Apply for a Learning Community!
Thank you for your interest in Purdue University's Learning Communities!
Placement in a learning community (LC) is determined by a comprehensive review of all applications to create optimal learning environments for each LC. The LC placement criteria include elements such as the Purdue college, school, major and/or program to which you are admitted or enrolled, and space availability. While you can list multiple options on your Learning Communities application to increase your likelihood of ultimately being enrolled in a Learning Community, you should only list options for which you have serious interest. If you are interested in only one community, list that community only. Space is limited. Submitting an application does not guarantee placement in a Learning Community.
The application deadline for priority placement will be announced soon for incoming students. Students who apply for a Learning Community by the priority deadline should be notified of their placement status through their Purdue email account by the second week of May.
- Purdue in Indianapolis students will list their Learning Community preferences in their Purdue Housing Contract.
Offerings are subject to change.
This application DOES NOT REPLACE completing a housing contract with University Residences. If you want to live in a University residential space, you must complete a housing contract, regardless of whether or not you are applying for a Learning Community. You cannot be placed in a Learning Community with required residence in a residence hall if you have not completed a housing contract. Applying for a Learning Community and completing a housing contract are TWO SEPARATE PROCESSES. For more information please visit the housing website below.
Learning Community Courses
Most Learning Communities include a class component; to be eligible for a Learning Community, students must be eligible to take all the classes involved in a Learning Community. If placed in a Learning Community, students must take ALL of the associated classes; it is not possible to take only some of the courses in a Learning Community cluster. Thus, it is possible to be placed in a Learning Community and then earn AP credit for a course (Chemistry 11500 or English 10600 as examples). If students earn and accept such credit and the Learning Community in which they are placed requires the course for which they accepted credit, their situation will be reviewed at their request and they should discuss this with their advisor. This can impact housing placement if a student is required to or had planned to live with the Learning Community so be sure to review the online descriptions that include associated courses for each Learning Community and apply for appropriate Learning Communities based on your expectations regarding any AP tests you plan to take or any college credit you expect to be bringing with you to Purdue.
Learn more about Learning Communities available to you.
Incoming students to Purdue can apply from mid January through June 27th. April 15th is the priority deadline.