Together, we can Protect Purdue.

Spring 2022 Updates Report a Protect Purdue Pledge Violation

Health and Safety Resources and Trainings


Alcohol and Other Drugs:

Addiction Treatment Support

Interpersonal Violence:

Center for Advocacy Response and Education (CARE)

Sexual Assault

Crisis Response:

Crisis Management Planning

Crisis Response Outline

Emergency Preparedness at Purdue

Prevention Plan


Incident Reporting Form

Other Resources:

Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS)

Purdue University Student Health

Recreational Sports

Student Legal Services

Student Organization Disciplinary Status

Student of Concern Reporting Form

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Substance Abuse & Greek Life Guide

Wellness Programs Office


Prevention Programs with the Center for Advocacy, Response & Education

CARE offers free campus-wide prevention programming to any Purdue-affiliated organization or course. Workshops aim to engage the campus community in discussions about topics like bystander intervention, identifying interpersonal violence, and survivor support.


Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training

This one-hour and forty-five-minute training helps Purdue community members learn to recognize the warning signs for suicide, assist those in need,and review helpful Purdue resources. Upon completing QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper training, each participant will be trained as a gatekeeper and receive a certificate. Learn more about QPR from the QPR Institute.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training

Mental Health First Aid is a program designed to help community members identify, understand and respond to mental illness while increasing awareness of available resources. MHFA is an eight-hour training designed to give participants the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health concern or experiencing a mental health crisis. The course uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to recognize and respond to the warning signs and symptoms of a mental illness or emotional crisis.


Student Wellness Office Trainings

Learn about, explore, and get connected to wellness resources as you live out your personal well-being. From self-care to wellness experiences we are here to support your growth in body, brain and spirit. 



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