The Institutes and Centers at Discovery Park District bring together researchers across disciplines to advance large-scale research that enable breakthroughs and drive innovations in support of solving the world’s most critical problems.
The interdisciplinary institutes and centers are managed by Purdue’s Office of Research. They are primarily located within the Discovery Park District, Purdue’s ever-growing mixed use innovation hub, and serve as a vital resource to the university’s campus-wide research enterprise as well as many outside private and public partners who wish to leverage the university’s world-class talent, state-of-the-art instruments and novel research techniques.
Institutes and Centers at Discovery Park District
- Birck Nanotechnology Center
- Purdue Center for Global Food Security
- Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)
- Institute for a Sustainable Future (ISF)
- Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN)
- Purdue Electron Microscopy Center
- Purdue Policy Research Institute (PPRI)
- Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute (PQSEI)
Health and Life Sciences Cluster
- Bindley Bioscience Center
- Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery
- Purdue Institute for Cancer Research (PICR)
- Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology and Infectious Disease (PI4D)
- Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience (PIIN)
- William D. and Sherry L. Young Institute for the Advanced Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals
- Eli Lilly and Company and Purdue University Research Alliance Center (LPRC)
Affiliated Organizations
- Center on AI for Digital, Autonomous, and Augmented Aviation (AIDA)
- Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR)
- Center for Secure Microelectronics Ecosystem (CSME)
- Emergent Mechanisms in Biology of Robustness Integration and Organization Institute (EMBRIO)
- Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP)
- Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI-NCO)
- Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC)
- Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE)
- Women's Global Health Institute
- Bindley Bioscience
- Birck Nanotechnology
- Burton D. Morgan
- Drug Discovery
- Gerald D. and Edna E. Mann Hall
- Hall for Discovery and Learning Research
- Purdue Electron Microscopy Center
Purdue’s rich history of interdisciplinary institutes and centers began with a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary building for nanotechnology research in 2001 and grew quickly, with two Lilly Endowment grants that totaled more than $50 million and other significant support from the state and private sources, to include six more buildings to support major interdisciplinary initiatives and Indiana’s economic development. By 2014, the interdisciplinary institutes, known then as Discovery Park Institutes and Centers, reached the $1 billion milestone in external sponsored research, private gifts and endowments.
Throughout its decades as the umbrella organization for Purdue’s interdisciplinary research institutes and centers, Discovery Park’s success stemmed from its dedication to advancing large-scale research across disciplines and moving research from the lab to the marketplace. It also provided development opportunities for early career faculty and researchers at Purdue and provided valuable collaborations, workshops and training opportunities.
Dan DeLaurentis, PhD
Bruce Reese Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Kaethe Beck

For questions or comments please contact us at: EVPRCenters@purdue.edu.