Local Road & Bridge Report

View/Download the Local Road and Bridge Report 

View/Download the Report One-Pager (a summary of key findings) 

About the Report 

In 2016, the House Enrolled Act 1001 (HEA 1001) established a local road and bridge matching grant fund known as the Community Crossings Matching Grant Fund. The application process for this grant program requires local government agencies to submit asset management plans for their road network and bridge inventory.

In 2021, the House Enrolled Act 1576 (HEA 1576) required local unit asset management plans to be available in electronic format and accessible on the internet by July 1, 2022. To comply with this law, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) contracted with the Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) at Purdue University to collect, house, and make available this information. To access this publicly available information, visit the Indiana LTAP Local Road and Bridge Dashboard website.

The asset management plans submitted to Indiana LTAP by local units of government include road and bridge condition data along with various preservation and rehabilitation treatments and corresponding unit costs. Each year, Indiana LTAP provides a “snapshot” of the current condition of Indiana local agency roads and bridges along with historical trends of condition level changes over time.

From 2016 to 2023, Indiana LTAP has received one or more asset management plans from 92 counties, 120 cities, and 392 towns, representing 100% of county data, 100% of city data, and 88% of town data. This data is used to evaluate historical trends of local road and bridge conditions level changes and represents 99% of the existing local road inventory in Indiana and 100% of the existing local bridge network as defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

The current condition of the local road and bridge network is derived from local agency asset management plans submitted to Indiana LTAP in 2023, representing 100% of counties, 98% of cities, and 70% of town agencies. Overall, this data represents 99% of the existing local road network and 100% of the existing local bridge network.

The report outlines findings and estimated dedicated local funding needs. To read the full report, click the link at the top of the page. 

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