Purdue Association for Magnetic Resonance (PAMR)

♦The Purdue Association for Magnetic Resonance (PAMR) aims to bring students (graduate and undergraduate), staff, and faculty who use and/or are interested in magnetic resonance together, to promote academic and social communication, and to provide a means for collaboration across departments. We have a lot of exciting events and opportunities this year! If you are interested in joining us come to our callout August 28th, 2019 4pm-5:30pm in BRNG 1268. There will be free pizza for all!! RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGGLY-jBOrFSphHJ5_4INjaBytvIudDgNtmW8gbndZKSbUXw/viewform


Purdue is excited to welcome back the Purdue Association for Magnetic Resonance (PAMR)!  PAMR is a graduate-run student group open to all students and faculty on campus. We hope to bring together several disciplines that engage in magnetic-resonance related research by engaging in scientific discussion, outreach events, and social gatherings. Working together, we can engage the scientific community and general public in exciting and new research related directly to using magnetic resonance concepts at their core.  Do you like magnets? People? The inside of things? Snacks?  Join us on social media and follow the links provided to join us!  Welcome to all those with an interest in MRI, NMR, MRS, or other magnetic-related things.

Sign up for our mailing list :  https://goo.gl/forms/X5gpcfwvhSnCZuWJ3
Twitter: @PurdueAMR #AskPAMR
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purdueamr/



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