Transcript Upload Tips
The following tips will assist you in uploading your transcripts into the online application:
- The uploaded transcript and/or academic document may be from the official or unofficial version of the document. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. If your transcript is not in English, you must upload an English translation certified by the college or university. An unofficial transcript printed from your current/previous institution(s) student system is not an acceptable document.
- Upload transcripts in the Education Background section of the application by clicking on the Choose File button.
- Transcripts and/or academic documents must include your name and the institution name.
- **If personal identifying information such as a student identification number or social security number appear on the document, either remove this information from your electronic version of your document or mark out the information in black ink before scanning your document.**
- Obtain an electronic version of your transcript or scan a copy of your transcript. Scan your transcript at the lowest resolution that will result in a legible document (we recommend 200 dpi or less).
- Scanning documents in color is not necessary. For best results, scan in gray scale or black and white.
- Make sure the scanned document is fully legible and can be printed on letter size paper (8.5 x 11 inches). This may require you to adjust different settings and sizes of the document.
- The file should not exceed 1 GB in size.
- Please do not upload a document that is password-protected or that contains macros.
- Once you have uploaded your document, click on the Preview Upload button to check the appearance and legibility of your document. The application system will automatically convert your file to PDF format when viewing.
- If you are unable to upload legible documents into the Education Background section of the online application, you will be required to submit transcripts and/or academic documents to the graduate program to which you are applying.