Performance Evaluations for Staff (VI.F.7)
Volume VI: Human Resources
Chapter F: Terms and Conditions of Employment
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Human Resources
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Human Resources
Date Issued: January 1, 2012
Date Last Revised: March 15, 2024
Statement of Policy
Reason for This Policy
Individuals and Entities Affected by This Policy
Definitions (defined terms are capitalized throughout the document)
Related Documents, Forms and Tools
Website Address for This Policy
History and Updates
Title/Office |
Telephone |
Email/Webpage |
West Lafayette HR Leadership and Organizational Development |
765-494-7383 |
Title/Office |
Telephone |
Email/Webpage |
Fort Wayne: Human Resources and Office of Institutional Equity |
260-481-6840 |
Northwest: Human Resources |
219-989-2251 |
West Lafayette HR Leadership and Organizational Development |
765-494-7383 |
Performance Evaluations are an integral part of the University's ongoing effort to encourage Staff to higher levels of achievement and service. Each Staff Member receives a written Performance Evaluation at least annually. Performance Evaluations are conducted within the context of a set of individualized performance goals and an individual professional development plan, which are periodically reviewed with the Staff Member during the evaluation period. Staff Members must provide a handwritten or electronic signature that acknowledges receipt of the Performance Evaluation; this signature does not imply agreement with the evaluation.
Performance Evaluations must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Establish mutually understood objectives for the coming Performance Evaluation period and identify how the Staff Member can contribute toward these goals.
- Capture the critical responsibilities of the position and identify the Staff Member's level of performance relative to those responsibilities.
- Capture key professional development goals and related accomplishments.
- Capture the Staff Member's skills and/or career interests as they relate to their position.
- Record the comments and signatures of the Supervisor and Staff Member.
Human Resources offers standardized Performance Evaluation forms and support tools. Each department has the option of using these forms and/or support tools or choosing its own. In the event the department chooses its own forms and/or support tools, the department must work in collaboration with Human Resources to ensure compliance with the aforementioned minimum requirements.
Each department maintains the signed Performance Evaluations in a centralized, secure location. Performance Evaluations are classified as sensitive information under Purdue's Data Classification and Handling Guidelines, and as such, they are maintained, shared and disposed of in accordance with the guidelines. A department must consult with human resources prior to sharing the written Performance Evaluation record with anyone other than the Staff Member, the Evaluator, the Staff Member's supervisor (if other than the Evaluator), the Unit Head, other individuals in the direct chain of command between the supervisor and Unit Head who have supervisory responsibility for the Staff Member, the departmental business office, and Human Resources.
Staff Members or Evaluators who believe that the procedural application of a Performance Evaluation did not meet the requirements of this policy may pursue remedies in accordance with the policy on Dispute Resolution (VI.D.1).
Purdue University strives to recruit outstanding Staff, provide them with timely and relevant evaluative feedback and encourage them to higher levels of achievement and service. Performance Evaluations are an integral part of the Staff development process. This policy helps to ensure that evaluations are conducted in a useful, feasible, accurate and equitable manner.
- Staff Members
- Anyone supervising Staff or engaged in the Staff Performance Evaluation process
This policy does not apply to faculty, students or non-benefits eligible staff.
Human Resources
- Provide Performance Evaluation training and policy implementation support.
- Ensure the availability of Performance Evaluation forms and tools.
- Analyze University-wide evaluation trends. Collaborate with Unit Heads to identify and resolve issues.
Unit Heads
- Ensure Performance Evaluations within their unit are conducted in consultation with Human Resources.
- Implement Performance Evaluations within their unit in consultation with Human Resources.
- Collaborate with Human Resources to identify and resolve any issues with the Performance Evaluation process or outcomes.
- When appropriate, appoint an Evaluator to conduct Staff Members' Performance Evaluations.
- Participate in Performance Evaluation training sessions offered by Human Resources and their department.
- Provide periodic feedback and coaching to the Staff Member and assist the Staff Member in establishing performance goals.
- Ensure that all Performance Evaluation ratings reflect the Staff Member's job performance and are supported by objective documentation.
- Communicate performance results clearly, objectively, privately and sensitively in a way that helps each Staff Member see the value of the evaluations in relation to the expectations.
- If the Staff Member's performance does not meet expectations at any time during the evaluation period, address the issue with the Staff Member directly and in a timely manner.
- Share results of the Performance Evaluation with the Staff Member and allow them the opportunity to append comments to the evaluation.
Staff Members
- Participate in Performance Evaluation training sessions offered by Human Resources and their department.
- Initiate communication with their Evaluator regarding ongoing job performance and status of goals.
- Acknowledge receipt of their Performance Evaluation by providing a handwritten or electronic signature.
All defined terms are capitalized throughout the document. Refer to the central Policy Glossary for additional defined terms.
The Staff Member's administrative supervisor. In the event the supervisor is unable to conduct the Performance Evaluation, the Unit Head may appoint an individual to be the Evaluator who has firsthand knowledge of the goals and requirements of the position and the Staff Member's job performance.
Performance Evaluation
The written assessment of a Staff Member's job performance during a specified period of time.
Staff or Staff Member
Benefits-eligible, full-time and part-time employees in positions classified as Administrative and Operational Support, Management, Professional, or Police, Fire, and Skilled Trades as defined in the policy on Terms and Conditions of Employment of Staff (VI.F.5).
Unit Head
An individual holding a position at or above the level of department head or director.
Sample Evaluation Forms and Tools (available through HR)
Guidelines and Policies
- Data Classification and Handling Guidelines
- Dispute Resolution (VI.D.1)
- Terms and Conditions of Employment of Staff (VI.F.5)
March 15, 2024: Policy reviewed, no substantive changes.
January 1, 2012: This is the first system-wide policy to address this issue.
There are no appendices to this policy.