Indiana Local Innovation Masterminds Challenge
Indiana LTAP has launched the Indiana Local Innovation Masterminds Challenge to celebrate successful ideas utilized in our transportation agencies. This contest is open to innovators in Indiana town, city, and county government entities.
Submitted innovations will be entered into two competitions.
- Indiana Transportation Innovators (March). Innovations will be entered into the Indiana Transportation Innovators competition, along with INDOT innovations. A winner for best Indiana innovation for that year will be chosen by people's choice and announced at Purdue Road School.
- Build a Better Mousetrap Program (June). Submitted innovations will compete with other ideas across the nation in the Build a Better Mousetrap Program sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This challenge is an opportunity to showcase a successful idea and help other transportation agencies benefit from your creative thinking on a nationwide scale.
We want to hear from YOU, the Innovation Mastermind! We accept innovations throughout the year. Innovations received before December 31st will be submitted to the two competitions in the new year.
To see last year's entries, download the Indiana Transportation Innovators Booklet to the left.
How to Submit Your Innovation
Entries should utilize the simple two-page application form (link) and include the following:
- Agency name, contact person, address, email, and phone number
- Problem statement
- Discussion of solution
- Labor, equipment, and materials used
- Project drawing with details (if applicable)
- Photos
- A video showing how it works — the full operation from start to finish (if applicable)
- Cost summary
- Savings and benefits to agency (think Triangle of Impact!)
Applications should be submitted using the application form (PDF). It is recommend you save the file to your computer to ensure data is saved.
Applications are accepted year round!
Please submit all entries via email to: Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program, Jennifer Sharkey,
Need Help?
Contact Jennifer Sharkey (765) 496-6584 or for assistance in putting together the project submittal package.
- Innovation
- Innovation Program
- Masterminds Challenge