Create and Update Annual Performance Goals

Each staff member must have performance goals recorded in the SuccessFactors system. Ideally, goals are entered at the start of the new performance period. However, all goals must be recorded prior to the start of the Self-Assessment process. Supervisors and employees are encouraged to work collaboratively and continue making updates once goals have been entered. The staff member, supervisor, and all management within the employee’s chain of leadership will have access to view the employee’s goal plan.

Top Tips

  • View the Purdue Guide for Creating Goals video (5 minutes). 
  • View the SuccessFactors tutorial videos for detailed step-by-step guidance.
  • Ensure that only the most impactful and highest priority job performance goals appear on the goal plan. Remember, each goal entered into SuccessFactors will appear on the annual review and will be rated.   
  • The number of goals entered typically range between three and five. However, the system does not limit the number of goals that may be entered.


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