Welcome to Purdue!
After accepting an offer letter of employment, you will receive an email linked to the data collection wizard within the Onboarding process. Information collected helps complete Form I-9 section 1, banking and tax forms, among other things.
Once the information is completed, a system-generated email is sent providing your PUID and User ID. This information is required to complete the account activation process outlined below.
Please click each section below to learn more.
Every employee has a password. It is the first line of defense from unauthorized access to your Purdue Career Account. You may be required to change this password at least twice a year.
Please contact your Campus Support to create this password:
- Purdue West Lafayette – 765-494-4000
- Purdue Northwest – 219-989-2888
- Purdue Fort Wayne – 260-481-6030
Purdue in Indianapolis New Hires: Employees working at Purdue in Indianapolis will have both Purdue and IU credentials. The Purdue username and password provides access to Purdue systems and communications. The IU credentials will be used to access Indianapolis buildings, offices and printers.
- Receive your 10-Digit IU University ID number.
- Log into the myPurdue Portal at https://wl.mypurdue.purdue.edu with your Purdue username and password to retrieve your 10-Digit IU University ID number. (if the Purdue Indianapolis Staff Info card isn't viewabele, please click Discover More and search for Purdue Indianapolis. (View Quick Reference Guide for details.) A reminder email from Purdue University Human Resources will be sent if the starter kit is not completed.
- Please note, you must complete the Purdue Onboarding tasks to kick off the IU credential process.
- Log into the myPurdue Portal at https://wl.mypurdue.purdue.edu with your Purdue username and password to retrieve your 10-Digit IU University ID number. (if the Purdue Indianapolis Staff Info card isn't viewabele, please click Discover More and search for Purdue Indianapolis. (View Quick Reference Guide for details.) A reminder email from Purdue University Human Resources will be sent if the starter kit is not completed.
- Access the IU Starter Kit (Create My First IU Account) at https://access.iu.edu/starterkit
- Type Last Name, Birth Date and your 10-digit IU University ID to create your IU username and password. Please note this can take up to 24 hours.
- Use your IU username and passphrase to access the CrimsonCard at https://crimsoncard.iu.edu/purdue.html and follow the steps to receive the Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard.
- The instructions on the website include uploading a picture or going to the CrimsonCard office to complete all steps. Walk-in services are available at Campus Center 205 Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m..
- Please note an email will be sent to your Indiana University email within 3 business days informing you that your photo and documentation were either approved or denied.
- This card will allow access to things like printing, libraries, secure entry into campus buildings and offices and more.
- Access parking information at Permits: Parking: Parking and Transportation Services: Indiana University Indianapolis (iu.edu) and navigate to the Purdue Employee section and follow instructions.
Bring identification documentation to an I-9 verifier to complete section 2 within three business days of your employment start date. Schedule your appointment with a your West Lafayette Campus Employment Center, Purdue Fort Wayne Human Resources or Purdue University Northwest Human Resources department.
If you are outside of the state of Indiana (but still within the United States), you may be eligible for the Remote Form I-9 process. Your Employment Center or campus Human Resources department will provide further information if this applies to you.
As of August 1, 2022, updates were made to the Background Checks Policy that require sex and violent offender registry checks for student and graduate student positions, to be performed by the hiring department. Under the current process, students receive an email invitation to complete the necessary information in HireRight. Please complete this information. If you have not received an email, contact careers@purdue.edu.
Your Purdue ID card, which is sometimes referred to as your PUID card or photo ID, proclaims you as a member of the Purdue community. To obtain a PUID card visit the Purdue ID Card Office site which refers to " Getting my Purdue ID Card".
Purdue Northwest New Hires: You will be given instructions on how to obtain your Purdue ID card on your first day of employment when visiting Human Resources.
Purdue in Indianapolis New Hires: Employees working at Purdue in Indianapolis will have both Purdue and IU credentials. The Purdue username and password provides access to Purdue systems and communications. The IU credentials will be used to access Indianapolis buildings, offices and printers. Please reivew the information under 'Purdue in Indianapolis have Additionals Steps'
You may have received a link to the New Employee Onboarding First Steps from your supervisor or onboarding coordinator which explained the steps listed above, providing examples of each communication received.
- New Employee Orientation
- New@Purdue Employee Experience Program
- Welcome to Purdue!