Human Resources Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals For You

Health Care Reform

Notice: Important information regarding Form 1095-C

You will receive Form 1095-C from Human Resources detailing medical coverage throughout the year as per the Affordable Care Act requirement. This form is not necessary to file your taxes, but you will have to report whether you had affordable, minimum essential coverage during the prior tax year. Purdue faculty and staff members in benefits-eligible positions are offered compliant medical coverage. Forms are typically required to be mailed by the end of each January.

Frequently asked questions about Form 1095-C can be found here.

If you are unsure whether you were offered coverage, please contact Human Resources at (765) 494-2222 or email  

Since Jan. 1, 2014, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also known as Health Care Reform or Obamacare – has included an individual mandate that required Americans to have health care coverage or pay a fine. Individuals can get the required insurance through an employer plan (such as Purdue’s plans for benefits-eligible faculty and staff, or a spouse’s employer plan), through a government program (such as Medicare or Medicaid) or through insurance they buy on their own. Effective Jan. 1, 2019: The individual mandate is no longer in effect, meaning Americans without medical coverage will not face the previously associated penalties at tax time.

To help those who are looking to buy insurance on their own, the government’s  Health Insurance Marketplace - - connects people to the health insurance “exchanges” available in their area.