Academic Policies

Academic Integrity
While studying overseas, Purdue students must respect and abide by the academic and disciplinary regulations of both Purdue University and the host university or program provider. Any acts of academic misconduct (cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, interference, violation of course rules, fabricating academic dishonesty) will be adjudicated by the academic officials at the overseas site and will be reported to the Purdue University Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Full-time Status
Students are expected to stay for the duration of the program and are prohibited from requesting early exams or other similar special accommodations. Students are required to maintain the equivalent of Purdue full-time status while studying overseas. Semester students must complete at least the equivalent of 12 credit hours, and summer students must complete the equivalent of at least six credit hours. 

There are many summer programs that are an exception to the policy of six credit hours, including many departmental programs. However to be eligible for summer financial aid, students need to be registered for a minimum of six credits hours total during the summer term. Please refer to the program’s webpage for specifics.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
The required GPA listed on the webpage for each study abroad program indicates the eligibility requirement of the program sponsor. The GPA requirement varies by program. Certain programs are rigid in their adherence to the GPA requirement while other programs either have an appeal process or are willing to consider applicants whose GPA approximately meets the requirement. The study abroad advisor for each program will have more information about this.

Grades and credits for all courses that appear on the host university or co-sponsored program transcript will be posted to the student's Purdue academic record. 

Grades earned overseas are translated to Purdue letter grades using nationally-recognized scales provided by WES (World Education Services). These scales are not a mere adaptation to the U.S. grading system but are designed to match the spirit of the host country grading system in comparison to the U.S. system. The same variation that occurs between the differing demands of professors at Purdue University is likely to occur with professors abroad. Purdue Study Abroad does not make adjustments to grades from overseas transcripts.

Pass/Not-Pass Option
A Purdue student accepted into a Purdue-approved exchange, cosponsored, or direct enroll study abroad program may choose the P/N option for courses approved for direct credit that are completed overseas. If a student chooses to take one or more courses P/N, they must first discuss the matter and secure approval from their academic advisor. The procedures for this are found on the student's My Study Abroad Page. The deadline for making the decision to take a course P/N and complete the process, including confirmation that all relevant parties have approved, is exactly 8 weeks from the official start date of the program. (If that date is not a Purdue business day, the deadline for completion will be noon on the first business day after.)

Once the Pass/Not-Pass Approval Form is signed and submitted to the Study Abroad Office, a P/N grade will be recorded on the Purdue transcript for the applicable coursework, and no student will be permitted to reverse this.

Notice, Academic
Students on academic notice are not eligible to apply for study abroad. After being accepted for study abroad, students must maintain good academic standing. The Office of Programs for Study Abroad reserves the right to revoke study abroad approval if a student is placed on academic notice after being approved but before the start of the study abroad program. Students in this situation will be responsible for any non-refundable or non-recoverable fees owed to the study abroad program.

Re-admitted Students and Study Abroad
Students who have been dropped from Purdue University for academic reasons or who sit out for one or more semesters and then return to Purdue, must complete at least one full-time semester back at Purdue before they can apply to study abroad.

Remote Coursework While Abroad

Students studying abroad for a full semester must take in-person classes while abroad. However, if a necessary class for the plan of study is not offered in-person, but is available remotely, students may take one fully online/remote course (worth no more than 3-4 credits) via Purdue or the host while studying abroad. In addition, if the one remote course is only available through Purdue, and not through the host program or university, students must still meet the minimum on-site enrollment requirements of the host university, program, and/or country.

Students studying abroad during the summer or winter terms cannot take online classes that overlap with their study abroad program dates.