Business and Finance Policies
Accounting, Budget and Expenditures
- Approval of Fees and Charges (EVPT A-18)
- Credit and Collections Operating Procedures
- Delegation of Authority and Responsibility for Making and Executing University contracts and Written Agreements (Except Employment Contracts) (EVPT A-19)
- Delegation of Authority and Responsibility to Members of the Staff of the Vice President and Treasurer (EVPT A-14)
- Delegation of Signature Authority for Approving the Obligation of University Funds for Procurements of Services, Supplies and Expenses, and Capital (EVPT A-35)
- Hospitality Expenses (II.A.1)
- Indemnification, Resolution of the Board of Trustees
- Individual Financial Conflicts of Interest (III.B.2)
- Moving Allowances (II.A.2)
- Payment Card Acceptance, Security, Compliance and Governance (S-1)
- Third-Party Use of Facilities (S-2)
- Travel for University Business (II.A.3)
- Charitable Donations to the University (II.B.2)
- Classification, Administration, and Reporting of Nongovernmental Support (II.B.6)
- Gifts, Gratuities and Recognition (III.B.5)
- Naming Facilities in Absence of Gift or Recognition of Service
- Repurposing and Renaming Named Spaces (S-21)
- Conditions Under Which Deductions from the Pay of Exempt Employees May Be Made (II.C.5)
- Effort Reporting (II.C.1)
- Salary of Administrative Officers Returning to the Faculty (II.C.2)