Employment Center to determine the exact dates of payment.