Faculty and Staff

For Faculty and Staff requesting legal assistance on a university-related matter, please use our new matter intake form.
Guidance for Faculty and Staff on providing public, expert or fact witness testimony


University Code FAQs


Policy on Board Delegation of Authority and Responsibility to the Faculties


General FAQs

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions from Purdue employees, along with some helpful resources.

My department received a subpoena. What should we do?

The Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for responding to subpoenas served on Purdue employees in the course and scope of their employment. Purdue faculty or staff members who receive a subpoena should forward it to the Office of Legal Counsel as soon as it is received, and we will help ensure that the University's response is made pursuant to its legal obligations.

Will the University represent me if I get sued?

The Office of Legal Counsel represents the University, including University officials acting in their official capacities. Under the Board of Trustees’ policy on indemnification, University employees are eligible for a defense and indemnity against claims based on acts or omissions arising within the scope of their employment if they meet the required standard of conduct. While this standard is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, you will generally be indemnified and defended by the University if you have acted lawfully, in good faith, and in a manner you reasonably believed to be in the best interests of the University in the course of carrying out your official duties. For this purpose, “official duties” includes responsibilities that are part of your job description and authority as a University employee.

Can I share with others advice I’ve received from attorneys in the Office of Legal Counsel?

Please do not share communications occurring between you and the Office of Legal Counsel (or any attorney acting at the direction of Legal Counsel) with any third parties without checking with us first, so that we may protect the attorney-client privilege and any work product related to those communications. This includes, but is not limited to, any communications related to the evaluation of legal issues arising in a contract negotiation or in a potential dispute.

I have received a public records request. What do I do now?

Clearly state that you have no authority to receive, grant or deny any request for access. Instruct them to contact the Office of Legal Counsel at 765-496-3550 or publicrecords@purdue.edu.

I have been asked to accept service of a complaint in connection with a lawsuit. What should I do?

Decline to accept the papers and direct the individual to the Office of Legal Counsel. Do not accept service of any legal documents on behalf of the University.

If you have already accepted service in error, please contact the Office of Legal Counsel immediately.

Do I have authority to sign a contract on behalf of the University?

Do not sign a contract that may have the effect of binding the University until you have contacted either the Office of Legal Counsel or Procurement Services.

What other departments might be helpful for me as a Purdue employee?

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Office of Legal Counsel

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