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Great Issues in Science

Curricular Outcomes: ability to think and function as a scientist and demonstrated breadth of knowledge

This important core requirement challenges College of Science students to apply their critical thinking and analytical abilities gained from engagement in their major area of study to the global conversation regarding the impact of Science on society and the ramifications of scientific advances.

Curricular Notice:

Courses which have been taken to meet the Great Issues requirement may not also be used to meet a student's Culture/Diversity or General Education requirement. AP, IB, and A LEVEL credit will not meet the Great Issues Requirement. Transfer courses from accredited institutions may be submitted to as student's advisor for review by the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.

If you would like to view the course description, please access the MyPurdue Course Catalog.

Archived Great Issues Courses

*Variable Title Great Issues Courses. Only the titles listed for a variable title course (ex. HONR 39900) are approved to meet the Great Issues requirement.







BIOL - Biology31200Great Issues Genomics &Society3
BIOL - Biology31800The COVID-19 PandemicSpring 20253
BIOL - Biology39500The Gene & Human SocietySpring 20253
BIOL - Biology48300Great Iss:Environ&Conserv Biol4
BIOL - Biology49500Data Science: Good Versus Bad*4
BIOL - Biology49500Energy Transduction 4
CHM - Chemistry49000The Nuclear Age*Spring 20254
CNIT - Computer and Info Tech49900Seminar in Global Policy Issues*4
CS - Computer Science36100Great Issues In Computer SciSpring 20253
EAPS - Earth Atmos Planetary Sci30100Oil !3
EAPS - Earth Atmos Planetary Sci32700Climate, Science & SocietySpring 2025, Summer 20253
EAPS - Earth Atmos Planetary Sci36000Great Issues Climate Chg SocSpring 2025, Summer 20253
EAPS - Earth Atmos Planetary Sci36400Natural Hazards: Sci & Society3
EAPS - Earth Atmos Planetary Sci37500Fossil Fuels, Energy & SocietySpring 2025, Summer 20253
EAPS - Earth Atmos Planetary Sci59100Models in Climate Change Science & Policy*5
HIST - History30701Hist Artif Intell:Minds & Mach Spring 20253
HIST - History31305Medical Devices & InnovationHumanities (H), Science Technology and Society (STS) Spring 20253
HIST - History35205Death, Disease & MedicineHumanities (H), Science Technology and Society (STS) Spring 20253
HONR - Honors29900Food Security*2
HONR - Honors31000Space-time!Spring 20253
HONR - Honors39900Biotechnology: Social & Ethical Issues*3
HONR - Honors39900History of Biotechnology3
HONR - Honors39900Human Redesign*3
HONR - Honors39900The Nuclear Age: Its Science, History, and Ethics*3
HONR - Honors39900Holocene*3
HONR - Honors39900Spacetime!*3
HONR - Honors39900Rise & Fall Of American Empire*3
MA - Mathematics27900Modern Mathematics In Science And Society2
MA - Mathematics32500History of MathematicsSpring 20253
MA - Mathematics49000History of Math4
ME - Mechanical Engineering49200Technology and ValuesSpring 20254
PHYS - Physics31700Special Nuclear Materials3
PHYS - Physics49000Data Science: Good Versus Bad*4
PHYS - Physics49000Sustainable Energy Sources*4
POL - Political Science32700Global Green PoliticsBehavioral/Social Science (BSS), JEDISpring 2025, Summer 20253
POL - Political Science42900Climate, Science and Society*4
STAT - Statistics49000Data Science: Good Versus Bad*4

Purdue University College of Science, 475 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 • Phone: (765) 494-1729, Fax: (765) 494-1736

Purdue University Indianapolis, 723 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202

Student Advising Office: (765) 494-1771, Fax: (765) 496-3015 • Science IT: (765) 494-4488

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