Initiate and Receive 360 Feedback in SuccessFactors

Supervisors have the discretion to initiate one or more 360 feedback surveys, throughout the performance period, to enhance an employee’s professional and career development by collecting the perspectives of key stakeholders.

The supervisor and employee can work collaboratively to customize the 360 feedback survey to meet the growth needs of the employee. The supervisor can determine which criteria will appear on the 360 survey by selecting from a standardized list of options including: communications, continuous improvement, culture and values, customer service, decision making, problem solving, job performance, professional and career development, and teamwork. Three additional required questions will appear on the survey including: 1. What two or three things does this individual do to make him or her most effective? 2. What new skill or behavior would make this individual even more effective? 3.What other comments do you have to aid in this individual’s development?

Only the supervisor will have access to survey responses. The supervisor will summarize the feedback for discussion with the employee ensuring that the anonymity of each respondent is protected. 

Top Tips

  • View the SuccessFactors tutorial videos for detailed step-by-step guidance


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