Amy Sorrells


Amy Sorrells

In 1994, I earned my BSN from DePauw University. Since then, I have spent my career as a hospital-based nurse in med-surg, pediatrics, as a house supervisor, in case management, oncology patient navigation, as a clinical nurse educator, and in consulting and program development. In addition, I have multiple, traditionally published novels and other books. Whether scientific or creative, I write to bring hope to a hurting world.

Research Interests

My research interests include trauma and trauma-informed care, biophilia, and animal-assisted interventions. This originated with my personal experience with how animals and nature facilitate post-traumatic growth and wanting to contribute to the scientific foundations for this phenomenon.

Why Purdue?

Aside from being a lifelong fan (Boiler up!), I chose Purdue because of its commitment to rigor, its tremendous research and scientific reputation, and for the ability to access the Center for the Human Animal Bond. Professors in the School of Nursing and beyond are nationally and internationally known for their expertise. At the same time, they are incredibly accessible, supportive, and encouraging of students with unique backgrounds and interests such as mine. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this Boilermaker team.


Graduate Advisor: Dr. Nancy Edwards

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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