Giving to Science
Please contact the College of Science Advancement Team if you have questions.
Ways to Give | Donating |
Lilly-Purdue Alumni Scholarships The Lilly-Purdue Alumni Scholarships are supported by employees of the Eli Lilly Company who are also College of Science Alumni. The LPAS is a true full-ride four-year scholarship which includes tuition, fees, room/board, and books. LPAS is for students in Indiana and the surrounding states, is merit based, and is not gender biased.
College of Science Unrestricted Funds Gifts to the College of Science are used to meet today’s greatest needs. Gifts may be used to send an undergraduate student abroad, supplement a graduate student’s stipend or hire the next up-and-coming professor.
College of Science Scholarships Gifts to the Science Scholarship Fund provide undergraduate students, regardless of background, with the opportunity for a Purdue education.
Science K-12 Outreach Initiatives Gifts to the K-12 Outreach support the College of Science's work towards a more scientifically literate population. Gifts will be used to link the expertise of the College of Science faculty with students, teachers, parents, schools, and school systems through collaborative interactions. Contact Bill Bayley at (765) 494-5890 or |
Science Diversity Office Our Diversity efforts have three main prongs:
Women in Science Programs WISP ensures a climate in which women are allowed to reach their full potential by supporting young girls discovering their passion for science. ScienceScape, a residential camp, attracts pre-college females. The WISP undergraduate program supports the Earhart Living/Learning Community, Sophomore Learning Community, tutoring and mentoring. The WISP graduate program provides mentoring and travel grants. Contact Connie Kaspar-Brophy at (765) 496-6095 or |
Multicultural Science Programs MSP works to improve the retention and graduation of under-represented students by promoting their academic and personal growth. MSP provides service in the areas of advising, tutoring, and leadership development that give students the tools to develop academic discipline and other important qualities that will enhance their education and ultimately, their careers. MSP supports the Graduate Student Networking Group, AMSS/SOAR, MOE'S, STEM ABC, Science 100, and STOP. Contact Natasha Harris at (765) 494-1765 or |
Science Alumni Undergraduate Research Fellowship The Science Alumni Board has established an endowment to support undergraduate research opportunities, allowing student to explore and engage in research projects, conferences and symposiums.