HR Reporting Tools

There are several reporting tools available. View Reporting Options by Audience for a quick overview of what tools are available to each audience (leadership, supervisor or manager, payroll center, business office or other).

Depending on the report needed, the SAP to SuccessFactors cross-walk reference guide may be a helpful review tool. This guide includes employee class to employee group, SAP Org Unit to SuccessFactors Department as well as a cross-walk of terms for SuccessFactors, S4/ECP and Boiler Insight.

Select the reporting tool name below to view information about each tool.

SuccessFactors - Reporting
Intended Audience  Payroll centers, business offices, Human Resources, supervisors 

Access SuccessFactors via OneCampus and select Reporting from Home drop-down 


Quick Reference Guides   
Important Resources 
Report Examples  Time Profile, Time Details for Managers 