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Click on the college to which you have applied or have been admitted to see what options you may consider.

Purdue University in Indianapolis banner

Purdue University in Indianapolis

Purdue University in Indianapolis is an expansion of West Lafayette. It positions our students, faculty and staff in close proximity to top businesses and leading industries, providing new and unique opportunities. Explore the learning communities that are offered through Purdue in Indianapolis.
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College of Agriculture

Purdue’s College of Agriculture equips students to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. Fight world hunger. Safeguard food security. Develop renewable energy. Meet global issues head on, whether in your own backyard or half a world away.

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College of Education

From the time that you step onto campus, you’ll have access to opportunities that will make you a better educator and shape the way you view the world. Learn more about the experiences available to you through the College of Education.

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College of Engineering

Buckle up — Purdue engineering is a ride of a lifetime. During your first power-packed year, explore the limitless career options and zero in on the engineering specializations that fit you best. You’ll study side-by-side with world experts who have razor-like focus on your success — and you’ll have a blast on the way.

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Exploratory Studies

Exploratory Studies allows you to explore your options and interests before you select a major, giving you plenty of guidance along the way. We equip you to make informed decisions. Explore your options, Discover your strengths, Decide.
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College of Health and Human Sciences

Big opportunities thrive in the College of Health and Human Sciences. Curb childhood obesity. Protect the environment. Reform health care. Choose from several disciplines with one extraordinary focus — to improve health and quality of life.

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College of Liberal Arts

The inspiration-packed College of Liberal Arts buzzes with opportunities. Unparalleled classroom experience. Exciting research. Study abroad programs. Some of the best practical experience going with internships in business, not-for-profit organizations and government agencies.

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Mitch Daniels School of Business

The Daniels School of Business is a hot spot for opportunities. Explore the world with more than 100 study abroad programs. Gain leadership experience through business-focused student organizations. Put classroom theory into real-world practice with one of our case competitions.

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At the College of Pharmacy, you'll stretch the limits of what is possible every day. For more than 125 years, we have prepared the next generation of scientists who innovate, save lives, discover new drugs – and literally lead the way.

College of Science banner

College of Science

Students don’t come here to play it safe. They come here to change the world. Global warming. Infectious disease. Nanoscience. At the College of Science you'll work with fearless scientists who research, collaborate, teach – and make an impact.

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Purdue Polytechnic Institute

Welcome to the fast lane. At Purdue's Polytechnic Institute, you’ll discover how to harness the power of technology to have an immediate impact. From making a smartphone brilliant to creating video games to improve a child’s health, technology is the springboard for faster, greener and healthier solutions.

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The Data Mine

The Data Mine is a living, learning and research-based community created to introduce students to data science concepts and equip them to create solutions to real-world problems.

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These learning communities are not limited by college or major. Explore areas that may be new to you or further develop interests you already have. One of these learning communities might be the right fit for you to enhance your Purdue education.

Last modified: March 19, 2025

Learning Communities  HILL 1301 3rd Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 - (765) 494-2020,

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