G-1 - Plant one tree per day
Plant a total of 3,738 trees by FY25. This total number of trees was determined by doubling 1,869, which represents the year Purdue was founded. Trees are a critical element to creating vibrant, open spaces and healthy ecosystems. We looked to our past when developing the 1869 Tree Planting Master Plan by incorporating species native to our ecoregion and species that have evolved over centuries to thrive in our region of the state.
G-2 - Sustainable landscapes for all of Purdue
Deliver an update to the Sustainable Landscape Plan by FY22 to incorporate current best practices and leadership opportunities. The goal is to have 100% of grounds in alignment with the updated plan by FY25 as we continue to test and roll out innovative, sustainable approaches to open space maintenance.
G-3 - Double bike infrastructure on campus
Increase bicycle infrastructure by 100% by FY25, with FY14 as the baseline year. We will continue to prioritize pedestrians and bicyclists as we transform Purdue from a car-centric campus to a people-centric campus. Bicycle riding provides multiple scales of positive impact from basic health benefits to the reduction of air pollution for the entire community. We will strive to make it the default choice by continuously improving our infrastructure.
Visit the Grounds Initiatives webpage to learn about sustainability and our campus grounds.