There are several reporting tools available. View Reporting Options by Audience for a quick overview of what tools are available to each audience (leadership, supervisor or manager, payroll center, business office or other).
Depending on the report needed, the SAP to SuccessFactors cross-walk reference guide may be a helpful review tool. This guide includes employee class to employee group, SAP Org Unit to SuccessFactors Department as well as a cross-walk of terms for SuccessFactors, S4/ECP and Boiler Insight.
Select the reporting tool name below to view information about each tool.
SuccessFactors - Reporting
Intended Audience
Payroll centers, business offices, Human Resources, supervisors
Access SuccessFactors via OneCampus and select Reporting from Home drop-down
Data Cookbook outlines standards, definitions and more for student data and more. HR data is also being incorporated. Comptroller financial data definitions is located in the Governance Manual.
Report Examples
Management Dashboard – Workforce Movement Data Digest – Faculty and Staff headcount by department/campus/unit
Data Cookbook
Data Cookbook is the University-wide resource for data definitions and standard report specifications. Employees can view or search for HR data definitions and can also find HR report specifications.