Equipment and Technology

Home Office Equipment

The employee is responsible for ensuring adequate internet and phone service when working remotely and for any cost incurred for these services. Home office internet peripherals is listed on the Recommended Peripherals for Remote Work web page. The Unit or department will:
  • determine equipment provided to those with remote (flexible) work arrangements based on the work being performed. 
  • coordinate remote technology equipment purchases with Purdue IT. 
  • plan for servicing, repair, and replacement of university-owned equipment.
The following peripherals are recommended by Purdue Information Technology for university-provided, Windows-based computers in a home office environment. 
  • Webcam 
  • Monitor 
  • Wireless Mouse 
  • Keyboard 
  • Audio Headset
Please review the Forms and Technology Checklist for Working Remotely. Reimbursement of personal purchases is decided by your department’s business office.

When Equipment Must be Returned

Unit leaders should work with the employee to make arrangements for the University property to be returned.  The unit will pay for any costs associated with the return of university equipment upon the separation of the remote employee.  

Voice Calls

Microsoft Teams and WebEx are the preferred internal communication tools.

  • Microsoft Teams provides calling and collaboration (Teams sites, OneDrive, Office Online, etc.) across the Purdue system
  • WebEx provides large-scale conference capabilities, integrated meeting room support, and capabilities for making and receiving phone calls via a campus-provided phone number.
    • If you have previously utilized the soft-phone client Cisco Jabber, it cannot run simultaneously with WebEx. Please sign out and close Jabber and then install or launch WebEx.

Securing Devices

Individuals are responsible for the security of computing devices under their control that interact with Purdue’s IT resources.  All users must follow the measures outlined in the Authentication, Authorization and Access Controls (S-13) Standard and End User Security Guidelines

Users must also adhere to any supplemental policies issued by departmental IT units and/or the owners of the IT resource(s) to be remotely accessed. Collectively, these policies identify the basic principles for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of University IT resources. A few of the guidelines are included below:

  • Utilize Purdue’s VPN service to access IT Resources that are only available on campus.
  • Utilize Purdue Career Account and Multi-factor Authentication service.
  • Ensure the Remote Host meets the security expectations specified in the End User Security Guidelines.
  • Take reasonable precautions to ensure Remote Access connections are secured from interceptions, eavesdropping or misuse including, but not limited to, shielding their screen from view in a public area when accessing sensitive or restricted data and not sharing the Remote Host with another party for use while it is remotely connected.
  • Follow University Data Handling Procedures and any departmental requirements including, but not limited to, those associated with federal, state or local laws, such as HIPAA, FERPA, etc.